Rapports internes et prépublications du LaBRI.
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J.F. Dindart.
Evaluation partielle : méthode offline et méthode à grain fin
E. Barcucci, A. Del Lungo, J.M. Fedou, R. Pinzan.
Steep polyominoes, q-Motzkin numbers and q-Bessel functions.
P. Boiron.
CSP et Théorème de Brooks.
M. Bousquet-Mélou, K. Erikson .
Lecture Hall Partitions
- 1106-96 J.P Braquelaire, A. Vialard .
A new algorithm for antialiasing of discrete regions
P. Moreau ,
Two Dimensional Thick-Skeleton morphing.
- 1102-96 P. Gloess .
Rapport de Synthèse Finale, Contrat DRET Numéro 90-217
M. Bousquet-Mélou, A. Conway .
Enumeration of directed animals on an infinite family of lattices.
J.P Braquelaire, L. Brun .
Comparison and Optimization of Methods of Color Image Quantization.
A. Arnold .
An initial semantics for the mu-calculus on trees and Rabin's complementation lemma..
A. Arnold .
A topological property of rational omega-languages.
- 1104-95 P. Moreau .
A technique for automatical restoration of damaged images.
- 1103-95 P. Moreau .
Integer Euclidian Distances Functions
- 1099-95 P. Cateran
Addition Chains: The proof
- 1098-95 O. Togni
Irregularity Stength on the Torus Grid.
- 1097-95 C. Micheneau .
GRIAP: a new ways to develop communications schemes in interconnections.
- 1096-95 A. Miniussi, R. Strandh .
An efficient Algorithm for Recognizing the Forward-Branching Class of Term-Rewriting Systems.
- 1095-95 F. Pellégrini .
SCOTCH 3.0 User's guide.
- 1094-95 G. Senizergues .
Large Semi-groups acting on context-free graphs.
- 1093-95 A. Rauzy .
- 1092-95 A. Rauzy, Genisson .
Efficient Horn renaming: yet a Davis and Putnam's procedure.
- 1091-95 W. Zielonka .
Infinite games on finitely coloured graphs with applications to automata on infinite trees.
I. Durand .
Deciding strong sequentiality of orthogonal term rewriting systems is in co-NP.
J.P Braquelaire, A. Vialard
Euclidean Paths: A New Representation of Boundary of Discrete Regions.
- 1087-95 D. Bégay, M.H Skubiszewska .
Two expressions of a semantics for Estelle using Synchronized Transition Systems: application to ATM Audiotel.
- 1086-95 A. Arnold, D. Bégay, J.P Radoux .
An example of use of formal methods to debug an embedded software.
- 1085-95 A. Bottreau, Y. Métivier .
Kronecker product of graphs and local computations in graphs.
J. Nesetril, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena .
Colorings and Girth of Oriented Planar Graphs .
- 1083-95 E. Sopéna .
The Chromatic Number of Oriented Graphs
- 1082-95 M. Bousquet-Mélou .
New enumerative results on two dimensional directed animals.
- 1081-95 M. Bauderon .
Parallel rewritnig of graph through the pullback approach.
C. Micheneau .
Disjoint Hamiltonian cycles in recursive circulant graphs.
- 1068-95 F. Kalhoff, W. Wenzel .
Matching and Delta Matroids with Coefficient.
- 1064-95 A.Raspaud, O. Sykora, I. Vrto .
Cutwitdth of the Bruijn graph.
G. Subrenat, C. Schlick .
Cylindrical Space Partionning for Ray-Tracing.
- 1066-95 A. Rauzy .
Binary Decision Diagrams and Fault Trees Analysis: A Tutorial Presentation.
(Projet industriel non diffusé).
- 1065-95 A. Rauzy, B. Sanscartier .
Aralia version 1.0 - User's Guide. (Projet industriel non diffusé).
P. Guitton, C. Wüthrich .
Fast Arbitrarily Oriented 3D slicing for Medical Imaging.
