NewsPage Sources
NewsPage searches through about 500 information sources every business
day, filtering out and keeping only the news stories relevant to our
readers. These sources are listed below, sorted into industry and
regional categories.
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Source Listings by Industry & Region
Accounting & Legal
Aerospace & Defense
Computing & Electronics
Consumer Electronics
Energy & Fuel
Environmental Services
Financial Services
Forest Products
Regional Business
Business Law Europe
Commercial Policy Guide
East European Business Law
World Accounting Report
World Tax Report
Air Safety Week
Aircraft Value News
Airline Financial News
Airline Marketing News
Asian Aviation News
BMD Monitor
C/R Airline News International
C4I News
Commerce Business Daily
Commuter/Regional Airline News
DOD News Releases
Defense Cleanup
Defense Daily
Helicopter News
Inside the Air Force
Inside the Army
Inside the Navy
International Defense Review
Jane's Defence Contracts
Jane's Defence Weekly
Jane's Intelligence Review
Military Space
Mobile Satellite Reports
Navy News & Undersea Technology
Satellite Week
Security Technology News
Space Business News
Space Station News
Tactical Technology
Technology Transfer Week
The Corps Report
World Airline News
World Airport Week
Automotive Components Analyst
Automotive Environment Analyst
American Banker
Bank Automation News
Bank Mutual Fund Report
Banking Attorney
CFO Alert
Corporate EFT Report
Credit Union Accountant
Document Watch
EFT Report
Electronic Claims Processing Report
Financial Services Report
International Banking Regulator
Item Processing Report
LDC Debt Report
NCUA Watch
Regulatory Compliance Watch
The Banker
Thrift Regulator
Washington Watch
Japan Chemical Week
Advanced Intelligent Networks News
Asia Pacific Telecoms Analyst
Broadband Networking News
Common Carrier Week
Communications Daily
Communications Standards News
CommunicationsWeek International
Data Channels
EDI News
Electronic Messaging News
FCC News Releases
Fiber Optics News
FinTech Telecom Markets
Global Positioning & Navigation News
Interactive Age
Interactive Video News
Interactive Week
Land Mobile Radio News
Local Telecom Competition News
Mobile Communications
Mobile Phone News
Mobile Satellite News
Mobile Satellite Reports
Multichannel News
Multichannel News Interntional
NetGuide Magazine
Network Computing
Network Week
Network World
PCS News
Public Broadcasting Report
Satellite News
Satellite Week
Sensor Business News
Telecom & Network Security Review
Voice Technology News
Warren's Cable Regulation Monitor
Washington Telecom News
Washington Telecom Week
Wireless Business and Finance
Wireless Data News
Bank Automation News
Business Computing Brief
Communications Standards News
CommunicationsWeek International
Computer Business Review
Computer Finance
Computer Reseller News
Computer Retail Week
Corporate EFT Report
Document Imaging Report
EDI News
EFT Report
Electronic Buyers' News
Electronic Claims Processing Report
Electronic Engineering Times
Financial Services Report
Government Computer News
Hospital Payment & Information Management
IDG News Service
Interactive Age
Interactive Week
Item Processing Report
Multimedia Week
Network Computing
Network Week
Network World
Newsbytes News Network
OEM Magazine
Open Systems Today
Optical Memory News
PC Magazine
PC Week
Sensor Business News
Software Futures
WINDOWS Magazine
Audio Week
Consumer Multimedia Report
HDTV Report
Television Digest with Consumer Electronics
21st Century Fuels
California Energy Markets
Clearing Up: Northwest Energy Markets
Coal & Synfuels Technology
Coal Outlook
Coal UK
Current Competition
Daily Oil Bulletin
EC Energy Monthly
East European Energy Report
Energy Daily
Energy Economist
European Energy Report
Gas Markets Week
Gas Storage Report
Gas Transactions Report
Gas Transportation Report
Independent Energy
Inside EPA
International Coal Report
International Gas Report
International Petroleum Finance
Japan Chemical Week
Jet Fuel Intelligence
Journal of Commerce
Lloyd's List
NGV News
Natural Gas Week
Natural Gas Week International
Nefte Compass
North Sea Letter
North Sea Rig Forecast
OPEC News Agency
Octane Week
Oil & Gas Interests Newsletter
Oxy-Fuel News
Petroleum Finance Week
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly
Power Asia
Power Europe
Power UK
Refining Economics Report
Reuter Energy Report
The Energy Report
The Oil Daily
UK Gas Report
World Gas Intelligence
World Rig Forecast
Daily Variety
Multichannel News
Multichannel News Interntional
Music & Copyright
Screen Finance
Video Business
Video Software Magazine
Video Week
Coal & Synfuels Technology
Coal UK
Defense Cleanup
E & P Environment
Eco/Log Week
Environmental Liability Report
Inside EPA
International Coal Report
Mexican Environmental Business
NGV News
Superfund Week
Asset Sales Report
Bank Mutual Fund Report
Bond Buyer
California Public Finance
Card News
Credit Risk Management Report
Finance East Europe
Financial Regulation Report
High Yield Report
INVEST/NET Insider Trading Monitor
International Trade Finance
Investors Chronicle
LDC Debt Report
Mortgage Marketplace
OTC Derivatives Analyst
Pensions & Investments
Personal Policy Guide
Private Placement Report
Public Finance Watch
Securities Marketing News
The Guarantor
Treasury Manager's Report
Canadian Forest Industries
Pulp & Paper Canada
Agence France Presse
Associated Press Online
Business Wire
Canada NewsWire
Canadian Corporate News
FT McCarthy
INVEST/NET Insider Trading Monitor
ISDN Wire Service
Inter Press Service
Kyodo News International
Nikkei English News
PR Newswire
The Economist
US Newswire
Xinhua News Agency
Commerce Business Daily
Congress Daily
Congress Daily/A.M.
Federal Register
Government Executive
National Journal
Set-Aside Alert
AIDS Alert
AIDS Weekly
Advanced Technology in Surgical Care
American Journal of Pediatrics
Archives of Dermatology
Archives of Family Medicine
Archives of General Psychiatry
Archives of Internal Medicine
Archives of Neurology
Archives of Ophthalmology
Archives of Otolaryngology
Archives of Surgery
BioBusiness International Newsletter
BioWorld Financial Watch
BioWorld Today
BioWorld Weekly
Biotechnology Business News
Blood Weekly
Breast Cancer Alert
Cancer Biotechnology Weekly
Case Management Advisor
Clinical Cardiology Alert
Clinical Oncology Alert
Contraceptive Technology Update
Critical Care Alert
Dental Implantology Update
Drug Utilization Review
Emergency Department Legal Letters
Emergency Department Management
Emergency Medical Alert
Emergency Medicine Reports
Employee Health & Fitness
Gene Therapy Weekly
Health News Daily
Healthcare PR News
Healthcare Risk Management
Healthcare Technology and Business Opportunity
Home Care Case Management
Home Health Incomes & Outcomes
Home Infusion Therapy Management
Homecare Quality Management
Hospital Access Management
Hospital Benchmarks
Hospital Case Management
Hospital Employee Health
Hospital Home Health
Hospital Infection Control
Hospital Integrated Care Report
Hospital Outcomes Management
Hospital Payment & Information Management
Hospital Peer Review
Hospital Rehab
Infectious Disease Alert
Infectious Disease Reports
Infectious Disease Weekly
Internal Medicine Alert
International TB Monitor
Journal Watch
Journal of the American Medical Association
MCO Provider Relations
Managed Care Quality
Medical Ethics Advisor
Medical Information Technology Alert
Neurology Alert
New England Journal of Medicine
OB/GYN Clinical Alert
OTC Business News
Occupational Health Management
Outpatient Benchmark
Outpatient Reimbursement Management
PHO Update
Patient Education Management
Patient-Focused Care
Pharmaceutical Business News
Physician Relations Update
Physician's Capitation Survival
Physician's Managed Care Report
Physician's Marketing & Management
Physician's Payment Update
Primary Care Reports
Quality Improvement/Total Quality Management
Same Day Surgery
Subacute Care Management
TB Weekly
The Marketletter
Vaccine Weekly
Women's Health Center Management
A.M. Best News
Business Insurance
Canadian Underwriter
East European Insurance Report
Insurance Accountant
Insurance Regulator
Journal of Commerce
Lloyd's List
National Underwriter/Life & Health
National Underwriter/Property & Casualty
World Corporate Insurance Report
World Insurance Report
World Policy Guide
Advertising Age
Advertising Age International
Business Marketing
Cowles/SIMBA Media Daily
Electronic Media
European Media Business & Finance
HDTV Report
Healthcare PR News
Interactive Age
Interactive Marketing News
Interactive Video News
Interactive Week
MIN: Media Industry Newsletter
Multichannel News
Multichannel News Interntional
Multimedia Business Analyst
Music TV Finance
NetGuide Magazine
New Media Markets
PR News
Satellite News
Television Digest with Consumer Electronics
Video Technology News
Canadian Mining Journal
Mine Regulation Reporter
The Northern Miner
Advertising Age International
Agence France Presse
Asia Pacific Telecoms Analyst
Asian Aviation News
Asian Infrastructure Monthly
Automotive Components Analyst
Automotive Environment Analyst
Business China
Business Eastern Europe
Business Europe
Business Latin America
Business Law Europe
C/R Airline News International
Canada NewsWire
Canadian Corporate News
Canadian Forest Industries
Canadian Mining Journal
Canadian Underwriter
Coal UK
CommunicationsWeek International
Computer Business Review
Computer Finance
Cross Border Monitor
Daily Oil Bulletin
EC Energy Monthly
East European Business Law
East European Energy Report
East European Insurance Report
East European Markets
Eco/Log Week
European Energy Report
European Media Business & Finance
FT McCarthy
Finance East Europe
ISDN Wire Service
India Business Report
Inter Press Service
International Banking Regulator
International Coal Report
International Defense Review
International Gas Report
International Petroleum Finance
International Trade Finance
Investors Chronicle
Jane's Defence Weekly
Jane's Intelligence Review
Japan Chemical Week
Korea Economic Daily
Kyodo News International
Lloyd's List
Multichannel News Interntional
Multimedia Business Analyst
Music & Copyright
Music TV Finance
Natural Gas Week International
Nefte Compass
Nikkei English News
North Sea Letter
North Sea Rig Forecast
OPEC News Agency
OTC Business News
OTC Derivatives Analyst
Personal Policy Guide
Power Asia
Power Europe
Power UK
Pulp & Paper Canada
Reuter Energy Report
Southern Africa Business Intelligence
The Banker
The Economist
The Marketletter
The Northern Miner
UK Gas Report
World Accounting Report
World Airline News
World Airport Week
World Corporate Insurance Report
World Gas Intelligence
World Insurance Report
World Policy Guide
World Rig Forecast
World Tax Report
Xinhua News Agency
Asian Infrastructure Monthly
Business China
Business Eastern Europe
Business Europe
Business Latin America
Cross Border Monitor
East European Markets
India Business Report
Korea Economic Daily
Southern Africa Business Intelligence
Air Cargo Report
Gas Transportation Report
Journal of Commerce
Lloyd's List
Traffic World
Business Law Europe
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Commercial Policy Guide
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
East European Business Law
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides news and analysis of legal developments in Central and Eastern Europe: the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine, the other CIS republics, the Baltic countries, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, the post-Communist laws of German's new Laender.
