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Do PowerPoint for Windows 95 files retain all of their special effects when you save them in PowerPoint 4.0 format?

What is 'Presentation Conferencing'?

How does Black And White view work?

What issues should I be aware of regarding the new PowerPoint Viewer?

Where can I receive technical support for PowerPoint for Windows 95?

How does PowerPoint for Windows 95 support greater interoperability between Microsoft Windows-based programs?

What features does PowerPoint for Windows 95 include that makes it easy to learn and use?

What's new in PowerPoint for Windows 95?

What are the system requirements for PowerPoint for Windows 95?

AutoClipart is an excellent tool for adding topic-related clipart to my presentation. Can I customize the list of words it uses to search for clipart?

Can I still use .lst files with PowerPoint for Windows 95?

How can I ensure optimum performance in PowerPoint for Windows 95?

How much hard disk space is required for PowerPoint for Windows 95, version 7.0?

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