Whether you're a student or just interested in finding out about the world, I have some ideas for you. Click one of the World Atlas Investigations below to learn more about life around the world.
Take note teachers: These global investigations make great assignments. I've put together a detailed lesson plan for each one of the investigations, which you can use in your classroom. See the To the Teacher page to find out more about how students can learn with Encarta World Atlas.
Why Are Cities Where They Are?
- Did people like the weather in a specific location? Did they want to be near a river so they could transport themselves and all their stuff? Use Encarta World Atlas to learn about the history of major cities. Find out how geography affects people's choices today. Which city would be a good place to hold a rock concert? Which city makes a perfect setting for a novel?
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
- You know, it's been almost 140 million years since I've seen my old dinosaur friends, and I really miss 'em. Nobody tells a joke like a huge, long-tailed reptile! I can't afford to lose any more of my pals, so I'd like to tell you more about the wildlife on planet Earth. Find out how the changes all around us affect them. Learn more about these species, and why they are in danger of becoming extinct. Create a poster that illustrates what you discover.
Teenagers Around the World
- Pull out your reporter's notebook and go on assignment for a teen magazine. Find out what you have in common with teenagers around the world and write an article that brings them to life.