FIEO's Indian Exporters Directory
Welcome to the directory of all FIEO
You can search for companies in India which export or import specific items.
The search is a 2-step process:
- First select the category of the company (Exporter/Importer),
identify the Major Commodity, and then type the first few letters of
the Minor Commodity that you are looking for (to narrow down the search).
Select "Submit Form" to submit the query.
- This will give you a list of the specific Minor Commodities that
matched the search parameters. Here, select the specific Minor
Commodities that you are interested in, and submit the query. This
will provide you with a short-list of companies that match the
criteria. You can then get complete details for each of the
short-listed companies.
Example: If you are searching for all companies in India
exporting Basmati Rice, then select "Exporter" as the type of company,
"Foods" as the Major Category, and enter "Rice" as the minor
category. From the second form, select "Rice Basmati" as
the commodity. This will then give you a list of the companies which
export Basmati Rice. You can then get full details for each of the
Disclaimer: IndiaWorld has reproduced the data as provided by
FIEO. Neither IndiaWorld nor FIEO is responsible for any typos/errors which
might be there.
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