Solutions for your growing

    Here You'll Find
    Where to find help acquiring, building, and implementing a Microsoft solution
    Microsoft software licensing for business savings
    Special Offers For Your Business
    These offers are especially designed for small businesses and are available for a limited time only:

    Software Value Packs
    Available at your local computer store or reseller

    Microsoft Word & Publisher
    Value Pack (CD format) for $129* ($179 Canadian)

    Directed at everyone in small business who needs publishing tools for producing great looking documents.

    • Includes Word for Windows 95 and Publisher CD Deluxe for Windows 95

    Home & Small Business Value Pack (CD format) for $249* ($349 Canadian)
    Provides you with the power of Microsoft’s two leading applications (Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel) along with an attractive set of publishing tools and a strong set of CD-ROM based reference tools.

    • Includes Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Publisher CD Deluxe & Bookshelf ’95, all for Windows 95
    • Also includes a $40 in-box rebate coupon for existing users of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel *estimated retail price

    Small Business Seminars &
    The Free Internet Jump Start Kit

    Attend either the Small Business Solutions Seminar or the Networking for Small Business Seminar hosted by a Microsoft Solution Provider in your local area and receive information on how to get your free Microsoft Internet Jump Start Kit. The kit includes valuable tools to getting started doing business on the Internet beyond just yourself! To find the seminar nearest you, call (800) 60SOURCE.

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Leverage The Internet
    Where to Purchase and Find Solutions
    This information will put you in touch with the people that can help you acquire, build, and implement a Microsoft solution that meets your business needs. You can also contact a Microsoft representative directly for immediate assistance by calling (800) 60SOURCE.

    Microsoft Resellers
    Microsoft can put you in touch with the people that can help you acquire, build, and implement a Microsoft solution that meets your business needs. Call now for immediate assistance at the Microsoft Small Business Resource customer hotline (800) 60SOURCE.

    Microsoft Solution Providers
    If you need assistance identifying a solution that meets your business needs, evaluating products, and implementing a solution, a Microsoft Solution Provider can help. Solution Providers are trained by Microsoft and are available to answer questions and service businesses such as yours.

    In addition, there are Microsoft Solution Providers who act as Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These companies can provide services such as business connections to the Internet, creation and hosting of Web sites, and other Internet or Web related needs.

    You can locate a Microsoft Solution Provider or Microsoft Solution Provider ISP in your area by calling the Microsoft Small Business Resource hotline.

    Microsoft Open License
    The Microsoft Open License option is best suited for small businesses. It is designed for organizations with 25 or more personal computers. Microsoft Open License is part of the Select program, a comprehensive volume software purchasing program that can reduce the total cost of software ownership and help reduce the risk of piracy within an organization.


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