Welcome to all new users!

Your full documentation and instructions will be in the mail shortly, but in the mean time this may get you started on your way to enjoying the Internet.

One of the most popular Internet features is the The World Wide Web.

You are currently using the World Wide Web (Congratulations!) using a browser called Netscape.

The World Wide Web uses something called Hypertext as a short cut to navigate from place to place. Any time you see a word underlined and in color, you can click on that word and go to another Web page that contains more information on that subject.

Try this test.

Now that you have that trick mastered notice the Back, Forward, and Home buttons at the top of the Netscape screen. Back does just that - it takes you Back to the last Web page you visited. Forward goes forward, and Home will always bring you back to the MindSpring Homepage so you can never get lost.

So now you are ready to go!

Here are some interesting links to get you started.

Don't forget to check your E-mail from the control panel.

Back to the MindSpring HomePage.


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