PlanIt Playboy

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the system requirements?
The minimum system requirements are:

We recommend:

Is PlanIt Playboy available on floppy disks?

May I order COD?
No. But you may mail a check with your order to Anomaly.

How will PlanIt Playboy be shipped?
First-class U.S. Mail, in a white cardboard mailer with an Anomaly return address.

When and how will my credit card be billed?
You will see a charge from Anomaly. It will be billed on the day we ship the product to you.

What credit cards do you accept?
Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Sorry, no Discover at this time.

How many images are included?
Over 370 full-screen images, with over 1,000 total images.

Does the product expire after 12 months' use?
No. The images and content will simply repeat after twelve months' use. You can use PlanIt Playboy indefinately into the future.

May I print or reuse the photography?
We are sorry, but the media assets of PlanIt Playboy cannot be reused, reprinted, reproduced or redisplayed outside of the PlanIt Playboy program.

Is PlanIt Playboy available for the Macintosh?
Not at this time.

Does PlanIt Playboy require the CD in the drive to function?
No. The content is automatically updated at the beginning of the month by inserting the CD into the machine. This process takes just a minute or so.

How can I remove the four screens of marketing information at the end of the shareware version?
Simply delete files ORDER01.CPI, ORDER02.CPI, ORDER03.CPI and ORDER04.CPI from the PLANITPB directory.

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