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Java(tm) Trademark Guidelines

The Java(tm) trademark and other Java derivative marks, such as HotJava and JavaScript (referred to collectively as the "Java Trademarks"), refer to Sun's dynamic new cross-platform, object-oriented programming technologies. These trademark guidelines are intended to help developers and writers refer to the Java Trademarks in connection with Sun's technologies, and with products that are compatible and/or developed with Sun's technologies.

If you want to refer to Java Trademarks in connection with products, services, web pages, or books or other publications, please refer to our Java Branding Policies, below.

If you're writing documentation, web page text, press releases, marketing collateral, or other written materials about Java-related technologies, please refer to the Java Trademark Writing Guidelines, below.

Java Branding Policies

These are Sun's policies for referring to Java Trademarks in connection with products, services, web pages, books and other publications:
  1. Product and Service Names
    Sun does not license the Java Trademarks. Please do not use them in the names of your products or services, or in any other trademark manner--e.g., "VirtualJava", "Virtual Java", or "QuickCompiler For JavaScript".

  2. Descriptive Java Taglines
    You can refer to Java Trademarks in descriptive taglines--e.g., "Java(tm) Language Version"--to your product or service names. The taglines must be descriptive, truthful, and accurate, substantially smaller than your product or service name, and must include the (tm) symbol. You must also include a legend on your product labels, online software screens, web pages, and other marketing collateral that says: "Java and other Java-based names are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and refer to Sun's family of Java-branded technologies." Here's a PostScript file showing some sample descriptive taglines.

  3. Java Powered Logo
    The Java Powered Logo is available to developers creating applets or applications using Sun's Java development products or Java Compatible(tm) third party products. For authorization to use the Java Powered Logo, please review and register your acceptance of the online Terms and Conditions.

  4. Java Compatible Logos
    The Java Compatible Logo is available under signed license agreement for developers of Java language compatible products that pass certification testing. Contact the Java Development Team for more information.

  5. Descriptive Titles

    You may refer descriptively to Java Trademarks in the titles of web pages, books, or other publications that concern Java-related technologies.

    These guidelines apply only to tangible materials distributed in the U.S. and to webpages served from servers resident in the U.S. International distribution of such descriptive titles may require special permission from Sun and is not permitted under these guidelines. Contact trademarks@sunlegal.corp.sun.com if you have further questions.

    5.1    The title must be merely descriptive of the material to which it refers. It will almost always require at least three or more words for the title to be a descriptive reference rather than a trademark use.

    5.2    The Java Trademark must be separated by spaces from the other words and followed by the (tm) symbol--e.g., Java(tm) Applets Review.

    5.3    Do not display the title in highly-stylized fonts, colors, logostyles, or in other ways that make it appear as a trademark, brand, or logo.

    5.4    Prominently display your company name or logo (or individual name, if applicable) either in the title, or in a byline or tagline to the title--e.g.,

                   WebMaster Inc.'s
                   Java(tm) Applets Review
    5.5    Since your title is merely a descriptive reference to Sun's Java Trademark, please do not claim trademark rights in or attempt to register the title.

    5.6    Include a legend on your web page or title page that says: "Java and other Java-based names are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and refer to Sun's family of Java-branded technologies. [TITLE OF YOUR WEBPAGE OR PUBLICATION] is not sponsored by or affiliated with Sun Microsystems, Inc."

    5.7    Do not use any Sun logos or logotypes in your webpage or other publication (except for descriptive reference to and display of actual screenshots of Sun's web pages showing such logos). This includes the Sun Logo, JAVA serif logotype, Coffee Cup Logo, and Duke icon.

    5.8    Follow the Java Trademark Writing Guidelines, below.

  6. Java Logos

    Sun does not license the Java Coffee Cup Logo, JAVA serif logotype, the Duke icon, or any other Java-related logos, except for the Java Powered Logo and the Java Compatible Logo. For more information, please review the Java Powered Logo Terms and Conditions, or contact the Java Development Team.

Java Trademark Writing Guidelines

These are Sun's policies for descriptively referring to Java Trademarks in the text of written materials relating to Sun's Java technologies or products that are compatible and/or developed with Sun's technologies.

  1. Use the (tm) symbol after the Java Trademarks at their first prominent use (e.g., book titles, headlines, paragraph headings) and first textual use in each document. For HTML documents, use the (tm) symbol at the first prominent and first textual use on homepages, top level pages, and all pages that are externally linked, i.e., linked from pages outside the immediate contextually-related document.

  2. Use the Java Trademark as an adjective that modifies the descriptive term for the technology or product to which you're referring, such as "Java(tm)-based applets", or "Java Programming Language", or "Java-compatible compilers".

  3. If you need to use the shorthand term "for Java" to describe a Java-related product in press releases or other documents, then: (a) "for Java" must always use lower case "for"; (b) the first reference must use the descriptive form "ProductName(tm) for Sun's Java(tm) programming environment"; and (c) subsequent references may use the form "ProductName for Java". You may not actually name your product "ProductName for Java" or claim "ProductName for Java" as a trademark. See Java Branding Policy No. 1, above.

  4. Do not use the Java Trademarks as nouns, in verb or plural forms, without initial caps, or in any other non-adjective or made up forms--e.g., "HotJavas", or "javatize".

  5. Put the following legend in each document that refers to a Java Trademark: "Java and other Java-based names are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and refer to Sun's family of Java- branded technologies."

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Copyright © 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA 94043-1100 USA. All rights reserved. For Java technical support, see the newsgroup comp.lang.java or send mail to java@java.sun.com. For problems with this web site, send mail to webmaster@java.sun.com.