

Information in Brazil

 - Escola Comunitaria de Campinas
 - Colegio Tecnico de Campinas
 - Anglo Campinas
 - Colegio Anhembi Morumbi
 - Colégio Modelo
 - Colegio Antonio Pedreira
 - The American School of Brasilia
 - Who's Who in Environmental Education
 - Sistema Pitagoras de Ensino
 - Museus - USP
 - Escola do Futuro (USP)
 - Eventos Culturais (USP)
 - Ciencia Hoje (SBPC)
 - O Estadao na Escola
 - Centro de Memoria - Unicamp
 - Objetivo
Quimica Geral - Classificacao Periodica dos Elementos
 - Biblioteca Virtual de Lingua e Literatura
 - Laboratorio de Software Educacional - EDUGRAF
 - Exposicoes Eletronicas - WWW do Alternex
 - Courses, Workshops in Brazil

Other Sites

 - WebMuseum (art)
 - Environmental Education on the Internet
 - AskERIC
 - Education: K-12
 - Educational Resources for Teachers
 - Computer as Learning Partner (CLP) project
 - The Virtual English Language Center
 - Peterson's Education Center
 - NASA Homepage
 - Mirrors of the Nine Planets
 - Participate in the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen (March 6-12, 1995)
 - K-12 + Servers
 - A K12 World Wide Web Project
 - Kids Web A World Wide Web Digital Library for Schoolkids
 - The Globe Program
 - WWW Servers for Education and Government hosted at CNIDR
 - Mathematics Archives WWW Server
 - Sea World/Busch Gardens Information Data Base
 - Ideas & Education
 - Highland Park Elementary School
 - CISCO Systems Inc. Educational Catalog
 - The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Education
 - Global Rivers Environmental Education Network

Related Information

 - Native Languages Spoken in Brazil an ethnologue
 - WWW Virtual Library - Humanities
 - WWW Paris
 - Amnesty International
 - Institute for Global Communications (PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet, LaborNet)
 - Greenpeace International
 - 1996 Centennial Olympic Games