World Accounting Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of changes in financial accounting worldwide.
World Tax Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
A survey of world developments in taxation, read by company executives, accountants, bankers and government departments. It is written by international experts with the aim of keeping you accurately and objectively up to date on the tax issues affecting business at every level.
Air Safety Week
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $695.00
Air Safety Week is the only newsletter covering air safety regulation. Every week, it gives you hard, extensive facts that illustrate the legal and regulatory changes affecting the commercial aviation industry. You'll keep on top of key court rulings by reading our weekly Legal Decisions section covering decisions concerning pilots' license certification actions and the latest civil penalty cases.
Aircraft Value News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Aircraft Value News gives you independent, informed and timely advice on aircraft values and the broad range of factors that affect them. There is no better way to stay on top of aircraft finance and purchasing, especially as the affects of the global recession linger.
Airline Financial News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $595.00
Airline Financial News serves the entire spectrum of air finance including, airline mergers and consolidations, start-ups and shutdowns, major airline financial reports, new aircraft orders and more. You'll receive extensive news and in-depth analysis on the latest financial news from the world airline industry, including financial coverage of major airlines and exclusive comments from industry executives.
Airline Marketing News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Airline Marketing News is the only newsletter focused on how airlines' marketing and sales efforts can give them a leg up on their competition. Now, for less than $10 a week, you can tap into the marketing strategies of your key competitors. You'll be the first to know how airlines are pulling out all the stops to build customer loyalty.
Asian Aviation News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Asian Aviation News is the only newsletter importing business opportunities from different countries in the Asia-Pacific region directly to your office desk. With its hard hitting coverage of the airline industry, you will continually discover ways to increase your company's bottom line.
BMD Monitor
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
C/R Airline News International
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $595.00
The only weekly publication dedicated to international coverage of the regional airline industry. Provides readers with business leads and emerging market trends by reporting on airline mergers, acquisitions, start-ups, news route developments, code-sharing, financial reports, regulatory updates, aircraft transactions and personnel moves.
C4I News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence) is one of the only defense programs to receive increased funding in FY 95. C4I News covers business issues important to commercial and government professionals who have a vested interest in this industry and its success. Everything from policy to doctrine is covered in each issue.
Commerce Business Daily
See listing under Government
Commuter/Regional Airline News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $595.00
The only weekly publication dedicated to reporting on the regional airline industry. Provides in-depth coverage on airline mergers, acquisitions, start-ups, new route developments, code-sharing, financial reports, regulatory updates, aircraft transactions and personnel moves.
DOD News Releases
Rockville, MD, 301-816-8950
The Pentagon's news releases and "Blue Top" award announcements updated every afternoon.
Defense Cleanup
See listing under Environmental Services
Defense Daily
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Daily $1,495.00
Daily newsletter providing defense and aerospace executives with news and analysis of significant program developments including procurement and policy.
Jane's Information Group
Alexandria, VA, 703-683-3700
Helicopter News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
This biweekly newsletter covers the entire helicopter industry. Executives from the military and civil side of the industry rely on the competitive business intelligence provided in each issue.
Inside the Air Force
Inside Washington Publishers
Arlington, VA, 703-416-8500
Weekly $530.00
Exclusive news on Air Force policies, their impacts on weapons systems programs and procurement, and the controversies that surround them in a time of tremendous budget pressures and changing world conditions. Keeps readers current on Air Force debates within the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill, and regularly produces timely special issues on budget developments.
Inside the Army
Inside Washington Publishers
Arlington, VA, 703-416-8500
Weekly $530.00
Exclusive news for all who are impacted by changing Army policies, with particular focus on those policies affect systems procurement. Investigative news covers how the Army adapts to the changing perception of threat around the world, competition with the other Services, and interactions with the Pentagon and Congress. Regularly produces timely special issues on budget developments.
Inside the Navy
Inside Washington Publishers
Arlington, VA, 703-416-8500
Weekly $545.00
Exclusive news on Navy policy and procurement, with special emphasis on interactions among the Services, with the Pentagon and in Congress. Provides investigative news on how the Navy is adapting to changing world conditions, for defense contractors and government officials. Keeps readers current on the continuous defense budget process and regularly produces timely special issues on budget developments.
International Defense Review
Jane's Information Group
Alexandria, VA, 703-683-3700
Jane's Defence Contracts
Jane's Information Group
Alexandria, VA, 703-683-3700
Jane's Defence Weekly
Jane's Information Group
Alexandria, VA, 703-683-3700
Jane's Intelligence Review
Jane's Information Group
Alexandria, VA, 703-683-3700
Military Space
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Navy News & Undersea Technology
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Jane's Information Group
Alexandria, VA, 703-683-3700
Satellite Week
See listing under Communications
Security Technology News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
Every other week, both security vendors and users rely on this newsletter's exclusive industry news. Video surveillance, source tagging, encryption and other technologies are covered.
Space Business News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Every other week, executives from the military, civil and commercial space industries rely on this newsletter's exclusive reporting on LEOs, launches, exploration and space stations.
Space Station News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Every other week, this newsletter provides space executives with the latest Station news from Capitol Hill, NASA and the White House. Everything from the program's status and technology advancements to international partners is covered.
Tactical Technology
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $545.00
Special Operations. Operations other than war. Peacekeeping. These are just a few of the topics covered in each issue of Tactical Technology. Defense executives and government officials rely on this newsletter's exclusive reporting of procurement, policy and technology advancements.
Technology Transfer Week
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $595.00
Defense conversion, global trade and technology advancements are just a few of the topics covered in this weekly newsletter from Phillips Business Information. High-technology executives from around the world rely on the competitive business intelligence provided in each issue.
The Corps Report
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
World Airline News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $595.00
World Airline News gives you the latest breaking news and developments about airlines worldwide. This publication serves the entire spectrum of airline management and provides you with the latest trends in global commercial aviation including market changes, mergers and consolidations, significant equipment orders, financial trends, legal decisions, government actions and more.
World Airport Week
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $495.00
Keeps you connected to international airport business, including Asia, Europe and Latin America. In depth coverage on new terminal developments, contracts for bid, concessionaries, inter-modal link-ups, landside/airside developments, cargo operations and air traffic control.
Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News
Washington, DC, 202-383-6134
Agweek is the leading weekly magazine covering agriculture and related subjects. Coverage includes government policies and programs, weather trends, personnel moves and commodity prices. Also provided are in-depth news and analysis of wheat, feed grains, oilseeds, cattle, hogs, sheep, dairy and other commodity markets.
Automotive Components Analyst
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Automotive Environment Analyst
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
American Banker
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
American Banker is edited for senior executives in banking and financial services. It contains daily news and trends for decision makers in banking. Its editorial network breaks the news of continuing changes in banking. Major news areas include: lending, money markets, legislation, operations and technology, marketing, mortgages and thrift institutions, investment management, mergers and executive changes plus international banking.
Bank Automation News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
The only newsletter that informs banking executives about emerging hardware/software/network technology, while also providing them with the tools they need to deal with the people management and implementation issues involving these new technologies.
Banking Attorney
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $725.00
Banking Attorney analyzes the legal issues, rulings and litigation that affect financial institutions. It concentrates on court decisions in bank-related cases, comments on the impact of those decisions, and provides a summary of upcoming court cases that will influence banking, will make a difference in who gets to offer particular services, and which parts of the industry will reap competitive advantages.
CFO Alert
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $695.00
CFO Alert serves the modern day bank accountants by concentrating on how standard setters in Washington and at FASB affect financial institutions, and how financial officers are solving today's accounting problems. The traditional emphasis on banking regulators will be supplemented with the coverage explaining how new rules will affect securities houses, finance companies, credit unions and mortgage banks.
Corporate EFT Report
See listing under Computing & Electronics
Credit Union Accountant
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $695.00
Credit Union Accountant, an 8-page weekly newsletter, covers Congress and potential legislation for Credit Union Executives who handle the books. Credit Union Accountant informs executives of accounting changes ordered by NCUA and the Financial Accounting Standards Board. It also discusses changes that affect a credit union's internal operations.
Document Watch
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $180.00
A special service provided by American Banker's Washington office. Document Watch is a service that covers the banking, thrift, insurance, and public finance markets. It provides copies of important government documents such as Congressional testimony, enforcement actions, compliance rules, draft papers on accounting standards, etc.
Financial Services Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $795.00
PBI's only banking technology digest, giving readers a quick but detailed overview of all the operational strategies, issues and trends covered in the financial services marketplace.
International Banking Regulator
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $925.00
This 12-page newsletter is the only publication devoted specifically to the interests and concerns of foreign banks operating in the United States. It saves executives time by concentrating exclusively on those issues that affect foreign banks -- such as the Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act, trade finance, offshore tax havens, loan syndications and interbank loans. Along with the weekly International Banking Regulator subscribers also get the 40-page monthly International Banking Report.
NCUA Watch
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $675.00
The only independent weekly newsletter that exclusively covers the National Credit Union Administration and other Federal agencies that regulate America's Credit Unions. It tells you about the latest decisions on issues such as Share Insurance Rates and the never-ending fights with the banking industry over field of membership.