- 1062-95 P. Boiron .
Ordre d'évaluation pour la coloration de graphes.
- 1061-95 B. Barbar, K. Musumbu .
An Incremental Abstract Interpretation Algorithm for Prolog
A. Rauzy .
On the Random Generation of 3-SAT Instances.
M. Alabau, J. Roman .
Expressing massivly parallel algorithms for irregular data.
- 1058-95 M. Bauderon .
A uniform approach to graph rewriting: the pullback approach.
- 1057-95 O. Kone .
Modelling and testing time dependencies in system behaviour.
T. Metzemakers, D. Sherman .
MINGUS: un compilateur expérimental pour la logique équationnellle.
- 995-95 V. Gaudin .
XModèle 2.0-Manuel utilisateur
- 994-95 V. Gaudin .
XModèle 2.0-Manuel de Maintenance
- 993-95 M. Bousquet-Mélou .
Percolation models and animals.
P. Guitton, J. Roman, G. Subrenat .
A Parallel Method for Progressive Radiosity.
- 991-94 V. Albiero, E. Sopena .
Systèmes d'estampillage et Sytèmes d'interpolation
- 978-94 M. Salinier, R. Strandh .
Simulating Forward-Branching Systems
- 964-94 M. Desainte Catherine, K.Barbar, A. Beurive .
Incremental resolution of musical systems
I.Dutour, J.M Fedou
Grammaires d'objets
J.P Dubernard
Utilisation des grammaires algébriques et Q-grammaires en MAPLE
J.P. Braquelaire, P.Moreau
Construction exacte d'images de distance euclidienne généralisées et de diagramme de Voronoi généralisés
C. Ronse, P.Moreau
Génération de dégradés en infographie par extrapolation de fonctions de Lipschitz
M. Bousqet-Mélou
Sur les animaux dirigés 2D
T. Metzemakers
Optimisations de bas niveau dans un compilateur d'équations.
- 836-94 Y. Métivier, G. Richomme, P.A. Wacrenier Computing the closure of sets of words under partial commutations.
- 835-94 G. Richomme Decidability equivalence between the Star Problem and the Finite Power Property Problem in trace monoids.
- 833-94 C. Blanc, C. Schlick Easy transformations beween cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
- 831-94 J.C Leducq Optimisation des entrées-sorties structurées pour un système de logique équationelle.
- 830-94 M.M Corsini, A. Rauzy Toupie: un langage de programmation par contraintes pour
l'analyse formelle de programmes concurents.
- 829-94 A. Rauzy Using Binary Decisions Diagrams to Compute Prime Implicants: A Tutorial Presentation.
S. Chaumette.
Comparaison des groupes de processus et des notions associées pour la communication en PVM et MPI.
D.J. Sherman.
EM code semantics, analysis, and optimization.
D. Bégay, P. Crubillé, J. Dormoy, P. Félix, A.Griffault, J.P Radoux.
An experiment usig Mec: Eurotri, Physical layer Protocol, Implemented Version.
- 821-94 W. Zielonka. Asynchronous automata.
B. Courcelle, A. Pariès.
Mineurs d'arbres avec racines.
- 819-94
Y. Métivier, N. Saheb.
A characterization of medians and centres of polyominoes with an application to distributed computations.
J.-M. Fedou, N. Rouillon.
Polyominos et q-analogues des fonctions de Bessel, une preuve combinatoire.
S. Chaumette.
MTT, a light weight MulTiTasking library. Reference guide. - Release 1.0 -.
E. Sopena.
Computing Chromatic Polynomials of Oriented Graphs.
J.-P. Braquelaire, J.-P. Domenger.
Geometrical, Topological, and Hierarchical Structuring of Overlapping 2D Discrete Objects.
D. Barth, F. Pellegrini, A. Raspaud, J. Roman.
On Bandwidth, Cutwidth, and Quotient Graphs.
