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Computing Facilities

The computing facilities available to ICTP visitors include a network of computers, located across campus. At the main building is housed a cluster of IBM R/6000 580-590 machines that are only accessible for large research projects, along with a group of freely usable PC clones and the more powerful SUN-Sparc workstations.

A similar collection of machines is located at the Informatics Laboratory (AGH, Lower Level 2). All machines are networked to each other and to a set of printers based in both buildings, which includes laser printers for publication quality.

The number of available machines can decline significantly when requiered for the various colleges running at ICTP throughout the year.

For text processing, the TeX and LaTeX typesetters are running on the MS-DOS based PCs and Sparc workstations, see section Using TeX/LaTeX, while the larger (UNIX based) machines support programming (in C and FORTRAN, see section Programming Languages and Tools) and algebraic manipulation (Mathematica, see section Computational Algebra). Various public domain FORTRAN libraries are available to help with the numerics -see section Programming Languages and Tools.

Electronic mail is available -see section Communication: Electronic Mail for details. It is even possible to access remote machines for remote login and file transfer on the Internet - see section Frequently Asked Questions for details, and a modem link is implemented for access from institutes where the network is not presently available. ICTP is also a member of the international gopher and World-Wide Web services -see section Information Systems at ICTP.

A staff of around half a dozen (based in the main building) will help you along with the systems. Some documentation and tutorials are available which have been especially taylored to aid the user. For further information on these topics send e-mail to


Finally, in case you need to bring or carry home data to/from ICTP, keep in mind that we are able to deal with the following removable data devices:

We hope such facilities are adequate for your needs.

SCS-Scientific Computing Section 
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
P.O.Box 586, Trieste 34100, Italy

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