Regulatory Compliance Watch
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $675.00
This 8-page weekly newsletter covers the legal, regulatory, and legislative developments in Washington affecting the nation's banks, S&Ls, and credit unions. Contains analyses and interpretations of all the critical regulatory changes in progress. It alerts bank personnel to trends in examinations, supervision and enforcement of compliance laws.
The Banker
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Thrift Regulator
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $715.00
This 8-page weekly newsletter concentrates on coverage of the regulatory trends and rules that affect the Savings & Loan industry, on regulatory, congressional and judicial developments. It pays close attention to the Office of Thrift Supervision, but also put developments there in context with what Congress and Regulatory Agencies are doing that affect both Thrifts and Thrift's competitors.
Washington Watch
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $695.00
This 8-page weekly newsletter is designed to warn bankers about the regulatory developments in Washington that will affect their profits and their operations. It summarizes reports and actions from all the major federal banking agencies, as well as the Securities and Exchange Commission, to give executives a quick summary of the key issues that they should care about.
Chemical Week Associates
New York, NY, 212-621-4900
Japan Chemical Week
COMLINE Business Data
New York, NY, 212-480-2100
Weekly $1,100.00
Published from Tokyo, The Japan Chemical Week (JCW) has been a leading publication in the Japanese chemicals industry since its first publication in 1960. JCW follows market trends, government regulations, technical advances, exclusive interviews and more from the Japanese and Asian chemical industry.
Advanced Intelligent Networks News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Advanced Intelligent Network News is the one source for business and analysis on today's evolving intelligent network marketplace. You can be sure you're developing the most lucrative intelligent network services when you rely on Advanced Intelligent Network News. You'll get the latest details on service trials and tariffs, plus news on any regulatory developments that may affect your business and profits.
Asia Pacific Telecoms Analyst
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Broadband Networking News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Broadband Networking News is your source for the latest news and analysis on the business of broadband networking. You'll get in-depth coverage on ATM, frame relay, SMDS, and B-ISDN technologies, news of broadband business opportunities plus comprehensive service and product comparisons.
Chilton Publications
New York, NY,
Common Carrier Week
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Weekly $669.00
The influential weekly newsletter covering the telephone industry. Each issue of CCW looks at the important news of the week, highlights trends, uncovers regulatory changes and legislative issues, summarizes important FCC filings, reports on what leading telecommunications decision-makers are up to, and looks at successful (and unsuccessful) industry financial and business strategies.
Communications Daily
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Daily $2,440.00
The only daily publication covering the entire telecommunications industry. CD follows all newsworthy events in telephone, broadcasting, cable, data communications, electronic information distribution, satellites, consumer electronics, electronic mail, cellular radio, home video and more. CD has earned two first prize journalism awards from the prestigious Newsletter Publishers Association and the first place journalism awarded for analytical/interpretive reporting from the National Press Club.
Communications Standards News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Communications Standards News is a must for anyone who needs to know about emerging technologies for OSI architecture, TCP/IP, and UNIX for distributed computing and telecommunications systems. Follow standards progress, select the best open systems products with our sharp analysis and product differentiation strategies, and keep in touch with users' needs and expectations--all you need to know on how standards based solutions can keep your company competitive.
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
The premiere enterprise networking publication, CommunicationsWeek focuses on the business of networking. It covers network development and strategies from both a technological and business point of view.
CommunicationsWeek International
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
Published from Paris, CommunicationsWeek International is the publication of record covering international networking news, analysis and issues for communications/network managers at PTTs, other service providers and major end-users worldwide.
Chilton Publications
New York, NY,
Data Channels
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $697.00
Every other week Data Channels brings subscribers our seasoned examination of the issues and trends crucial to data communications executives. As new technologies and strategies, OSI, e-mail, EDI, ISDN and frame relay, revolutionize data communications rely on Data Channels to keep you ahead of the competition.
EDI News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
EDI News is designed for electronic commerce/MIS executives who want to increase the effectiveness of their EDI operations. Get the guidance you need to implement, manage, expand, and upgrade your own EDI program through case studies, product and service comparisons, applications and standards developments.
Electronic Messaging News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Electronic Messaging News eases the complexity of building enterprise wide messaging and directory services with its realistic and up to the minute analysis of the technology and products available today. Every other week, you'll be updated on X.400 developments, security and privacy issues and new products and applications.
FCC News Releases
Berry Best Services Ltd.
Washington, DC, 202-293-4964
Berry Best Services, Ltd. provides document distribution, customized research, and on-line databases of information released by and filed with the Federal Communications Commission. Berry Best also offers the same document distribution and customized research for the aviation industry out of the Department of Transportation.
Our FCC Library is a select database that contains every document released by the FCC each day, including all Public Notices, Texts, News Releases, and Speeches since July 1, 1988. This database is fully searchable by modem dial-up, or by phone-in request. The database also contains all Daily Digests dating back to Volume I, Number 1, January 1982 providing a complete index to all public information documents since that date.
Fiber Optics News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $697.00
Fiber Optics News gives you the inside scoop on fiber optic business opportunities in today's converging telecom marketplace. Every week, you'll receive news and analysis on all the new, competitive applications of fiber optic technology as well as updates on industry trends and market growth opportunities.
FinTech Telecom Markets
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
An authoritative news service and commentary on the commercial world of telecommunications. Valued for fresh analysis and hard to obtain information, it provides the highest quality information on this exciting market, with a special emphasis on Europe.
Global Positioning & Navigation News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Global Positioning & Navigation News helps you tap into the anticipated $200 billion+ market for global positioning and navigation applications. This biweekly newsletter supplies you with the information you need on GPS, AVL and IVHS applications. Plus, you'll also receive monthly reference files on timely global positioning & navigation topics.
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $597.00
ISDN News is the biweekly newsletter that will help you identify new profit making opportunities in today's integrated services digital network marketplace. You'll receive news and analysis of both broadband and narrowband ISDN marketing strategies, new applications, and service availability and affordability.
Land Mobile Radio News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $597.00
Land Mobile Radio News helps you stay ahead of your competition with business analysis on two-way radio, paging and microwave applications, services and business opportunities. Each weekly issue provides you with the insight and analysis you need to succeed in the land mobile marketplace.
Local Telecom Competition News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $597.00
Local Telecom Competition News tracks all developments in the local loop so you can stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on the convergence among wireline, wireless, competitive access providers (CAPs), and cable TV players. Every other week, Local Telecom Competition News provides you with the news and analysis you need to compete and succeed in this lucrative niche of the telecom business.
Mobile Communications
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides up-to-date, accurate and in-depth news on what's happening in the fast moving, international world of mobile communications. It serves one of the most important growth areas in telecommunications, with a particular emphasis on Europe.
Mobile Phone News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $597.00
Mobile Phone News is the weekly news source of the cellular business. This newsletter provides you with news and analysis on new technology, products, and services. Plus, you'll also receive the invaluable monthly Cellular Trend reports on critical mobile community issues.
Mobile Satellite News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $597.00
Mobile Satellite News gives you the analysis you need to get your profits off the ground with biweekly strategic information on the latest mobile satellite technologies and strategies of LEO, GEO, and ICO proponents.
Mobile Satellite Reports
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Biweekly $474.00
Devoted exclusively to news of aeronautical, maritime and land mobile satellites, and radiodetermination services. It's a fast, easy way to keep up with all mobile satellite industry news and developments. It keeps interested readers up to date on UHF and L-band spectrum fights...spacecraft spot beam technology...advances in mobile terminals for aircraft, land use and marine applications...and more.
Multichannel News
Chilton Publications
New York, NY,
Multichannel News Interntional
Chilton Publications
New York, NY,
Network Computing
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
The first magazine to meet the distinct information need of Network Computing Professionals. Network Computing brings these technical managers coverage of the spectrum of network technologies, from PC LANs to large corporate internetworks.
Network Week
APT Data Services
New York, NY, 212-677-0409
Weekly $495.00
A weekly look at networking, telecommunications and data communications with the specific aim of being the first with the news.
Network World
Network World, Inc.
Framingham, MA, 508-875-6400
Weekly $95.00
Network World, established in 1986, is the national newspaper of enterprise network computing. Network World is the fastest growing newsweekly in the networking market, providing Network IS professionals information on network products and services including managing their enterprise network computing resource for corporate competitive advantage.
PCS News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $697.00
Secure your PCS investment now with biweekly news and analysis on PCS technology, trial offerings and spectrum auction strategies. Our in-depth coverage of regulatory and market issues will help you be a successful player in this burgeoning wireless market.
Public Broadcasting Report
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Biweekly $401.00
Devoted entirely to coverage of public broadcasting and allied fields. Each copy includes stories and short items about the latest developments in regulation, programming, funding and other issues. It also contains regular columns devoted to awards/grants and personnel changes.
Satellite News
See listing under Media
Satellite Week
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Weekly $836.00
The definitive source for all fast-breaking, international news in space and communications and technology. SW offers readers the most up-to-date and comprehensive reports of new technologies, coverage of international advances, satellite marketplace intelligence, details about regulation and deregulation, news of DBS developments and continuous coverage of what industry leaders are doing and saying.
Sensor Business News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
A biweekly newsletter covering marketing, finance, and investment opportunities in the sensor business. Sensor Business News provides sensor business players with the latest industry news and analysis needed to successfully compete and profit in the $6.5 billion sensor marketplace.
Telecom & Network Security Review
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Voice Technology News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Voice Technology News is your insider source for competitor information on the voice processing industry. When it comes to fact versus hype, you'll find Voice Technology News a key business partner with sharp reporting and analysis of emerging technologies, applications, marketing trends, voice and data integration, privacy issues, toll fraud, and much more.
Warren's Cable Regulation Monitor
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Weekly $433.00
Directed to all professionals who have a strong interest in cable and the effects of cable regulation -- particularly those who would like detailed coverage of FCC rulemakings, precedents, complaints, waivers, Cable Act-related lawsuits and important timely news coverage.
Washington Telecom News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $597.00
Washington Telecom News gives you expert coverage on and insight into the ever-changing regulatory, legislative and judicial telecom issues. Weekly analysis helps you track policy developments that affect your business, including the national information infrastructure.
Washington Telecom Week
Inside Washington Publishers
Arlington, VA, 703-416-8500
Weekly $545.00
Concentrates on investigative news reporting of emerging telecommunications policies as the federal government strives to adapt to the communications and information revolutions. Provides exclusive, relevant information on key legislative, regulatory and Executive Branch telecom policymaking and its implications for industry, government and other affected parties.
