Undergraduate Courses
- B.Eng Courses
- B.Eng ISE Courses
- M.Eng Courses
- M.ISE Courses
- Industrial Training for Sandwich Students
- Engineering with a European language
UCAS Code: HH56, HHM6 & HH5Q
Note: The vast majority of first year work is common to all degree streams making transfer easy.
- Circuit Theory
- Computer principles
- Electronics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Industrial Engineering
- Mathematics
- Program Design
- Programming
- Semiconductor Devices
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunications
- Electronic materials
- Laboratory work
- Small group project work
- Communication skills
- One elective course
- Conventional Computer Architectures
- Engineering Mathematics
- Industrial Engineering
- Digital Circuits
- Linear Circuits
- Measurement & Instrumentation
- Finance & Marketing
- Power Electronics & Machines
- Programming
- Systems Analysis
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunications - theory & practice
- Telecommunications - computer & data networks
- Communication Skills
- Laboratory
- One elective course
Final Year B.Eng students complete a project of their own choice, and can choose modules for specialisation from the following (current) list:
- ASIC Design and VLSI
- Computer Architectures
- Concurrent Systems
- Control Engineering
- Declarative Programming
- Digital Signal Processing
- Electronics
- Formal Systems & Specification
- IC Design & Fabrication
Recent final year projects include:-
- Fractal planet.
- A Skier's Friend...ski locator.
- Heart rate detector using video images.
M.Eng Sandwich Degree Course Options
M.Eng sandwich courses in Electronic & Electrical Engineering are available with the option of studying a European Language (see course code HH5P & HHNP), and with two different modes of study.
Mode A (a 4.5 year course) is aimed at industry sponsored students, and leads to an M.Eng award and Associateship of the University of Surrey (AUS).
Mode B (a 4 year course) is aimed at unsponored students, and leads to an M.Eng award.
Note: The vast majority of first year work is common to all degree streams making transfer easy.
- Circuit Theory
- Computer principles
- Electronics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Industrial Engineering
- Mathematics
- Program Design
- Programming
- Semiconductor Devices
- Telecommunications
- Electronic materials
- Laboratory work
- Small group project work
- Communication skills
- One elective course
SECOND YEAR M.Eng. Degree.
- Conventional Computer Architectures
- Engineering Mathematics
- Industrial Engineering
- Digital Circuits
- Linear Circuits
- Measurement & Instrumentation
- Finance & Marketing
- Power Electronics & Machines
- Programming
- Systems Analysis
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunications - theory & practice
- Telecommunications - computer & data networks
- Communication Skills
- Laboratory
- One elective course
M.Eng students return to University during the Third Year and for the whole of the Fourth Year. Students will complete a project of their choice, and can choose specialist options from the following (current) list of modules:
- ASIC Design and VLSI
- Computer Architectures
- Concurrent Systems
- Control Engineering
- Declarative Programming
- Digital Signal Processing
- Electronics
- Formal Systems & Specification
- IC Design & Fabrication
- Machine Intelligence
- Microwaves
- Optoelectronics
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Power Electronic Switching & Design
- Software Design & Implementation
- Software Engineering
- Telecommunications
- Tels Networks Specification & Design
In their Fourth Year, M.Eng. students may also select advanced modules:-
- Advanced Computer Architectures
- Advanced Control Systems
- Advanced Electronics
- Advanced Software Design
- Advanced Telecommunications
Examples of recent final year projects include:-
- Fractal planet.
- A Skier's Friend...ski locator.
- Heart rate detector using video images.
UCAS Code: H630, H632 & H634
Note: The vast majority of first year work is common to all degree streams making transfer easy.
- Circuit Theory
- Computer principles
- Electronics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Industrial Engineering
- Mathematics
- Program Design
- Programming
- Semiconductor Devices
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunications
- Electronic materials
- Laboratory work
- Small group project work
- Communication skills
- One elective course
SECOND YEAR B.Eng. Information Systems Engineering
- Conventional Computer Architectures
- Engineering Mathematics
- Industrial Engineering
- Digital Circuits
- Linear Circuits
- Measurement & Instrumentation
- Finance & Marketing
- Power Electronics & Machines
- Programming
- Systems Analysis
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunications - theory & practice
- Telecommunications - computer & data networks
- Communication Skills
- Laboratory
- One elective course
FINAL YEAR B.Eng. Information Systems Engineering
Final Year students can choose specialist modules (biased towards software engineering) from the following list, and complete a project:
- ASIC Design and VLSI
- Computer Architectures
- Concurrent Systems
- Control Engineering
- Declarative Programming
- Digital Signal Processing
- Electronics
- Formal Systems & Specification
- IC Design & Fabrication
- Machine Intelligence
- Microwaves
- Optoelectronics
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Power Electronic Switching & Design
- Software Design & Implementation
- Software Engineering
- Telecommunications
- Tels Networks Specification & Design
Recent final year projects include:-
- Transputer control for mobile robot.
- Digital speech compression & storage.
- Space structure design using Prolog.
UCAS Code: H631, H635, H636 & H663
M.Eng I.S.E. (M.ISE) Sandwich Degree Course Options
M.Eng sandwich courses in Information Systems Engineering are available with the option of studying a European Language (see course code H635 & H636), and with two different modes of study.
Mode A (a 4.5 year course) is aimed at industry sponsored students, and leads to an M.Eng award and Associateship of the University of Surrey (AUS).
Mode B (a 4 year course) is aimed at unsponored students, and leads to an M.Eng award.
FIRST YEAR M.Eng. Information Systems Engineering
Note: The vast majority of first year work is common to all degree streams making transfer easy.
- Circuit Theory
- Computer principles
- Electronics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Industrial Engineering
- Mathematics
- Program Design
- Programming
- Semiconductor Devices
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunications
- Electronic materials
- Laboratory work
- Small group project work
- Communication skills
- One elective course
SECOND YEAR M.Eng. Information Systems Engineering.
- Conventional Computer Architectures
- Engineering Mathematics
- Industrial Engineering
- Digital Circuits
- Linear Circuits
- Measurement & Instrumentation
- Finance & Marketing
- Power Electronics & Machines
- Programming
- Systems Analysis
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunications - theory & practice
- Telecommunications - computer & data networks
- Communication Skills
- Laboratory
- One elective course
FINAL YEAR M.Eng. Information Systems Engineering.
Final Year students can choose specialist modules (biased towards software engineering) from the following list, and complete a project:
- ASIC Design and VLSI
- Computer Architectures
- Concurrent Systems
- Control Engineering
- Declarative Programming
- Digital Signal Processing
- Electronics
- Formal Systems & Specification
- IC Design & Fabrication
Recent final year projects include:-
- Transputer control for mobile robot.
- Digital speech compression & storage.
- Space structure design using Prolog.
Industrial Training has a number of advantages. A student can:
- gain practical experience that cannot be taught in lecture or lab;
- get a chance to apply knowledge;
- base final year option choices on some experience;
- if unsponsored, get the chance of possible final year sponsorship, and
employement on graduation;
- register 1 years training with the IEE (which will count toward becoming
a Chartered Engineer).