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Applied Electronics (AERG)
Research will focus on areas of present and future importance, including :-
- power electronics
- control systems
- RF chaos
- general microwave and millimetre wave techniques
- satellite born h.f. radar
The Applied Electronics Research Group is a new group which draws on a wide
range of expertise in electronics. The focus of the group is towards
circuits and sub-systems from d.c. through r.f. to microwave, but also
encompasses investigations into the boundaries of system performance set by
fundamental, and technological limitations of constituent electronic
components, devices, and subsystems.
Specific current research projects include:
- advanced high power DC-DC converters for space applications
- chaos in power electronic systems
- computer simulation of DC-DC converters
- high frequency resonant power supplies
- non-linear electronics
- metastability in real time systems
- reliability of asynchronous parallel computers and networks
- non-deterministic computation
- chaotic traffic flow in networks
- radio frequency and microwave electronics
- wire antennas and matching
- phase lock loops; frequency synthesisers
- low phase noise techniques
- efficient multi-carrier amplification
- satellite born h.f. radar
- general microwave and millimetre wave techniques
- MMIC design; control systems
- digital control of multi-output d.c. converters
- active ripple filtering
- bang bang control by Laplace methods
- flux vector control of induction machines.
Modified: 18th January 1996