Wireless Business and Finance
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $697.00
Wireless Business and Finance is the biweekly source of strategic analysis for telecommunications executives -- providing timely, non-biased news and in-depth studies on investment opportunities and financial development in the global wireless marketplace.
Wireless Data News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Wireless Data News will help you make your wireless data investment really pay off with biweekly analysis on mobile and wireless data applications, technology and competition. Wireless Data News answers all of your business questions about this emerging market and provides you with news and analysis on wireless data business opportunities.
Business Computing Brief
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
The executive briefing integrating Information Technology with business strategy, covers key issues and developments in business computing impartially and unsensationally, enabling the user to gain competitive business advantage from the effective use of IT in the office.
Computer Business Review
APT Data Services
New York, NY, 212-677-0409
Monthly $195.00
If you could combine Fortune, Business Week and the Wall Street Journal into one publication focused on information technology you would have created CBR. CBR delivers business oriented analysis of the events and trends in the information technology industries.
Computer Finance
APT Data Services
New York, NY, 212-677-0409
Monthly $495.95
A monthly journal examining costs apart in both conventional data processing and a more modern approach. It puts IT professionals in touch with their finance department colleagues
Computer Reseller News
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
Computer Reseller News is the reseller's critical link to the product trends and industry news needed to sell comprehensive solutions. This authoritative weekly newspaper extends its influence to all segments of the value-added reseller channel.
Computer Retail Week
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
The leading publication delivering news to the exploding retail channel, Computer Retail Week helps retailers access computer product potential and build sales. It is the most powerful vehicle for promoting brands to retailers, and through them, to consumers.
Computerworld Inc.
Framingham, MA, 508-879-0700
Weekly $48.00
Computerworld is a comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news source for information systems professionals at medium and large companies. Information packed editorial includes sections such as Desktop Computing, Workgroup Computing, Enterprise Networking, Large Systems and Application Development.
Corporate EFT Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
The only newsletter available that covers corporate electronic funds transfer issues, automated clearing house news and financial EDI.
Cahners Publishing
Newton, MA, 617-964-3030
The magazine that interprets products, events, and technologies of significance for computer professionals in large companies worldwide.
Document Imaging Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Whether you're selecting, implementing or upgrading your imaging solution, let Document Imaging Report give you the strategic intelligence you need to maximize your imaging investment. Every other week, Document Imaging Report provides vendors and users with news and analysis on user implementations & case studies, new products, applications and vendor marketing strategies.
Cahners Publishing
Newton, MA, 617-964-3030
The magazine of electronic technology for engineers and engineering managers.
EFT Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
The only newsletter that covers in every issue ATM/POS deployment techniques, processing/acquiring bank issues and pricing strategies. EFT Report is also know for its comprehensive coverage of EBT.
Electronic Buyers' News
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
The most widely read publication serving purchasers of electronic components. Electronic Buyers' News is the essential source of pricing trends, new products, supplier reports and industry developments for OEM purchasing and materials management.
Electronic Claims Processing Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
The only newsletter that offers executives in this field news and analysis on the burgeoning electronic claims processing marketplace. Every issue provides readers with a user case study, a standards update and a legislative corner.
Electronic Engineering Times
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
Electronic Engineering Times, the best-read publication in the engineering community, is the only source that delivers news of both business and technology to engineers and technical/corporate management at US OEM organizations.
Financial Services Report
See listing under Banking
Government Computer News
Cahners Publishing
Newton, MA, 617-964-3030
The national product and applications newspaper serving the specific information needs of technology specifiers and buyers who purchase computer and communications products and services for federal and state/local governments as well as OEMs, systems integrators and VARs.
InfoWorld Publishing Company
San Mateo, CA, 415-572-7341
InfoWorld, the voice of personal computing in the enterprise, serves Information Services (IS) managers who buy products for client-server systems. Why you read InfoWorld, you'll learn what is happening in the world of corporate (client/server) computing.
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
InformationWeek is the leading newsweekly that focuses on the business advantage of information technology, helping top executives implement IT solutions that meet corporate goals and objectives.
Item Processing Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
The only comprehensive newsletter dedicated to both the check processing and remittance processing market. Each issue contains a user case study, technology updates and product data.
Ziff-Davis Interactive
Cambridge, MA, 617-252-5000
See description under ZiffWire
Multimedia Week
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $597.00
Spot emerging multimedia business opportunities in just 20 minutes every Monday. Multimedia Week is the only weekly news source which gives you all the multimedia intelligence you need to make smart business decisions. We show you, the multimedia vendor, how the multimedia industry is evolving, what applications are emerging, who's merging with whom, what your competitors are doing...and much more.
Newsbytes News Network
Newsbytes News Network
Stillwater, MN, 612-430-1100
Newsbytes is a daily international wire service covering the computer and telecom industries. At least 30 stories each business day cover breaking news in the areas of computing, technology trends, business, mergers, products, online services, Internet, networking, computers in health and education. This is first-hand objective news reporting by a professional staff of 19 journalists.
OEM Magazine
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
OEM Magazine provides OEM decision makers around the world with the information they need to compete in the rapidly converging computer and communications OEM markets.
Open Systems Today
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
Open Systems Today is the only publication covering the products, issues and technologies of interest to the corporate decision makers who buy, build, deploy and maintain client/server applications within open systems environments.
Optical Memory News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Discover how the latest optical storage products and technologies are impacting the jukebox/library, drive and media markets. Optical Memory News provides vendors and users with the latest news and analysis on market trends, new product developments, business strategies, and strategic alliances.
PC Magazine
Ziff-Davis Interactive
Cambridge, MA, 617-252-5000
See description under ZiffWire
PC Week
Ziff-Davis Interactive
Cambridge, MA, 617-252-5000
See description under ZiffWire.
Ziff-Davis Interactive
Cambridge, MA, 617-252-5000
See description under ZiffWire.
Software Futures
APT Data Services
New York, NY, 212-677-0409
Monthly $495.00
A review of emerging technologies affecting software development with a special slant on object orientation issues written for users and software developers.
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
Value-added resellers, integrators and developers turn to the market's leading magazine for product coverage and technology trends, as well as practical insight on managing a reseller business successfully.
WINDOWS Magazine
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
Windows and graphical computing have established themselves as the engines of growth in the desktop computing market. WINDOWS Magazine sets the standard for market coverage, editorial excellence, reader preference, circulation and advertising growth.
Ziff-Davis Interactive
Cambridge, MA, 617-252-5000
In the competitive field of electronic information providers, ZiffWire provides delivery of the best of the Ziff-Davis publications. Friday after 9:00pm EST and three days before the actual publication date, ZiffWire provides advance full text of the top news stories from PC Week and MacWEEK, as well as the popular Rumor Central and Mac the Knife industry gossip columns. Tuesday evenings after 6:00pm EST, ZiffWire delivers the full-text balance of the current PC Week, and Wednesday evenings the balance of MacWEEK is transmitted. Thursdays, ZiffWire provides a special package of technology development news from the latest edition of PC Magazine, PC/Computing, Computer Shopper, Windows Sources or MacUser.
Audio Week
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Weekly $536.00
The trustworthy, independent weekly publication concentrating on the dynamic world of consumer audio -- home hi-fi systems and components, personal portables, car audio and mobile electronics, custom installations, blank tape, compact disc software and other audio products.
Consumer Multimedia Report
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Biweekly $414.00
Directed to decision-makers with an interest in the developing areas of consumer multimedia electronics, brought to you by the same professionals who publish Television Digest, Audio Week and Video Week. Consumer Multimedia Report covers corporate financial performance and results, mergers and acquisitions, new products and ventures, and advancements in multimedia technology and science.
21st Century Fuels
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Monthly $397.00
Quick-read, comprehensive digest of industry-wide news of all changes impacting the fuels industry. Price and production trend analysis and perspective. Insights on the roles methanol, ethanol, MTBE, ETBE, propane, CNG and biofuels will play in the next decade and beyond.
California Energy Markets
Seattle, WA, 206-285-4848
California Energy Markets is the definitive weekly update covering electric and gas utility and energy affairs in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. California Energy Markets delivers comprehensive news of developments in energy policy, power resources, capital financing and energy litigation.
See listing under Chemicals
Clearing Up: Northwest Energy Markets
Seattle, WA, 206-285-4848
Clearing Up is the definitive weekly update covering electric and gas utility and energy affairs in the Pacific northwestern United States and western Canada. Clearing Up delivers comprehensive news of developments in energy policy, power resources, capital financing and energy litigation.
Coal & Synfuels Technology
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Coal Outlook
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Coal UK
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
An indispensable, highly-informed commentary on the ever-complex UK coal scene. Each issues features detailed coverage of coal purchases, price indicators, mining activity, coal transportation, company news, port developments and much more- information vital to operate successfully in this often confusing market.
Current Competition
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Daily Oil Bulletin
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
Established in 1937 in Calgary, the Daily Oil Bulletin is Canada's leading energy news source. The Daily Oil Bulletin provides highly detailed news and data on the Canadian oil and gas industry.
EC Energy Monthly
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Filters out all the important energy news from the European Community and reaction to it from the member states. It monitors policy developments within the Commission as they are taking place and their progress through Parliament and Council
East European Energy Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides an accurate and revealing portrait of exactly what developments are taking place in the emerging and rapidly changing scene in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Energy Daily
King Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-638-4260
Daily $1,495.00
Since 1973, The Energy Daily has been the premier daily source of information on the energy industry worldwide, including electric utilities - retail wheeling, electricity brokering, and open access - natural gas, nuclear power, energy technologies, financial and legislative developments, alternative fuels, environmental issues and regulatory developments.
Energy Economist
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
A forthright viewpoint on the global prospects for energy. Pointing out key trends and pulling together the implications for the international energy scene, Energy Economist consistently stimulates debate within the senior level of energy companies.
European Energy Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides a comprehensive digest covering the projects and policies shaping the European energy market. This unique package includes a twice-monthly, 16 page newsletter, a Country profile or the Renewable Energy Report Supplement every month and a Quarterly Index.