S. Chaumette.
GIM - A LATEX like language for building Graphical Interactive Manuals - User's guide and reference manual - Release 1.0.
- 812-94 M. Mosbah. Probabilistic Graph Grammars.
- 806-94 A. Rauzy. On the complexity of the Davis and Putnam's procedure on some polynomial sub-classes of SAT.
M. Billaud.
Opérateurs booléens séquentiels et logique multivaluée.
- 803-94 A. Raspaud, R. Labahn. Periodic Gossiping in Back-To-Back Trees.
- 800-94 O. Koné, R. Castanet. Formal Description of Test Systems.
- 799-94 R. Dirlewanger. Projet d'accès au réseau Internet par Numeris.
C. Schlick.
An Inexpensive BDRF Model for Physically-based Rendering.
C. Schlick.
A Survey of Shading and Reflectance Models.
C. Blanc, P. Guitton, C. Schlick.
A Unifying Framework for Geometrical Deformations.
- 791-94 A. Sossinski. Codage des Noeuds.
J.P. Dubernard, I. Dutour.
Enumération de polyominos convexes dirigés.
A. Denise.
Enumération de chemins dans le plan et dans l'espace.
- 788-93 A. Rauzy. Projet inter-PRC "Classes Polynomiales" - Rapport d'avancement des travaux.
- 756-93 M. Delest, J.P. Dubernard. A new coding for parallelogram animals.
- 755-93 G. Richomme. Some trace monoids where both the Star Problem and the Finite Power Property Problem are decidable.
- 751-93 P. Gloess, M. Oros Hernandez. Natural Deduction of Inheritance in DATALOG.
- 715-93 D. Amar, D. Brito, O. Ordaz. Balanced bipartite independent sets and cycles in bipartite graphs.
- 690-93 B. Le Saëc, C. Schlick. A progressive ray-tracing based radiosity with general reflectance functions.
- 689-93 P. Guitton, C. Schlick. An object-oriented approach for realistic image synthesis.
A. Denise.
Génération aléatoire et uniforme de mots.
- 625-93 D. Loeb. Games, Voting Schemes and Distributive Lattices.
- 587-93 M. Bousquet-Mélou. q-Enumération de Polyominos convexes.
M.-M. Corsini, A. Rauzy.
Toupie User's Manual.
A. Arnold.
The mu-calculus on trees and Rabin's complementation theorem.
- 584-93 A. Rauzy. A propos de la procédure de Davis et Putman, de Horn-SAT et de 2-SAT.
M.-M. Corsini, A. Rauzy.
First Experiments with Toupie.
- 579-93 M. Alabau. MPL : a data-parallel language for handling irregular data.
M. Bousquet-Mélou.
A method for the enumeration of various classes of column-convex polygons.
- 451-93 M. Delest. Mise en exploitation de la plaque régionale AQUAREL.
- 380-93 D. Saouter. New results on Calculability of Systems of Recurrence equations.
F. Pellegrini.
Bounds for the bandwidth of the d-ary de Bruijn graph.
- 356-93 D. Bégay. Modelling statecharts behaviour in a fully efficient way.
- 352-93 A. Belhala. Congestion Optimale du Plongement de l'Hypercube H(n1+n2+...+nd) dans la Grille à d dimensions GR(2n1, 2n2,...,2nd) - Optimal Congestion for Emedding Hypercube into d-dimensional Meshes.
I. Durand, B. Salinier.
Constructor Equivalent Term Rewriting Systems are Strongly Sequential : a direct proof.
J. Bétréma, J.G. Penaud.
Modèles avec particules dures, animaux dirigés et séries en variables partiellement commutatives.
- 345-93 R. Castanet, Koné. A case of Concurrent Canonical Tester Derivation.
M.-M. Corsini, B. Le Charlier, K. Musumbu, A. Rauzy.
Efficient Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Prolog by means of Constraint Solving over Symbolic Finite Domains.
