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ITU Telecom Information Exchange Services

What is ITU TIES?

The ITU Telecom Information Exchange Services (ITU TIES) is a set of networked information resources and services offered by the ITU. Information exchange implies that TIES supports a multi-way flow of information between members of the worldwide telecommunications community, rather than a simple one-way information access or dissemination services.

TIES Public Services

TIES Public Services, open to the general public without charge or registration, includes:

For detailed information see the TIES Guide for Public Services.

TIES Services for Registered Users

The goal of the TIES Services for Registered Users is to support the requirements for electronic exchange of telecommunications-related information by participants in ITU activities: Administrations and Missions representing Member States, standardization organizations, telecom operators, IT industries participating in the standardization process, UN and specialized agencies, libraries, researchers, etc. The services provided to registered users include:

For detailed information see the TIES Guide for Registered Users. If you are a participant in any ITU activity you can apply for a TIES account by filling out the TIES Registration Form and sending it to the TIES Helpdesk.

TIES Services for ITU Staff

The services provided include:

Access to ITU TIES

Some TIES Statistics (February 1995)

ITU TIES Helpdesk

For additional information, support and registration please contact:

Generated June 5, 1995