Gas Markets Week
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Gas Storage Report
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Gas Transactions Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $547.00
The only newsletter covering every aspect of natural gas contracts. Competitive intelligence, real solutions, details on the latest deals for the sale, transportation and storage of natural gas: contract and transaction specifics, marketing strategies, standardization developments, transaction registers, utility purchasing plans and current gas prices. Get solutions directly form players making deals and writing clauses.
Gas Transportation Report
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Independent Energy
Marier Communications
Milaca, MN, 612-983-6892
10x/year $81.00
Independent Energy magazine provides business information to companies involved in the global independent power production industry. It reports important market information, trends and equipment advances affecting project development, financing, construction, operation and management. Published 10 times per year.
International Coal Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
The unrivaled source of source of quality intelligence on the international steam coal and coking coal markets. Correspondents in every major coal capital reveal the complete range of key factors concerning this notoriously secretive industry.
International Gas Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Singles out today's main concerns, puts them in the context of the international energy scene and assesses their relevance to the gas industry as a whole--enabling you to take the widest possible view of the various markets. IGR provides extensive coverage, throughout the world, of developments both upstream and down, providing a clear picture of gas industry activities from well-head to burner-tip.
International Petroleum Finance
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly
New York, NY, 212-941-5500
Jet Fuel Intelligence
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly
New York, NY, 212-941-5500
Weekly $1,975.00
Natural Gas Week
The Oil Daily Co.
Washington, DC, 202-662-0700
Weekly $797.00
Natural Gas Week, an independent newsletter that focuses on the economics of the natural gas industry, offers volume-weighted gas prices, drilling reports, price trends, market information and news about federal and state regulation and legislation in a clear, concise format that cuts through industry jargon.
Natural Gas Week International
The Oil Daily Co.
Washington, DC, 202-662-0700
Monthly $200.00
Natural Gas Week International provides natural gas coverage by correspondents in the Far East and Pacific Rim, UK, continental Europe, South America, Australia and elsewhere. Natural gas production, consumption and other detailed data is reported along with news and analysis on topics such as the increasing role abroad for US pipeline companies.
Nefte Compass
The Oil Daily Co.
Washington, DC, 202-662-0700
Weekly $1,350.00
Nefte Compass delivers fast-breaking news developments and analysis of the forces at work which affect the oil and gas industries in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and provides insight into investment opportunities available in these incomparably oil- and gas-rich areas.
North Sea Letter
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
North Sea Letter, now in its eighteenth year, is acknowledged as the most influential and up-to-date publication in the field. It provides up to the minute news and commentary and a well indexed record of events in the oil and gas industry in the North Sea.
North Sea Rig Forecast
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
A comprehensive survey, providing a running analysis and forecast of all the dayrate and supply/demand trends for mobile drilling rigs in all offshore sectors of north-west Europe. A detailed forecast is also provided for all supply/demand dayrate movements predicted in the coming year.
OPEC News Agency
Inter Press Service
New York, NY, 212-286-0123
OPEC News Agency was created by OPEC to facilitate the dissemination of information of general interest regarding OPEC and the member countries and on energy and related matters.
Octane Week
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $995.00
Comprehensive reporting and analysis of news, regulatory trends, technology and pricing for refining and fuels marketing executives. Stories on local, state, federal legislation, and international government actions. News of product rollouts, reformulated fuels and innovative marketing strategies. Industry coverage from the refinery to the boardroom.
Oil & Gas Interests Newsletter
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Monthly $497.00
This monthly newsletter digests hundreds of hours of research into a quick-reading compilation of the latest business developments in the oil and gas industry. Every issue covers mergers and acquisitions new, takeover attempts, bankruptcies, restructuring events, financing and redemptions, overseas developments, natural gas spot prices and futures prices. Plus, you get competitive intelligence, like actual deal terms.
Oxy-Fuel News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $795.00
Developments (domestic and international) regarding oxygenates, reformulated and alternative fuels. Corporate news, refinery upgrades, market strategies and strategic alliances. Domestic legislation and foreign governments actions. Pricing tables include spot petroleum, methanol, MTBE, wholesale fuel ethanol (and their octane blending values) by city.
Petroleum Finance Week
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $697.00
Every week, Petroleum Finance Week brings you focused, comprehensive energy financial news, analysis and commentary -- not just what happened, but why. Each issue includes Industry Pulse, Petroleum Finance Week's exclusive weekly recap of the industry's leading economic indicators.
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly
New York, NY, 212-941-5500
Weekly $1,475.00
Power Asia
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
The most reliable and comprehensive source of information on the Asian power sector. Embracing 25 countries, a multitude of cultures, political systems and half the world's population, Asia is not only the biggest, fastest growing and most complex market in the world, it is also potentially the most profitable.
Power Europe
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides unrivaled coverage of the European electricity market, from fuel purchasing to point of sale, objectively, independently and critically.
Power UK
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Refining Economics Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Monthly $1,497.00
Crude, refined products and oxygenate forecasts and values. All products analyzed on monthly basis after in depth analysis using refinery LP modeling.
Reuters Energy Report
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Covers energy industry news, the energy markets and world events affecting energy markets. This includes drilling reports, reserve announcements, energy auctions, fuel prices, futures prices, etc. Fuels covered include coal, natural gas, oil and more.
The Energy Report
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
The Oil Daily
The Oil Daily Co.
Washington, DC, 202-662-0700
Daily $897.00
News, analysis, price data, and feature articles covering all segments of the domestic and global petroleum industry. Special focus on Washington, with extensive coverage of government efforts to regulate the oil and gas industries. Quarterly "Profit Profile" reports E&P, refining and marketing earnings for largest oil companies.
UK Gas Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides detailed coverage of all aspects of the gas industry. This market is evolving rapidly with many opportunities for companies from all over the world. UK Gas Report provides analysis of the issues which will shape the industry and the latest market intelligence.
World Gas Intelligence
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly
New York, NY, 212-941-5500
Monthly $685.00
World Rig Forecast
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
This newsletter is published every month providing a forecast of the mobile rig activity for the next 6-15 months, with longer term predictions and analysis of the issues which affect the global drilling market.
Daily Variety
Cahners Publishing
Newton, MA, 617-964-3030
The weekly newspaper that reports on the entertainment industry worldwide.
Music & Copyright
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Screen Finance
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides international coverage of the film, cinema, television and video business. Screen Finance is written specifically to provide the industry with up-to-the-minute news and analysis on the financing, production, distribution and showing of feature films, major television programmes and videos.
Cahners Publishing
Newton, MA, 617-964-3030
The daily newspaper of the entertainment industry.
Video Business
Chilton Publications
New York, NY,
Weekly $70.00
Video Software Magazine
Chilton Publications
New York, NY,
Video Week
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Weekly $786.00
The home video industry newsletter...devoted to the business of program sales and distribution for videocassettes, discs, pay television and allied media. VW offers practical information concerning programming, markets, merchandising, merges, finance, competition, litigation, as well as reporting on the Congress, the courts and the FCC.
Defense Cleanup
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
E & P Environment
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Eco/Log Week
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
Weekly $539.00
Eco/Log Week offers the latest in pollution control technology, industrial waste management, and regulatory programs from across Canada.
Environmental Liability Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Addresses the complex questions of responsibility for the environment from a business point of view by examining the commercial implications of legal and regulatory decisions at a time when policy making is entering a crucial stage.
Inside EPA
Inside Washington Publishers
Arlington, VA, 703-416-8500
Weekly $860.00
Specializing in reporting exclusive news on federal environmental policymaking, with particular focus on the Environmental Protection Agency and its relationship with Corporate America, state environmental departments, other federal agencies and the environmental groups. Investigative reporting provides relevant information on regulatory, legislative and enforcement activities.
Mexican Environmental Business
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
NGV News
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Superfund Week
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
Asset Sales Report
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $1,250.00
Covers the rapidly growing field of loan sales and asset securitization. It includes reports on industry developments and trends, the volume of commercial loans sold by 10 of North America's largest banks, closing prices and yields on actively traded asset backed securities, and interviews with market leaders.
Bank Mutual Fund Report
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Biweekly $995.00
It is the most authoritative source of news and information about the bank securities industry. Brings readers into the heart of the Bank Mutual Funds market, covering which banks are getting into the market, how they are selling their products; the latest technological innovations; the strategies of the market leaders; and the reactions on Wall Street.
Bond Buyer
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
The Bond Buyer contains coverage of various aspects of tax-exempt bonds. The editors report on proposed new issues, results of sales, calendar of upcoming competitive and negotiated sales.
California Public Finance
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $545.00
This newsletter covers the latest developments affecting municipal bonds in the state that issues more municipal bonds than any other. It reports on new issues by the state's 457 cities and 58 counties, and follows legislative developments affecting public finance in Sacramento and Washington.
Card News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
The only newsletter dedicated to providing card executives with card marketing and retention strategies. Card News tells executives how to profit in this highly competitive environment.
Comline / Japan Financial Wire
COMLINE Business Data
New York, NY, 212-480-2100
Credit Risk Management Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $495.00
The only newsletter dedicated to providing executives with cutting edge information on every facet of consumer credit risk including retail credit, bank card credit and installment credit: legislation is also prominently covered in this newsletter.
Finance East Europe
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Subscribers receive news of finance, banking and investment in the emerging market economies of Central and Eastern Europe.
Financial Regulation Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Financial Regulation Report is a monthly service from the Financial Times. It provides subscribers with up to date and thorough information on worldwide regulatory developments and their implications for the financial services industry.
High Yield Report
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $795.00
High Yield Report covers corporate finance below investment grade. Includes tables such as the Junk Bond Bellwether Group, the Distressed Bellwether Group, the Forward Calendar, as well as periodic updates of bond and stock prices, default summaries, underwriter and workout manager rankings, and more.
INVEST/NET Insider Trading Monitor
See listing under General
International Trade Finance
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
International Trade Finance is a regular news service on trade and project finance developments worldwide, providing both insight and analysis of emerging business opportunities.
Investors Chronicle
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
LDC Debt Report
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $850.00
The first and only weekly publication devoted exclusively to the field of Emerging Market Debt. Reports on all aspects, including the latest debt reduction programs; developments at the World Bank and IMF; and consequences that Third World borrowers have on bank earnings.
