
ECSCW '95 - The Fourth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Stockholm, Sweden, September 10-14, 1995

Latest update of this page: October 21, 1995, by Yngve Sundblad, Conference Chair, <yngve@nada.kth.se>

ECSCW '95, the fourth biannual European Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative Work, and the CSCW research conference of 1995, is now over but

Conference material is still available and can be purchased at the following prices plus postage:

from the ECSCW95 secretariat:
Paper mail: JoAnn Gerdin, IPLab, NADA, KTH, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Email: ecscw95@kth.se or joann@nada.kth.se
Fax: +46-8-102477
Phone: +46-8-7900930

Thanks are due to all that made ECSCW'95 possible:

Next year, November 16-20, 1996, North America, in the form of Boston, Massachusetts, welcomes you to CSCW'96

And in September, 1997, the 5th ECSCW will be held in Lancaster, UK