World Wide Web

Within the last year or so, the Web has exploded in size, popularity, and usefulness. Today it is largely what newcomers think of when they think about the Internet. Whatever information you're looking for can likely be found on the web. You can also publish your own information, set up shop, operate a virtual office, play a game, do research, and many more things on the World Wide Web.

TMI's Web Space

Business Web
Businesses and organizations whose pages are hosted on Texas Metronet.

Personal Web
Our individual customers' own Web pages.

Web Services
We can put you on the Web, too. Here's how.

Web Tools and Resources
HTML and cgi info; the Perl Archive, and other useful web stuff.

Hot Spots
TMI's picks for some of the best links on the Web.

Dallas, Texas
Links to some useful and interesting spots around Dallas, Fort Worth, and Texas.