IRIS Explorer
IRIS Explorer is a powerful
yet easy-to-use sophisticated
visualisation system with a user environment that allows users and
application developers to build complex applications for visualising
sets of data.
Template Graphics Systems
NAG is a distributor of the graphics software products from Template Graphics Systems.
These products include implementations
and utilities for PHIGS, GL, OpenGL, Inventor and Open Inventor.
NAG Graphics Library
The NAG Graphics
Library is a collection of over 100 carefully designed routines
which provides the Fortran 77 programmer with a convenient and
versatile means of producing a graphical representation of numerical
or statistical results. It is used worldwide in commerce, financial
modelling, industry, academic research and many other areas, and is
available for a wide spectrum of machines from supercomputers to
Personal Computers.
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Last modified: Fri Mar 15 13:45:45 1996
Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1995