Mortgage Marketplace
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $750.00
This 12-page weekly newsletter covers the secondary mortgage marketplace. It tells you the latest changes at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae, and the private markets, in what constitutes a securitizable loan. Covers political developments, regulatory changes, and accounting issues affecting the market for mortgages and mortgage securities traded by banks and other financial institutions in the US.
OTC Derivatives Analyst
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Pensions & Investments
Crain Communications
Chicago, IL, 312-649-5200
Personal Policy Guide
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Private Placement Report
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $795.00
Covers buying, selling, and trading unregistered securities. Includes deal structure and pricing, including covenant packages and spreads. Examines the major deals in the market and unearths those highly structured and high-quality credits only shown to a select few buyers. Covers which deals fly, which fall -- and why.
Public Finance Watch
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $645.00
Covers legislative and regulatory events in Washington that affect municipal finance, such as municipal bonds, tax issues, employee benefits and liability. Covers developments in Congress, the regulatory agencies, and Cabinet Departments affecting state and local issuance of public finance instruments and the market for those securities.
Securities Marketing News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
The only newsletter dedicated to providing executives with cutting edge news on the investment product explosion in the banking industry. Every issues has at least one story on mutual funds, one on annuities/insurance products, and/or a case study.
The Guarantor
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $995.00
Weekly newsletter on credit enhancement. Launched September 1990, it covers regulatory changes and shifting market conditions affecting asset securitization. Provides the most up-to-date information on credit enhancement, from letters of credit to secondary market insurance, as well as the most important developments in credit quality, underwriting techniques, and the regulatory environment.
Treasury Manager's Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
The only newsletter dedicated tot he treasury management marketplace. Every issue has at least one article offering techniques/tips for monitoring and enhancing cash flow, one investment type article (detailing what to do with available funds), and one electronic commerce story. Technology is also covered comprehensively.
Canadian Forest Industries
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
8x/year $36.00
Published for field, operating and administrative management in the logging, sawmilling and related wood products industries, Canadian Forest Industries is edited to alert its readers to new production and operating techniques and equipment, and to improved management methods for the overall benefit of the forest industry in Canada.
Pulp & Paper Canada
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
Monthly $62.00
Pulp & Paper Canada is the foremost journal in Canada covering the pulp and paper sector of the country's forest products industry. Known as the industry bible, Pulp & Paper Canada is an excellent source of information relating to the environmental issues, research and development news, technology news, and industry events.
Alexandria, VA, 703-820-2000
Formerly St. Petersburg Business News, this source provides business and financial news from the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eastern Europe. Information is transmitted from Russia in English.
Agence France Presse
Knight-Ridder Information, Inc.
Mountain View, CA,
Agence France Presse English Wire provides full-text articles relation to national, international, business, and sports news. Agence France Presse (AFP) distributes it English language service worldwide with correspondents in eastern and western Europe, the Middle East, North and South America, and Africa. It is also the world's oldest news agency, dating back to 1835. The service represents the totality of news collected by 950 AFP journalists and 2,000 stringers operating out of over 130 countries.
Associated Press Online
Associated Press Information Services
New York, NY, 212-621-1500
AP Online is a comprehensive general news service compiled from the national and international wires of The Associated Press. Coverage includes business and financial news, Washington political developments, sports stories and scores, entertainment and general news. The service, coded for easy sorting, carries approximately 500 stories in any given day and is transmitted continuously via a 9600 baud line.
Business Wire
Business Wire
New York, NY, 212-575-8822
Business Wire is the nation's premier media relations wire services used by more than 12,000 organizations - including a significant number of Fortune 500 companies - to accurately and effectively disseminate full-text news releases to the news media and investment community worldwide. Additionally, Business Wire reaches twice as many computer/electronic trade publications, key high-tech writers and industry analysts than anyone else. The company's Strategic Information Services Division - featuring IndustryTrak, CompetitorTrak, BW DataSearch and BW Fax-On-Demand - provides relevant information to public relations and investor relations professionals enabling them to make authoritative decisions in a complex, highly competitive American and global business environment.
Canada NewsWire
Canada NewsWire
New York, NY, 212-832-9400
Canada Newswire is the leading electronic distributor of corporate news to the media and financial community in Canada. Canada NewsWire handles the newswire and fax transmission requirements of more than 5,000 companies, associations, agencies and municipalities throughout all of the provinces. CNW is headquartered in Toronto and maintains bureaus in Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver, Halifax and Ottawa.
Canadian Corporate News
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
Canadian Corporate News contains the latest disclosure information for shareholder-owned companies; announcements of new products, services and programs; government hearings; media conference announcements; news of major importance that may not be covered by Dow Jones Canada, Reuters or the major print media; and expanded news coverage to include drilling results, takeovers, expansions, and other news from Canadian listed companies.
Comline / Japan Industry Wire
COMLINE Business Data
New York, NY, 212-480-2100
COMLINE's news services provide an invaluable resource for all your English-language information needs on developments in Japanese technology and business. We bring specialized information to your fingertips through concise yet informative abstracts, providing for a quick analysis of articles pertinent in value to your business needs. The eight subject categories COMLINE covers are: electronics, computers, telecommunications, chemicals and materials, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, manufacturing technology, and transportation. Daily or weekly subscriptions are available via fax or e-mail directly from COMLINE.
FT McCarthy
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
INVEST/NET Insider Trading Monitor
Alexandria, VA, 703-820-2000
Invest/Net's Insider Trading Monitor reports on the stock trading activity of over 100,000 individuals in over 15,000 corporations. All officers, directors, and major shareholders are required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission by the tenth of the month following any trade. The Insider Trading Monitor reports on over 20,000 transactions monthly.
ISDN Wire Service
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
ISDN Wire Service is a full text news-release bureau offering global electronic communications. ISDN is an important source of press release, financial reports and disclosure informational for Canadian public and private companies. ISDN meets regulatory criteria for issuing legal and timely disclosure information.
Alexandria, VA, 703-820-2000
The Informational Telegraph Agency of Russia is the official Russian news agency, specializing in political and economic news. Real time coverage includes happenings in Eastern European countries and news on domestic and international events.
Inter Press Service
Inter Press Service
New York, NY, 212-286-0123
Now available in the United States, Inter Press Service offers subscribers in-depth news and news feature coverage of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Written from the perspective of the "Third World", IPS tackles news on the environment, energy, health, and social issues, as well as commodities, trade agreements, structural adjustment, government, finance and development in the under-reported regions of the world. From its world desk in Amsterdam and from bureaus in over 100 countries, IPS gives more coverage to "new voices", not just the traditional information sources.
Kyodo News International
Kyodo News International
New York, NY, 212-621-1500
Kyodo provides up-to-the-minute coverage of financial, economic, political and general developments from Japan and the Pacific Rim. Kyodo News International, Asia's largest news-gathering organization, is the only Japanese news agency operating independent of government and commercial influence. More than 200 stories are delivered over a 9600 baud circuit in each 24 hour cycle.
Nikkei English News
Nikkei America
New York, NY, 212-261-6200
NIKKEI English News is a product of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the world's largest business newspaper company and the primary reference source for Japanese news, data, and commentary on business and finance. NEN provides the latest information on Japan from an electronic news gathering network supported by over 2,000 journalists. More than 350 news stories a day are translated, transmitted and available for immediate review.
PR Newswire
PR Newswire
New York, NY, 212-832-9400
The world's largest electronic distributor of corporate news to the media and financial community. In addition to the availability of dozens of distribution newslines which put news releases directly into the computers of editors and publishers in the US and around the world, PRN has its own broadcast fax and fax-on-demand operation. Using PRN's media lists, or storing their own proprietary lists, corporations, government agencies, associations, and other organizations use PR Newswire's fax services at the rate of 1 million pages per month.
Reuters Asia/Pacific Business Report
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters Business Report
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters Corporate World News
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters E.C. Report
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters European Business Report
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters Money News Service
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters Transcript Report
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters World News Service
Reuters America, Inc.
Reston, VA, 703-471-2200
Reuters is composed of several newswires with different coverage:
Reuter Corporate World News - international coverage of all exchanges and over-the-counter markets, public companies, including earnings reports and forecasts; corporate research; board, personnel and executive changes; executive interviews; mergers and acquisitions; bankruptcies; share offerings; SEC filings; debt and loan information; major block trades; and other news of interest to investors. Plus, daily analytical "talking point" reports on stock or economic developments that move markets.
Reuter Business Report - all US business news stories, as well as the "top" business stories from the rest of the world. The Report also includes weekly specialty columns on such topics as: Computing, Workplace, Home Technology, and more.
Reuter Asia/Pacific Business Report - similar to RBR, but written with an emphasis on business news stories from Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Reuter European Business Report - similar to RBR, but written with an emphasis on the European, African, and Middle Eastern business stories.
Reuters Money News Service - contains coverage of international money, futures and foreign exchange markets plus global political and general news affecting financial markets.
Also included is Reuter Energy News and Reuter Transcript Report.
The Economist
The Economist
New York, NY, 212-541-0500
US Newswire
Alexandria, VA, 703-820-2000
A Washington based wire service used to transmit news releases and statements from the federal government and other national newsmakers to the Washington Press Corps. Organizations that typically transmit releases on US Newswire include federal government agencies, Capitol Hill offices, labor unions, trade and industry associations, and interest groups.
Xinhua News Agency
Alexandria, VA, 703-820-2000
With more than 135 bureaus worldwide, this Chinese press agency is global in nature, providing reports on five continents with particular emphasis toward the Asian and Pacific Rim. Xinhua stories include general news events as well as economic reports and information about specific trade pacts.
Commerce Business Daily
Elizabethtown, PA, 800-669-2441
Mercury Electronic Publishing Corporation (MEPCO) reproduces the Commerce Business Daily (CBD) in electronic format. The Commerce Business Daily provides coverage of all US government procurements above $25,000 in contract value. It also includes notice of US government contract awards. MEPCO's services range from finding certain bids for companies to providing them with a complete software package that allows for unlimited searching along with Past Pricing Information. For more information on CBD related services call MEPCO at (800) 669-2441.
Congress Daily
National Journal Inc.
Washington, DC, 202-739-8400
Daily $1,397.00
Congress Daily is a daily newsletter covering the latest business, financial, economic and political news from Congress. Published each business afternoon, Congress Daily provides behind-the-scenes coverage of important congressional developments. Congress Daily is delivered via fax and e-mail
Congress Daily/A.M.
