info for creators    Information for type creators


These tools were designed for use at Microsoft, and are unsupported externally. Microsoft makes no claims and holds no liability regarding the external use of these tools. These tools are copyrighted. Redistribution is restricted.
    TrueType specifications and tools are also available on the Microsoft ftp site:

TTFDump is a console (command line) tool that dumps the contents of TrueType font files. TTFDump parses and labels the contents of the tables and subtables in a font, making the data more readable. Using TTFDump, you can dump specific tables and data for specific glyphs. TTFDUMP exists in both 16 and 32 bit versions.

Download TTFdump (16bit) and documentation - [0.08Mb]
Download TTFdump (32bit) and documentation- [0.08Mb]

TrueType Open Assembler
Two DOS utilities, TrueType Open Assembler (TTOAsm) and TrueType Open Disassembler (TTODasm), work together to aid in the creation, modification, and verification of TrueType Open (TTO) tables. TTOAsm accepts TrueType Open table data in text format and then assembles that data into a binary TrueType Open table file. A separate utility, AddTable, can be used to add the binary output file to a TrueType file.

Download the assembler and documentation - [0.08Mb]
Download sample files - [0.2Mb]
Download AddTable tool and documentation - [0.01Mb]

A 32-bit Windows tool used to test TrueType fonts. The tool validates hinting instructions in TrueType fonts, checking flags and arguments for a set of glyphs over a set of sizes.

Download Flint and help file - [0.27Mb]

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this document last updated 10 March 1996
© 1996 Microsoft Corporation. all rights reserved.
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