Updated: March 15,1996 TechNet Logo Go To TechNet Home Page

Wall Data and Microsoft's Connectivity Solution for Mainframe and AS/400 Systems-Contents

A Joint White Paper by Wall Data and Microsoft Corporation

icobrnchSNA Server and the Benefits of Using SNA Gateways
icobrnchRUMBA and SNA Server
icobrnchService & Support


Over the years, businesses have built up a wealth of corporate information on a variety of host computer systems -- information that's critical to their successful operations, but useless if it is not easily accessible to the right decision maker at the right time. These businesses have invested millions of dollars in corporate information systems, and millions more on the support staff and services required to maintain them.

Today, organizations continue to search for reliable and simple ways to provide host computer access for a wide variety of workers using PCs at their sites. In large companies, the computing and communications infrastructure seems to change almost daily just to accommodate these needs. In most cases, the physical connections are there already (LAN, WAN, and remote links to a variety of hosts), but the logical connection is still missing.

Business users simply want to get their job done. In general, they're not especially PC literate, and have little understanding of host systems. They don't want more technology. They want information, and they want it delivered in a way they can easily put it to use... regardless of the physical wiring... regardless of the host system... regardless of the network connection... regardless of the software application.


Users need on demand access to host data to accomplish specific tasks

Microsoft and Wall Data provide products that integrate AS/400® and mainframe systems with Windows® clients on virtually all major LANs. Microsoft's SNA Server provides LAN-to-Host access and takes advantage of Microsoft's BackOffice architecture. Combined with Wall Data's RUMBA® OFFICE for MS SNA Server client software, users gain easy access to the information they need no matter where it resides in the enterprise network.

For business, the combination of Microsoft and Wall Data products means a major increase in return on the investment they've already made in information technology. They don't have to retire their mainframe, install a new network or rewrite legacy applications.

This white paper presents the strengths and benefits of the integration of Microsoft SNA Server and the entire suite of Wall Data RUMBA products. Microsoft SNA Server and RUMBA were designed to:

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SNA Server and the Benefits of Using SNA Gateways


SNA Server integrates diverse LAN environments.

Direct Paths to Host Data

Efficient utilization of host resources requires not merely direct connection to host data but also a cost effective, reliable, and extensible method of host access. As stated in the overview, the goal is to provide end users with the data required for them to get their jobs done.

Historically, information technology managers have implemented the direct-connect approach to getting at host data. The direct approach consisted of initially providing end users with a coax adapter installed in a PC running a DOS emulation program. This approach indeed provided the end user with access to host data, but did little to take advantage of local area network-based resources. Over time, the direct connect approach was improved somewhat to include a Token Ring adapter in a PC running a Windows emulation program. This "improved" direct connect method was thought to provide a faster and more efficient method to access host data, while concurrently providing a means to make use of LAN resources.

Today, the vast majority of enterprises continue to utilize one of the two described methods of direct connection. Additionally, these organizations continue to use basic DOS or Windows emulation programs. The result is a base level of end user productivity. End users can get their jobs done, but at what cost? Organizations are beginning to realize that just connecting their users to sources of host-based data is not enough. The direct connect methods used to link PCs to mainframes and AS/400s are costly. Additionally, the quality of host access and the degree of flexibility afforded the end user in manipulating host-based data is low. End users demand more advanced tools for integrating host data with Windows-based data. LAN administrators require access methods that not merely co-exist with their various local area networks, but begin to integrate these networks into a more manageable infrastructure. Host administrators, who have taken on the highest burden in terms of labor and time creating and managing the direct connected users, require more efficient use of host networking and host systems.

Growing Network Diversity

Most LAN networking environments include desktops running one or more of the following popular operating systems: Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT™ Workstation, Windows 95, MS-DOS®, Apple Macintosh®, OS/2® and UNIX®. These same networking environments include a mix of LAN operating systems and protocols, including potentially any combination of: IPX/SPX®, TCP/IP, NetBEUI, Banyan® VINES® IP, and AppleTalk®, in addition to SNA protocols. Most LAN administrators wish to reduce LAN traffic by restricting usage to a single protocol that supports both network file/print/database/mail/systems management server access, as well as provides connectivity to IBM® mainframe and AS/400 systems.

