The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step...
or a single click.

n Windows®  95, the path to discovery begins with the Start button. Press it and a powerful new era in computing unfolds. In this era, people will be more connected to information--and more connected to each other--than ever before.

For Microsoft, it represents another step and yet another beginning.

Twenty years ago, our company was founded on a simple, but profound idea: A computer on every desk and in every home.

In our pursuit of that vision, we have grown, changed, adapted, and reinvented ourselves--to meet the challenges of our competition, to take advantage of innovation, and to deliver on the dreams and demands of our customers.

This year, we're starting by introducing a new operating system. In the enterprise and in the home, we are extending the power and reach of the ever-changing personal computer, speeding its entry into the world of electronics communication and commerce, and laying the groundwork to carry computing to yet another generation.