You'll find these ideas useful for integrating one or more Microsoft
Home titles into your curriculum.
- Mini Unit on Art
Learn how Ancient Lands, Art Gallery, Encarta, Fine Artist and
The Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright software programs can inspire
creativity, promote problem-solving, enhance communication skills,
dissolve language barriers, and offer enless ways to integrate
your curriculum using Art.
- Mini Unit on Music
Discover how Microsoft Musical Instruments, Microsoft Encarta,
How the Leopard Got His Spots, and the Composer Collection can
help you integrate your curriculum by teaching with music.
- Mini Unit on Science
Learn how well some exciting CD-ROM titles from Microsoft Home
can supplement your science curriculum.
- Sparking Student Creativity: An Idea Book for Teachers
Microsoft Works, Microsoft Publisher, Creative Writer and Fine
Artist all make it easy and fun for students
to organize information and express themselves in words and images.
- Using CD-ROMs in the Library Media Center
Discover how CD-ROM is transforming school libraries and media
centers, changing the way students learn, and giving new meaning
to the role of the school librarian.
- Turning Your School's Library into a (Multi) Media Center
Learn how to update your library media center with the latest
in multimedia technology.
- Microsoft Home Example Activities
Step through simple demonstrations of products in the Microsoft
Home collecion.
- Multimedia StoryTime - A Resource Guide
How to implement Multimedia Storytelling to stimulate learning,
imagination, and excitement about culture, history, science, and
the future.