BSA - Business Software Alliance

The BSA is Microsoft's principal industry resource for anti-piracy efforts both around the world and in the U.S. As such, the BSA represents the majority of leading business software publishers including Autodesk, Intergraph, Lotus Development, Microsoft, Novell and the WordPerfect Applications Group, Sybase, Symantec, and The Santa Cruz Operation. Founded in 1988, the BSA curently has active campaigns in more than 65 countries around the world. Through their work, the BSA has been able to significantly improve the legal protection offered computer software.

Both at Microsoft and through industry alliances such as the BSA, Microsoft combats the problem of piracy through a three pronged approach: (1) public policy initiatives-including lobbying to strengthen copyright laws to protect software and/or increase penalties for infringement, and working with law enforcement agencies to encourage enforcing those laws; (2) education efforts-including localized marketing campaigns aimed at educating the public about the benefits of original software use, tradeshow participation, user seminars and hotline assistance; and (3) legal actions-against those engaged in pirating or counterfeiting software. A combination of these three initiatives has proven to be successful around the globe. In addition, specifically here at Microsoft, we've incorporated both overt and covert packaging measures to protect our products from counterfeiting attempts.

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