Ray Strange initiates a SQUID experiment

	Dale Van Harlingen
        Email:  vanharlingen@uimrl7.mrl.uiuc.edu

	Ray Strange (Technician)
	Email:  strange@uimrl7.mrl.uiuc.edu

This facility, also known as the Magnetic Characterization Facility (MCF), consists of three SQUID-based magnetometers, a 5T unit, a low-field (<0.5 uT) instrument and a 7T SQUID unit. The low field instrument permit the measurement of ac susceptibility in fields up to 1 T and over a frequency range from 1 mHz to kHz.

These instruments allow a variety of magnetic measurements to be made over the temperature range of 4 - 300 K and with AC or DC magnetic fields of < 0.5 uT and up to 7T. A large variety of specimen types can be accommodated and special expermental arrangements can be made.

The Magnetic Characterization Facility has long played a crucial role in the characterization of single crystal superconductors prepared and investigated by members of the Superconductivity IRG. Virtually every sample investigated, whether by tunneling, microwave, or transport measurements is first carefully studied in the MCF to determine studies of the scaling of the fluctuation magnetization of various samples .