Microsoft SNA Server and RUMBA OFFICE for SNA Server provide the integrating solution for today's diverse environments. Implementing SNA Server as an SNA gateway and RUMBA OFFICE for SNA Server as a solution provides obvious benefits to the LAN administrator as well as to the host administrator and end user.

Benefits to the End User

End users simply want to get their jobs done. They want host-based information delivered to them quickly, reliably and with no impact to their other computing needs, such as accessing LAN-based sources of data, printing to a network printer, using e-mail, etc.. The direct connect approach to host connectivity allowed end users to get their work done, plus it usually co-existed with their LAN usage. However, it also resulted in over-use of PC resources. Direct DLC-connected workstations caused instability, used up precious conventional memory, and required complex configurations to allow DLC to co-exist with the required LAN access protocol.

SNA Server increases stability, saves memory, and reduces complexity at the desktop by allowing the choice of only one protocol per desktop. In contrast, when connecting directly, the DLC (802.2/LLC) protocol is required for connection to the host, in addition to a LAN protocol.


SNA Server's client-server architecture allows for transport-independent host access using all popular LAN protocols.

Benefits to the LAN Administrator

SNA Server is designed to provide easier administration, greater security, and configuration flexibility.


Branch configuration - SNA Server provides the host link for remote clients. No configuration is required at the client desktops.

Benefits to the Host Administrator

SNA Server reduces the frequency of VTAM™ gen re-definitions, lessens host memory requirements, frees-up expensive host CPU cycles, saves network bandwidth, and provides high reliability for client access to host applications.


Centralized configuration - All host access is routed through SNA Server. SNA traffic is isolated to the data center while native LAN protocols are used on the corporate WAN.

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RUMBA and SNA Server

RUMBA OFFICE for Microsoft SNA Server Client Connectivity Software


This is the flagship in a family of client connectivity products from Wall Data especially designed for Microsoft SNA Server. It includes both Windows 3.x and Windows NT clients, and a RUMBA for Database Access applet to access AS/400 databases. RUMBA OFFICE for MS SNA Server can connect to AS/400 and mainframe systems via Microsoft's SNA Server.

The SNA Server client driver code integrated with RUMBA client software allows for a tightly integrated connectivity solution. The Windows 3.x and Windows NT mainframe clients included in RUMBA OFFICE for MS SNA Server allow customers to reduce migration costs, providing broad desktop flexibility.

The RUMBA for Database Access AS/400 Applet allows users to enjoy direct access to database information via any Microsoft ODBC compliant application. This provides easy integration of database data with Microsoft Office suite applications.

Single host versions of RUMBA for MS SNA Server are also available for users who need to just connect to either AS/400 or mainframe systems.

Wall Data Connectivity Product Benefits

RUMBA OFFICE for MS SNA Server provides the flexibility and scalability to take business users from where they are today to where they need to be tomorrow. More than just a bundle of different connectivity products, RUMBA OFFICE for MS SNA Server provides one common user interface that insulates users from inevitable system changes, eliminates expensive training and retraining, and exploits the intelligence of the PC to automate tasks and deliver information automatically.

Corporations have invested millions of dollars developing and maintaining applications that run on their own hosts in their own unique environments. RUMBA and MS SNA Server lets them better utilize those applications without exorbitant new development costs. They don't have to redevelop their existing applications around a new platform or new architecture.

They can deliver all existing host applications to users through a common desktop window, and continue to upgrade and enhance their system without retraining users every time a change is made. RUMBA and MS SNA Server provide a migration path from their legacy systems to a more cost-effective client/server architecture, while the business continues to reap return on their long standing information system investment.

Designed with the business user in mind, RUMBA products are loaded with features to increase productivity at the desktop. Toolbars, Hotspots, and Quickstep pads give point and click access to IBM AS/400 and Mainframe applications. Macros save time by automating repetitive tasks, and hotlinks ensure that Microsoft Office applications get up to the minute information from the host system. Mainframe and AS/400 users can now integrate host documents directly into Microsoft Mail in one easy step. With this new Mail feature, users save time re-keying or cutting and pasting information between applications.

New User Interface enhancements include a Configurable Toolbar with tooltips, User menu set up, and mail integration. Many of these enhancements parallel the new user interface features in Microsoft desktop products, paving the way for Windows 95. Less training and support is required for RUMBA OFFICE users, because of the familiar Windows interface.

