Lysator Academic Computer Society
Welcome to Lysator!
Lysator ACS is located at the
Linköping University
Our Web server is powered by a
Sun SPARCserver 1000!
Information about Lysator
- Here is some information about Lysator,
its members and
FTP archives
- Lysator's FTP server contains files of both local
origin, and mirrored from around the world.
MUD Games
- Muds are multi-user games. At Lysator we run three (Regenesis, Nannymud and Svenskmud).
Student Information
- Information for students at Linköping University, only
available in swedish at the moment.
The Rydnet Project
- A dorm network managed by students.
Project Runeberg
- Publishing free electronic editions of classic Nordic
literature and art.
The Science Fiction/Fantasy Archive
- A collection of SF and Fantasy reviews, bibliographies,
newslists, electronic magazines, artwork, an anime
archive and more.
- Some of the projects done by members of Lysator. Among
those are The Emma
Codelock, EnklX,
Spinner and
Programming in C
- A collection of information about and around the C language.
Electronic Texts
- Here is our collection of texts found somewhere in the
Lysator Universe
- If you are looking for even more information of any kind,
the Lysator Universe is the right place to look.
Lysators Lokala Sida
- Information about Lysator for its members, only
available in Swedish.
Feedback and Comments to: World Wide Web <>