A Teaching and Research Institute of McGill University
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Montreal Neurological Institute
The Montreal Neurological Institute is an institute dedicated to the
study of the brain and of the nervous system. It is affiliated with
McGill University; all MNI
researchers hold teaching positions at the University. At the MNI,
basic scientists---those working purely on research---interact closely
with clinical scientists treating patients at the MNH. The MNI is a
world leader in epilepsy research and treatment, and was instrumental
in developing such important medical tools as electroencephelography
(recording the electrical activity within the brain) and 3-D imaging
techniques for neurosurgery.
- Richard A. Murphy, PhD
- Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Director of Communications:
- Victor Swoboda
Total staff: 353
- Academic faculty: 76
- Non-academic staff: 86
- Graduate students: 96
- Post-doctoral students: 58
- Residents: 37
Research units:
Montreal Neurological Hospital
The Montreal Neurological Hospital is a teaching hospital of McGill University. The MNH specializes
in treating patients who have chronic diseases of the nervous
system---epilepsy, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, among many
others---as well as injuries to the spine and to the brain. Most MNH
nurses have advanced training in neuroscience. MNH clinicians share
their experience in patient care with MNI research scientists seeking
the causes and cures of neurodiseases.
Executive Director: Mrs. Joy Shannon
Total staff: 650
- Nurses: 171
- Doctors: 43
- Residents: 40
- Others: 396
Number of hospital beds: 135
Number of patient-visits a year: 18,500
Annual operating budget: $26 million.
Clinical departments:
Volunteer organization: The Friends of the Neuro
Also available: an overview
of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital.
last updated: 1 Nov 1995