E. Sopena.
Encoding Orientations of Graphs by Vertex Labels.
- 340-93 D. Barth. Embedding of Meshes of d-ary Trees into de Bruijn Graphs.
S. Chaumette.
Helios to Unix and Unix to Helios communication without Internet - H2U and U2H libraries - Release 1.1.
- 337-93 K. Barbar, K. Musumbu. Expressing abstract interpretation of Prolog by attribute grammars.
- 336-93 G. Shabat. On the cartographical normalisation of Grothendieck dessins.
E. Sopena.
A generative approach of graph relabeling systems.
- 331-93 F. Bergeron, S. Plouffe. Computing the generating function of a series given its first terms.
- 329-93 M. Bousquet-Mélou. Codage des polyominos convexes et équations pour l'énumération suivant l'aire.
- 92-79 J.M. Lépine, F. Rubi.
Allocation de ressources pour des applications massivement parallèles.
- 92-78 S. Chaumette.
Descripteur de problème utilisé dans l'environnement Adam (version 1.1).
- 92-77 M. De Sainte Catherine, K. Barbar.
Using attribute grammars to find solutions for musical equational programs.
- 92-76 E. Sopena.
Expanding graph relabeling systems.
- 92-75 J. Bétréma, D. Péré, A. Zvonkin.
Plane trees and their Shabat polynomials.
P.Y. Gloess, Y.N. Huang, M. Oros.
Définition d'un langage d'accès logique incrémental avec contraintes et types booléens pour une base d'objets.
- 92-66 Ph. Blasi, B. Le Saëc, Ch. Schlick.
Un algorithme d'illumination d'objets 3D définis par matrice de densité.
- 92-65 M. Alabau.
A new technique for automatically optimizing communications in a data-parallel approach.
P.Y. Gloess, M.-A. Oros, Y.N. Huang, C. Li.
On Boolean Feature Types.
- 92-58 I. Durand, B. Salinier.
Constructor Equivalent Term Rewriting Systems.
- 92-57 A. Belhala.
Congestion optimale du plongement de l'hypercube H(n) dans la chaîne P(2n).
- 92-56 M.-M. Corsini.
(Yet) an abstract domain and unification for accurate groundness and sharing analysis based on graphs traversing.
- 92-55 M. Alabau.
A deadlock-free algorithm for programming distributed applications.
- 92-31 G. Fan, A. Raspaud.
Covering a Binary Matroids by Three Cycles.
- 92-23 I. Durand.
Bounded, strongly sequential and forward-branching term rewriting systems.
- 92-17 M. Billaud.
Axiomatizations of Backtracking.
- 92-16 M. Billaud.
Operational and Denotational Semantics for Prolog with Input-Output Predicates.
- 92-13 M. Oros Hernandez, P.Y. Gloess, C.M. Li.
Etude bibliographique sur les extensions de la programmation logique vers les contraintes, la négation et les objets.
- 92-12 P. Charrier, J. Roman.
Partitioning and mapping for parallel nested dissection on distributed memory architectures.
- 92-06 B. Courcelle.
Recognizable sets of graphs : Equivalent definitions and closure properties.
- 92-05 C. Ronse.
Lattice-theoretical fixpoint theorems in morphological image filtering.
- 92-04 G. Melançon, C. Reutenauer.
Computing Hall Exponents in the Free Group.
- 92-03 A. Raspaud.
Short Cycle Covers for Binary Matroids with a Petersen Flow.
- P. Guitton, C. Schlick.
A Methodology for Realistic Scenes Description.
- D. Sherman.
EM Code semantics, analysis and optimization.
- M. Delest.
RENATER et la plaque régionale d'Aquitaine - Rapport Interne du Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine.
- J.P. Dubernard.
Utilisation des grammaires algébriques et q-grammaires en Maple.
- S. Plouffe.
Approximations de séries génératrices et quelques conjectures.