Updated: December 15, 1995

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PSS Focus of the Month:MacWord Configuration & Performance Tips & Tricks

Welcome to the second installment of the PSS focus of the Month - a monthly feature on the TechNet CD brought to you by Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). PSS is the primary support organization for Microsoft products world wide. Each month in this column we'll explain several support issues that PSS engineers feel are important for corporate and support customer to know about, and we'll point you toward the relevant Knowledge Base articles, Application Notes, Whitepapers, resource kits and other information on TechNet to help provide you with trouble shooting tips, workarounds, background information and advice.

Product: Microsoft Word version 6.0 for the Macintosh

Topic: MacWord Configuration & Performance Tips & Tricks

Issue Summary

The Knowledge Base articles in this focus group cover performance enhancements for Word for the Macintosh.

Q numbers and titles of Knowledge Base articles on TechNet

OLE: Optimizing Memory Allocation for Use with OLE Documents
Enter in search, article #-

MacWord 6.0 FastTip: Setup & Performance Optimization
Enter in search, article #-

MacWord 6.0: Optimizing Your Mac System Configuration
Enter in search, article #-

Query Knowledge Base

Other TechNet CD Resources

Microsoft Word 6.0 Resource Kit (Second Edition)

White Paper: MacWord Performance Optimization

White Paper: Resolving INIT/CDEV Conflicts

Background information resources on the TechNet CD

Developing Applications for the Macintosh with Word 6.0

What's new in MS Word 6.0 for the Macintosh

Beyond Platforms: Microsoft Office 4.2 for the Macintosh

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