
"... client-server systems, which let desktop computers share powerful server computers, have become the dominant trend in computing."

Business Week, January 9, 1995

Designed to work together

The Microsoft BackOffice family includes five integrated "best-of-breed" components that work together whether running on a single server, or on multiple servers across your company's network. These components are:

Microsoft Windows NT Server
A multipurpose network operating system that can deliver application server capabilities without compromising file and print service performance.

Microsoft SQL Server(TM)
The high-end database platform at the center of a complete client-server archi-tecture for information management.

Microsoft SNA Server
Makes it easy to connect PCs to IBM® mainframes and AS/400® systems.

Microsoft Systems Management Server
The most comprehensive solution for managing networked PCs.

Microsoft Mail Server
The heart of a complete messaging system that makes it easy to communicate with anyone, anywhere.

All five members of the BackOffice family were designed from the ground up to work together. And they all share a solidly defined, solidly supported, truly open architecture: Microsoft's widely endorsed Windows® Open Services Architecture (WOSA). This unparalleled level of integration delivers significant bottom-line benefits:

Integrates corporate data with the desktop

Microsoft BackOffice is the core of the Microsoft business computing architecture for both desktops and servers in a distributed computing environment. Microsoft BackOffice servers store information securely. Microsoft Office products analyze and manipulate that information. Microsoft visual development tools help you build and maintain the overall system from the desktop.

With BackOffice, your personal computer users can get at information across virtually any network, including AppleTalk®, DEC(TM) PATHWORKS(TM), IBM LAN Server, NFS and Novell® NetWare®. Standard desktop computer access is enabled through published interfaces such as Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), Messaging API (MAPI), and OLE.

BackOffice can also access your IBM mainframes and midrange computers through Microsoft SNA Server, giving your desktop users easy access to legacy applications and data.

An open solution

Ultimately, openness is about choice and interoperability. Choice-because it allows companies to minimize costs and maximize flexibility. Interoperability-because in today's world no computer system is an island.

Virtually every company has multiple operating systems, multiple communications protocols, and multiple data storage formats. An open environment must support marketplace and committee established standards.

A smart investment

Microsoft BackOffice provides the lowest cost of purchase and operation of any major client-server application platform. Its support for a wide range of scalable, industry-standard hardware-including enterprise-sized symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems-lets you select the most cost-effective computer for almost any size of corporate application. Microsoft BackOffice also adds value to your existing computing investment by interoperating with all the systems that you have today.

BackOffice is designed to give you lower operating costs throughout the lifetime of your corporate client-server applications. For example:

Because the Win32 API and OLE object technology are strategic Microsoft system technologies, today's BackOffice applications will run on future Microsoft operating systems. This helps protect your investments in hardware and software while providing a clear evolutionary path to distributed computing. At the same time, this flexible client-server architecture lets you adapt business systems quickly to meet changing market requirements and provide information access to mobile users.

Mission-critical support and service

Microsoft, together with its Solution Providers and Authorized Support Centers, delivers the level of services and support that businesses need to confidently implement mission-critical systems built on Microsoft products. Microsoft Product Support Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to corporate customers and authorized Microsoft Solution Providers. "Server down" support, engineering "hot fixes," and routine maintenance releases are standard offerings.

Microsoft Consulting Services also provide architectural and design assist-ance through experienced consultants who are chartered to transfer their experience and in-depth knowledge in Microsoft technology, methodologies, and tools to Microsoft corporate cust-omers and third-party service providers. In addition, Microsoft Authorized Support Centers extend a full range of support to corporate customers, from "server down" response to business planning, support-systems development, and system deployment.

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