Image-Guided Neurosurgery Lab
Director: Terry Peters PhD FCCPM
Consultant/Research Associate:
Bruce Davey, PhD (ISG Technologies)
Research Assistant:
Rob Flanz
Graduate Students:
- Patrice Munger M.Sc
- Roch Comeau M.Sc
- Michel Audette M.Eng
- Laura Pisani B.Sc
- Majd Bakar B.Eng
- Mike Sinasac B.Eng
- Reza Kasrai B.Sc
Current Projects
- MR Image acquisition for surgical guidance:
The acquisition of high resolution images with rigorous
geometrical accuracy.
- Image-guided Neurosurgery (IGNS):
Techniques for real-time guidance of the surgeon in the operating
room based on 3-D images of the brain reconstructed from multiple
- Stereoscopic Visualization:
Development and evaluation of effective means of displaying
3-D images stereoscopically to the surgeon.
- Multi-modality imaging for IGNS:
The effective integration, in a stereoscopic environment, of 3-D
images from multiple modalities, including means of objectively
comparing images of the same phenomenon (e.g. angio) from
various modalities.
- Integration of stereoscopic video with IGNS:
Integration of the real world (surgical instruments; what the surgeon
actually sees) with the model world (computer reconstructed 3-D
images of the brain)
- Ultrasound Guidance for Neurosurgery:
The use of intra-operative 3-D ultrasound, correlated with the
3-D MRI models, to track the movement of tissues within the brain
during surgery.
- Accuracy issues in IGNS:
An assessment of the sources of error in IGNS, and the
development of techniques, including fiducial frames, to
minimize such errors.
- Integration of EEG maps with IGNS:
Treating the surface voltages sampled by EEG as an imaging
modality and integrating the resulting dynamic voltage maps with
the 3-D intra-operative MR images.
Research Examples
Terry Peters
last updated: 13 Oct 1995