New Registration Server Information

A new registration process has been implemented. The registration program pubwww_reg makes a connection to the registration server on which updates the registration database which provides access control to the public WWW service.

You may use pubwww_reg commands given below to register your homepage or use setup_www.

Please Note:

By registering a user or locker you are granting permission to use your REAL NAME and electronic mail address [provided to the Computation Center via Administrative Data Processing (ADP)] in the directory of homepages. For example:

A user entry might look like this:

	sqpub -- Susan Q. Public
A locker entry might look like this:
	public -- The "public" Software Locker (,
                  Susan Q. Public)
If you do not wish to have this information available, do not register for this service.


For a quick look at the available options, use the following commands:
vincent% add www
vincent% pubwww_reg -h
pubwww_reg -- public WWW homepage registration program

 pubwww_reg [-h | -help]
 pubwww_reg [-l lockername | -u username] [-i | -r | -d]
    -l lockername       locker name to register
    -u username         username to register
    -i                  get information
    -r                  register
    -d                  delete entry

vincent% setup_www [-l lockername]



To register yourself, use one of the following commands:

    vincent% add www
		followed by
	vincent% pubwww_reg -r
	vincent% pubwww_reg -u yourusername -r
	vincent% setup_www
To register a locker, the directory /home/lockername/WWW must exist and the person attempting to register that locker must have write access to that directory. To register a locker, use the following command

	vincent% pubwww_reg -l lockername -r
	vincent% setup_www -l lockername

Verifying Registration Information

To get verify the registration information for yourself, use one of the following commands:

	vincent% pubwww_reg
	vincent% pubwww_reg -i
	vincent% pubwww_reg -u yourusername -i
Anyone can verify the registration for anyone else (since this information will be on the automatically generated directory of homepages). For example:

	vincent% pubwww_reg -u theirusername -i
	vincent% pubwww_reg -l somelockername -i

Deleting yourself (or your locker) from the Registration Database

Use one of the following commands to delete yourself from the registration database:

	vincent% pubwww_reg -d
	vincent% pubwww_reg -u yourusername -d
To remove a locker from the database, use the following command:

	vincent% pubwww_reg -u lockername -d
To remove a locker from the database, you must have write access to the directory /home/lockername/WWW.

More Information

For more information, please refer to the original document on this service: How to experiment with this service. This document includes information on setting up the WWW directory.