Japanese and Chinese Translation and Interpretation List

The list is meant as a forum for professional translators and researchers dealing with the Japanese and Chinese language. The main focus will be on Chinese.

There are already other lists for translators without restrictions in terms of language or proficiency, e.g., LANTRA-L or HONYAKU. JACHITRA, however, is limited to the discussion of translation problems of all languages into Chinese or Japanese and vice versa.

Combinations like English-German, French-Spanish, etc. should not be discussed on JACHITRA, except if they appear in the context of a translation problem related to Chinese or Japanese.The intended focus of the list is Chinese, because the HONYAKU list already covers the Japanese area of the subject. That makes JACHITRA the first list mainly dedicated to the discussion of Chinese translation problems.

The languages of the list are English, Chinese and Japanese. Preferred code for Chinese is BIG-5, for Japanese SHIFT-JIS. Messages sent in Chinese or Japanese should contain a short English summary. Many people have no Chinese or Japanese system installed and still want to know the content of messages. If you are using Windows 95 English and want to read Chinese or Japanese messages, think of Twinbridge, Unionway, NJWin, etc. Some of these programs are available in shareware versions on the Internet.

Subscription Info

To subscribe, send a message with the line
	subscribe jachitra [your@email.address]
To unsubscribe send
	unsubscribe jachitra [your@email.address]
For a list of commands send

For questions and suggestions, please contact the list master MARTEN@PRISTINE.COM.TW


Is there a JACHITRA FAQ?
Yes. You are reading it. Expect it to grow over the next monthts.

List Owner: Marten@Pristine.Com.tw | Pristine Home Page