National Journal Inc.
Washington, DC, 202-739-8400
Daily $1,397.00
Congress Daily/A.M. is a daily newsletter covering the latest business, financial, economic and political news from Congress. Congress Daily/A.M. also provides a detailed schedule of congressional events and other important Washinton events. Published each morning while Congress is in session, Congress Daily/A.M. provides behind-the-scenes coverage of important congressional developments. Congress Daily/A.M. is hand delivered and is available only in metropolitan Washington DC.
Federal Register
Counterpoint Publishing
Cambridge, MA, 617-547-4515
Daily $1,950.00
The Federal Register is a comprehensive daily record of all regulations, notices, rules, and proposed rules issued by all departments and agencies of the US federal government. The Compact Disk Federal Register is a weekly CD-ROM subscription available through Counterpoint Publishing. Each CD-ROM contains six months of the complete United States Federal Register. All disks contain the Counterpoint Federal Register software.
Government Executive
National Journal Inc.
Washington, DC, 202-739-8400
Monthly $48.00
Government Executive is a monthly business magazine for senior US federal executives. The magazine covers management, personnel and technology issues that are important to federal executives, as well as political, policy and news developments. A subscription to Government Executive includes the Top 200 Federal Contractors issue, published each August, which provides detailed rankings and analysis of federal contractors in over 25 categories.
East Haven, CT, 203-495-6900
MicroPatent provides the weekly issuance of patents from the United States Patent Office to INDIVIDUAL. MicroPatent also offers other patent information in various formats. Weekly and monthly subscriptions to abstracts from US and European Patent Offices along with full images on CD-ROM. Personal search services include a PhoneSearch desk where each inquiry is search professionally. A BBS announces all new patents by industry. Call 800-684-6787 for more information.
National Journal
National Journal Inc.
Washington, DC, 202-739-8400
Weekly $937.00
National Journal is the premier weekly magazine on government and politics. National Journal provides detailed, non-partisan and lively news and analysis of the political and policy making processes. The magazine is must reading for anyone who needs to know how the political process really works.
Set-Aside Alert
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
AIDS Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
AIDS Weekly
CW Henderson, Publisher
Atlanta, GA, 404-377-8895
Weekly $995.00
AIDS Weekly features from 20 to 30 pages of news from around the world, covering all aspects of AIDS, including research, treatments, psychosocial and preventive issues, and politics. Journals and periodicals are reviewed and summarized. A calendar of relevant professional meetings is continuously updated. One of the first AIDS periodicals, AIDS Weekly has been published continuously since October 1985.
Advanced Technology in Surgical Care
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
American Journal of Pediatrics
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of Dermatology
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of Family Medicine
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of General Psychiatry
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of Internal Medicine
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of Neurology
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of Ophthalmology
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of Otolaryngology
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
Archives of Surgery
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
BioBusiness International Newsletter
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
BioWorld Financial Watch
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
BioWorld Today
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Daily $989.00
BioWorld Today is a four-to six page daily fax newspaper that provides updates on the business, scientific and regulatory aspects of the biotechnology industry. Stories include company deals, financial news, scientific advances, product development, international collaborations, and much more.
BioWorld Weekly
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Biotechnology Business News
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Analyses the commercial implications, financial and scientific developments, giving the hard facts and incisive comment on the international biotechnology industry.
Blood Weekly
CW Henderson, Publisher
Atlanta, GA, 404-377-8895
Weekly $995.00
Blood Weekly concentrates on blood-related news and research worldwide, with original reporting, reviews of periodicals and journal articles, calendars of upcoming professional meetings. Topics include blood products and substitutes, blood-related diseases including AIDS, tissue transplants and blood-borne pathogens.
Breast Cancer Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Cancer Biotechnology Weekly
CW Henderson, Publisher
Atlanta, GA, 404-377-8895
Weekly $995.00
Cancer Researcher Weekly provides more than 1,200 pages of valuable information, covering all aspects of cancer research, including AIDS-related cancers. The weekly features original reporting as well as research developments selected from more than 8,000 sources worldwide.
Case Management Advisor
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Clinical Cardiology Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Clinical Oncology Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Monthly $115.00
Contraceptive Technology Update
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Critical Care Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Dental Implantology Update
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Drug Utilization Review
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Emergency Department Legal Letters
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Emergency Department Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Emergency Medical Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Emergency Medicine Reports
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Employee Health & Fitness
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Gene Therapy Weekly
CW Henderson, Publisher
Atlanta, GA, 404-377-8895
Weekly $995.00
Responding to fast breaking developments, this international weekly features up-to-the-minute reporting on recent discoveries and innovations in human genetic research. Coverage includes advances in thinking about recombinant DNA, genetically engineered vaccines, gene therapy and pharmaceuticals. Fascinating and timely reading for researchers, clinicians, journalists, and investors.
Health News Daily
F-D-C Reports, Inc.
Chevy Chase, MD, 301-657-9830
Daily $1,195.00
Provides up-to-the-minute coverage of the health care industry, including pharmaceuticals, devices and diagnostics, biomedical research, federal health policy, cost-containment and reimbursement. Special emphasis on regulatory and legislative developments, including health care reform.
Healthcare Risk Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Healthcare Technology and Business Opportunity
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Home Care Case Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Home Health Incomes & Outcomes
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Home Infusion Therapy Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Homecare Quality Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Access Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Benchmarks
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Case Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Employee Health
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Home Health
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Infection Control
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Integrated Care Report
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Outcomes Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Payment & Information Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Peer Review
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Hospital Rehab
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Infectious Disease Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Infectious Disease Reports
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Infectious Disease Weekly
CW Henderson, Publisher
Atlanta, GA, 404-377-8895
Weekly $995.00
An indispensable tool for staying ahead of the information explosion in the field of infectious disease. Each issue features worldwide research breakthroughs, original reporting, abstracts from conference proceedings, and highlights from relevant journals. Topics include the latest in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of common and uncommon infectious diseases from AIDS to malaria, hepatitis to tuberculosis; government action and programs; and hospital policies and procedures.
Internal Medicine Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
International TB Monitor
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Journal Watch
Massachusetts Medical Society
Waltham, MA, 617-893-3800
Twice Monthly $79.00
Journal Watch is a twice-monthly newsletter that uses practicing physicians to survey the latest medical research literature from a group of over 25 journals. These editors briefly summarize and comment on the articles they believe their colleagues should know about.
Journal of the American Medical Association
American Medical Association
Chicago, IL, 312-464-5000
MCO Provider Relations
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Managed Care Quality
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Medical Ethics Advisor
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Medical Information Technology Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Neurology Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
New England Journal of Medicine
Massachusetts Medical Society
Waltham, MA, 617-893-3800
A clear editorial focus on the timely and accurate reporting of groundbreaking medical research has made The New England Journal of Medicine the most-cited medical journal published anywhere in the world. From its documentation of the first use of ether anesthesia in 1846 to recent articles on the cost of health care reform, AZT and AIDs, the Journal proves its claim as essential reading.
OB/GYN Clinical Alert
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
OTC Business News
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Occupational Health Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Outpatient Benchmark
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Outpatient Reimbursement Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
COMLINE Business Data
New York, NY, 212-480-2100
Weekly $990.00
Pharma Japan (PJ), with its editorial staff located in Japan, is the premier source of weekly pharmaceuticals news emanating from Japan. PJ provides exclusive interviews, and monitors market trends, key regulatory news, R & D activities and earnings reports of drug manufacturers in Japan and Eastern Asia.
PHO Update
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Patient Education Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Patient-Focused Care
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Pharmaceutical Business News
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Provides in-depth coverage and hard news of the vital moves that shape the international pharmaceutical industry.
Physician Relations Update
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Physician's Capitation Survival
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Physician's Managed Care Report
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Physician's Marketing & Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Physician's Payment Update
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Primary Care Reports
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Quality Improvement/Total Quality Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Same Day Surgery
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
Subacute Care Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
TB Weekly
CW Henderson, Publisher
Atlanta, GA, 404-377-8895
Weekly $995.00
TB Weekly concentrates on tuberculosis-related news and research worldwide, with original reporting, reviews of periodicals and journal articles, calendars of upcoming professional meetings. Topics include TB control programs, vaccine development, the dual epidemics of AIDS and TB, and government roles and responses.
The Marketletter
Marketletter (Publications) Ltd.
London, UK, 44-71-828-7272
Weekly $750.00
Now in its 21st year of publication, The Marketletter covers the international pharmaceutical industry, including worldwide markets, legislation and health care, environmental matters, company news, stock market commentaries, pharmaceutical research and development, drug launches and sales progress.
Vaccine Weekly
CW Henderson, Publisher
Atlanta, GA, 404-377-8895
Weekly $995.00
Vaccine Weekly covers vaccine related news and research from around the world. As vaccines increasingly are viewed as the most viable solution to everything from AIDS to birth control and heart disease, this new international weekly will bring together relevant news and breakthroughs from interrelated topics ranging from therapeutic vaccines for AIDS, cancer, and other diseases, efficacy and safety trials; FDA regulations and approvals; prevention and other relevant information
Women's Health Center Management
American Health Consultants
Atlanta, GA, 404-262-7436
A.M. Best News
A.M. Best Company
Oldwick, NJ, 908-439-2200
A.M. Best, the oldest insurance news organization in the industry, new offers A.M. Best News. Each day, you can receive full text from articles written by A.M. Best's editors and select abstracts from the industry's leading trade publication, Best's Review, via electronic mail, Lotus Notes or fax. A.M. Best News provides: 20 or more insurance news stories every day; reports from insurance-related conferences, events in Washington, court cases and regulatory changes; a historical database; changes in Best Ratings of the leading 100 companies throughout the year; and commentary on key issues from A.M. Best's expert editors and analysts.
Business Insurance
Crain Communications
Chicago, IL, 312-649-5200
Canadian Underwriter
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
13x/year $40.00
Established in 1934, Canadian Underwriter is a paid-circulation insurance journal catering to the property-casualty insurance industry, which includes firms doing business in automobile, home, commercial, and specialty insurance (but not life and health insurance).
East European Insurance Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Gives subscribers detailed first hand information, which is simply unobtainable elsewhere. Information is arranged by country including: Albania, the Baltic States, Bulgaria, Czech, Slovak, eastern Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the former Soviet Union, Croatia and Slovenia.
