TradeWave About the Galaxy

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Galaxy was originally a prototype associated with the Manufacturing Automation and Design Engineering (MADE) program while TradeWave (then EINet) was still within the MCC research consortium. It was intended to explore technologies for providing large-scale directory services in support of electronic commerce.

Searching represents about one-third of the Web traffic at Galaxy. Our index includes only those pages actually submitted to us. We periodically re-index sites linked to by Galaxy. During this process, we discover (and fix, where possible) bad links. We also periodically search for the "we have moved" sort of pages, and repair those entries.

We employ professional information specialists to organize Galaxy and oversee the classification process. The web is actually *much* harder to classify than paper publications; people frequently lump unrelated information together or leave out important details like contact information.

Herein is a brief history of events in 1996...

February 23
Selected as Premiere Business site by Ventana Press

Internet Business 500 Premiere Site!

Changes and additions in 1995 are archived in a separate page.

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