As Womens Studies is such a broad non-traditional
transdisciplinary field, sources for research are not always easy to
find. One usually has to consult several different sources in order to
find adequate material for Womens Studies research. One source of
information is the Internet. What follows is a description of the
Internet and some of the resources and search-tools it provides, along
with some tips on how to search for sources on women. Keep in mind as
you try out the different addresses that during normal working business
hours some of the services may be working at their maximum capacity
(with so many people signed-on at one time) and you may not be granted
access. It is best to try in the evening, when there are not as many
people using the servers.
The Internet is an international web of computer networks which
includes federal, regional, campus and international networks. The
Internet offers a wide range of services i.e. electronic mail, bulletin
boards, file transfer, remote login, index programs, etc. It is
important to remember that the Internet is very large and offers a wide
variety of information on just about any topic you can think of. What
you will need to do is learn the ways to filter out the information you
need from this huge network of information. Good Luck!
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