Insurance Accountant
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $695.00
Gives CFOs a quick rundown every week of the latest changes in accounting policies that affect insurers. It pays close attention to regulatory, legislative and accounting policy, and what's happening at FASB, AICPA, and inside the Federal Government. Includes an extensive ledger of capsulized information about legal cases, policy and other accounting data.
Insurance Regulator
American Banker - Bond Buyer
New York, NY, 212-943-4848
Weekly $750.00
This 8-page weekly newsletter monitors the constant threat by Congress to federally regulate the insurance industry. In addition, Insurance Regulator covers groups that write proposals that become de facto national regulations, groups like NAIC. Covers not only state by state regulation, but also the national overview on developing changes in the industry.
Lloyd's List
Lloyd's of London Press
London, UK, 44-71-250-1500
A unique international daily business newspaper operating through a network of highly informed specialist correspondents and journalists, backed up by the unique worldwide Lloyd's Agency System. Lloyd's List is able to track and update all aspects of maritime information which is then combined with the latest financial, insurance, commodity, and transportation news to form an authoritative and complete picture of international trade.
National Underwriter/Life & Health
National Underwriters
Cincinnati, OH, 513-721-2140
National Underwriter/Property & Casualty
National Underwriters
Cincinnati, OH, 513-721-2140
World Corporate Insurance Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
The corporate section of the World Insurance Report
World Insurance Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Regarded throughout the industry as the essential specialist insurance publication, giving readers the most concise and pertinent review available of international non-life and re-insurance news.
World Policy Guide
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
A unique and comprehensive listing of new policies and programmes in all insurance classes available each month worldwide, plus a clause-by-clause analysis of London Market policy wordings.
Advertising Age
Crain Communications
Chicago, IL, 312-649-5200
Advertising Age International
Crain Communications
Chicago, IL, 312-649-5200
Business Marketing
Crain Communications
Chicago, IL, 312-649-5200
See listing under Communications
Cowles/SIMBA Media Daily
SIMBA Information
Wilton, CT, 203-834-0033
The only daily online newswire exclusively covering the converging media industry. At the end of every business day, this news service provides succinct articles reporting the day's business news about broadcast/cable, newspapers, magazines, books, new media, online services, the Internet, electronic publishing and telecommunications. Media Daily offers convenient, concise, and authoritative reports hours or days before it appears in your morning paper or the trades. For further information about Media \Daily and other products, contact Michael Genaro at (203) 834-0033x151.
Electronic Media
Crain Communications
Chicago, IL, 312-649-5200
Crain Communications
Chicago, IL, 312-649-5200
European Media Business & Finance
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $895.00
Our on-the-spot expert correspondents in 10 major European cities bring you insider business and financial news on broadcast TV and radio, CATV, DBS, cinema and publishing. Hear about: mergers and acquisitions, advertising and viewership, media stocks, government regulations, and multinational media companies.
HDTV Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
Tune into 6 business opportunities in advanced television with HDTV Report: the Grand Alliance, digital compression broadcasting, European digital standards, Japanese HDTV, display technologies and new and developing non-broadcast applications
Healthcare PR News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $397.00
Healthcare PR helps PR and marketing executives improve their organization's reputation, marketing efforts and relationships with stakeholders. In addition to proven tips, tactics and techniques, subscribers also receive: case studies, health beat, people movers, annual calendar of events, and account ticker.
Interactive Age
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
Interactive Marketing News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $497.00
The only newsletter that cuts through the hype around interactive advertising and marketing, plus brings you practical hands-on advice and case studies.
Interactive Video News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Interactive Video News provides easy-to-scan, cutting edge information on technologies of the video industry. You can easily ferret out the real issues concerning: multimedia, interactivity, video-on-demand, online services, pay-per-view, and video conferencing.
Interactive Week
Ziff-Davis Interactive
Cambridge, MA, 617-252-5000
MIN: Media Industry Newsletter
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $395.00
Everybody in magazines, TV and advertising grabs min first thing every Monday for its insider news, "sassy" attitude and 7 famous "scorekeepers": advertising boxscores, circulation analysis, mergers and acquisition scoreboard, media stock watchers' reports, annual salary listings, best and worst selling magazine covers, and job changers report.
Multimedia Business Analyst
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Music TV Finance
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
NetGuide Magazine
CMP Publications
Manhasset, NY, 516-562-5000
New Media Markets
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
The leading journal on the new media with global reporting on crucial news in the industry. New Media Markets has established unique access to decision makers. It reports the news, examines industry issues and trends and provides its readers with a knowledge and understanding of what is going on in the international new media business.
PR News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $297.00
PR News helps practitioners improve their PR by providing ideas, strategies, case studies, proprietary research and news. It is guaranteed to make your campaigns--and your career--more successful by bringing you: case studies, account tickers, people moves, agency beat, annual events calendar, and annual executive recruiters guide.
Satellite News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Weekly $797.00
Every week top satellite executives and contractors turn to Satellite News to hear hot business news first. News we'll bring you before anyone else includes: first news on buy-outs, ventures, bankruptcies and launches, "leaked" first-peak at FCC documents, and how developing technologies affect you.
Television Digest with Consumer Electronics
Warren Publishing
Washington, DC, 202-872-9200
Weekly $825.00
The foundation publication of Warren Publishing, Television Digest has been providing continuous coverage since 1945. The Digest is a "must" reading for all executives who have a direct interest in broadcasting, cable or video consumer electronics. Highly respected, " is recognized as the most accurate and widely-read newsletter covering the television industry". Sony Chairman Akio Morita called the Digest "the leading US trade journal."
Video Technology News
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Raise your company's profits with Video Technology News. This easy-to-read biweekly newsletter is packed with business news and tips. Subjects covered include: the developing digital superhighway, consumer electronics and video games, multimedia, displays, compression, DBS, and cable TV.
Canadian Mining Journal
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
6x/year $42.00
Established in 1879, the Canadian Mining Journal is an independent bi-monthly journal, providing articles and information of practical use to those who work in the technical, administrative, and supervisory aspects of exploration, mining and processing in the Canadian mineral industry.
Mine Regulation Reporter
Pasha Publications
Arlington, VA, 703-528-1244
The Northern Miner
Southam Magazine and Information Group
Don Mills, Ontario, 416-442-2198
Weekly $100.00
The Northern Miner is a weekly newspaper covering the North American mining industry. With emphasis on financial news, it is of particular interest to the exploration and development sectors.
Asian Infrastructure Monthly
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Business China
Economist Intelligence Unit
New York, NY, 212-554-0600
Biweekly $650.00
If you do business in China, you can't afford to ignore Business China. In 12 concisely written pages every fortnight, it tells you exactly what you need to know about the developments in one of the world's largest markets. Not just the latest industry news, but detailed, pragmatic advice on the how-to, when-to and when-not-to of successful business.
Business Eastern Europe
Economist Intelligence Unit
New York, NY, 212-554-0600
Weekly $1,175.00
For more than 20 years managers have turned to Business Eastern Europe for up-to-the-minute news on these challenging markets. BEE is the 12 page newsletter that emphasizes practical business issues, covers new business and finance deals, and delivers analysis of major events.
Business Europe
Economist Intelligence Unit
New York, NY, 212-554-0600
Weekly $1,150.00
Every week Business Europe tackles topical issues and business problems, analyses changes in the operating environment, examines corporate decisions, reports political developments, and identifies opportunities for growth or cost-cutting in the European marketplace.
Business Latin America
Economist Intelligence Unit
New York, NY, 212-554-0600
Weekly $945.00
Business Latin America gives you the facts and figures you need to make your decisions - the latest economic trends and market developments, forecasts of currency and FX market conditions, plus a statistical rundown of GDP, inflation, exports, and imports. Business Latin America gives you vital, accurate statistics and explains the implications for companies operating across the region.
Cross Border Monitor
Economist Intelligence Unit
New York, NY, 212-554-0600
Weekly $675.00
Crossborder Monitor is a weekly briefing service designed to provide executives with a global overview of fast-changing market developments requiring management attention. In eight pages, Corssborder Monitor gives you access to insightful analysis of key business events in any of 180 major and emerging markets.
East European Markets
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
A business intelligence report for executives giving a comprehensive briefing on the latest developments in Central and Eastern Europe including the former Soviet Union. It focuses on news items of importance to business: investment, banking, business trends, industry, technology and new legislation, with coverage which is often exclusive.
India Business Report
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
A survey of developments affecting business in India for foreign investors. In the wake of radical liberalisation programmes, India Business Intelligence examines India's place in the international investors emerging markets portfolio, identifies opportunities for direct investment and addresses associated issues.
Korea Economic Daily
COMLINE Business Data
New York, NY, 212-480-2100
Korea Economic Daily, which is comprised of daily business news from Korea, is only available as an on-line service. The editorial content of the news services is provided by the publisher of a leading weekly newspaper, Korea Economic Weekly, and syndicated by COMLINE News Service.
Southern Africa Business Intelligence
Financial Times Information Services
London, UK, 44-71-825-8000
Air Cargo Report
Phillips Business Information
Potomac, MD, 301-340-1520
Biweekly $595.00
Air Cargo Report is the only newsletter that keeps you abreast of new technologies -- and the new players -- competing to take a share of the burgeoning air cargo market. Each issue updates you on changing price strategies, new product announcements, safety issues, legislation, management relations, new business services and much more.
Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News
Washington, DC, 202-383-6134
AirCommerce reports monthly on all aspects of the air-cargo scene. Included are in-depth reports on air-cargo carriers, airport activity, international cargo trade, regulatory decisions, personnel moves and earnings announcements. Editorial opinion pieces are columns by industry experts are carried in every issue.
Journal of Commerce
Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News
Washington, DC, 202-383-6134
One of the oldest and most respected business publications in the United States, it has long been considered the "bible" of international trade and transportation. It also reports daily on such related subjects as insurance, energy, coal, chemicals, commodities, financing and communications. Its editorials carry considerable weight in Washington, foreign capitals and throughout the business community.
Traffic World
Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News
Washington, DC, 202-383-6134
Traffic World is the leading domestic magazine for news and opinion on all modes of cargo transportation. Coverage includes air carriers, trucking companies, railroads and shipping lines. Government regulations, trade groups, labor news, personnel announcements and earnings reports are covered on a weekly basis.