The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
The Queen's University of Belfast

Miscellaneous threads from the Web

Internet and Medicine
Worth a browse, surfers!
Irish Times articles
A database of Irish Times articles, which is updated on a daily basis. No pictures, unfortunately.
The Internet Movie Database
A highly successful cinematic database based at Cardiff, where the users are the information providers
Search the US Patent Office
Perform a keyword search on a database of United States patents (1994/1995) and read the full text descriptions of the selected inventions.
World Wide Web search engine
One of the many "Web Crawlers" available to search the World Wide Web.
BBC TV and radio schedules
What's on the BBC this week?
UNITE Solutions Limited
A Belfast-based internet provider
Tourist information about Northern Ireland
A somewhat twee brochure detailing the many wonders awaiting unsuspecting visitors to the north of Ireland.

Gerry Mulvenna
Last Updated: 29 February 1996