Multiple SNA Servers can be located on backbone rings near the hosts in "pools" and configured for load balancing and/or hot backup, providing complete reliability. This eliminates a concern about single point of failure and balances the network load across the pooled servers.

RUMBA's use of the SNA Server's full connectivity to both Mainframes and AS/400s, through TCP/IP, SPX/IPX, Banyan Vines, or NetBEUI means that the user can fully utilize existing networks as well as support full routing and bridging through existing Wide-Area Networks. User's don't have to worry about the problems of routing native SNA.

Remote offices can combine file/print, IBM database, and host access services into a single Windows NT Server system. LAN clients can mix and match AS/400 and mainframe clients as needed to access host and database services.

Both SNA Server and RUMBA client software provide support for all the popular LAN network protocols, including IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, Banyan VINES, and NetBEUI.

Microsoft SNA Server client components will be available for Windows 95 when it ships. Powerful new RUMBA client software from Wall Data will be also available within 90 days of when Windows 95 ships, maintaining its edge as the most complete and user friendly means to access multiple hosts via Microsoft's SNA Server.

Direct Database Access via Microsoft Applications and RUMBA

The integrated applet in RUMBA OFFICE for MS SNA Server allows users to connect to the AS/400 through the MS SNA Server and access data from the DB2/400 (OS/400) database management system (DBMS) using Microsoft open database connectivity (ODBC)- compliant applications. Users can use the RUMBA Database applet in conjunction with Excel using MS Query, Access, and Visual Basic. For example:

Beyond the Enterprise Network

RUMBA for the Internet, an add-on feature, provides users with the ability to easily access the Internet. Now RUMBA and Microsoft takes the business user beyond their enterprise network and gets them connected to customers, partners and useful business information. To browse the World Wide Web, get the latest news, download new software and information, and send mail worldwide. All with a simple point and click Windows interface.

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Service & Support

Onestep Service & Support

Offload support and development tasks to product experts, free up internal support staff, deliver better service to users, and improve turn-around. Onestep Service and Support program provides the flexibility to support help desks or individuals. You choose the service option that best fits your internal support organization and the number of users you have. Onestep Training Services help users obtain the highest performance possible from RUMBA software products, maximize user productivity, and increase your return on investment.

Wall Data is a Microsoft Solution Provider Partner, and a member of Microsoft's Premier Support Program. Wall Data provides technical support from our in-house Microsoft Certified Professionals. Wall Data's expertise in SNA and enterprise connectivity will provide the pre-sales and support needed to help with your RUMBA and Microsoft SNA Server solution.

Concurrent with the roll-out of the RUMBA for MS SNA Server Product Suite, Wall Data and Microsoft are providing a joint partner program designed to help mutual customers quickly gain the advantages of combining MS SNA Server with the RUMBA for MS SNA Server products.

The new program provides the following resources and tools:

A special 800 number 1-800-95-RUMBA has been installed in North America to assist customers with matching Wall Data and Microsoft pre-sales resources to properly design RUMBA/SNA Server systems.

The Microsoft/Wall Data connectivity partnership offers the most complete integration of multiple hosts with multi-vendors' LANs running Windows clients. All of the products and services described previously are available today.

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Today, critical information to help users get their job done comes from many different places. Within the corporation, information comes from existing legacy applications as well as new distributed client server applications. Today's competitive climate is forcing companies to streamline production and reduce overhead. Companies are looking for a solution that provides easy integration and coexistence with current applications and systems. Together, RUMBA and Microsoft SNA Server provide a reliable, scaleable, and flexible solution for enterprise networks that reduce IS costs while increasing profitability.

For more information:

Contact your local Microsoft office or a Microsoft Solution Provider near you. In the United States, call (800) 426-9400 for product information or to locate a Microsoft Solution Provider. In Canada, call (800) 563-9048. Outside the United States and Canada, call your local Microsoft subsidiary or (206) 936-8661. Via the Internet, use: http://www.microsoft.com.

Wall Data is headquartered in Kirkland, Washington, with 65 offices throughout the world.

Contact Wall Data at 1 (800) 48-RUMBA in North America, in the United Kingdom; in France; 49.89.321.40.20 in Germany; 61.2.416.0603 in Australia and 1-206-814-WALL from other international countries.

Wall Data is on the World Wide Web at http://www.walldata.com.

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