The Philosophy of Ragnarok

Ragnarok is a heavily modified and enhanced LPmud. We have a decidedly silly and frivolous atmosphere and a "do-it-yourself" spirit. Our main focus is quality over quantity. You can look at almost everything here, and you're encouraged to slow down, relax, enjoy the scenery and the small, cozy atmosphere. Silliness is always afoot in Ragnarok!

The players and wizards here are a fun and friendly group, and we mean to keep it that way. You don't have to "conform", but you do have to exercise good judgement. We won't tolerate abusive or offensive players who clearly don't appreciate our goals and ideals. Ragnarok is a place where you check your "real life" at the door and come to a comfortable environment to be with friends.

We encourage everyone to think about the person sitting behind the screen, someplace far away, with a life as complex and difficult as our own. In that light, endeavor to be just and kind. When angry or upset, if you wouldn't do it or say it in someone's physical presense, don't do it or say it here. Players with disputes or clashes in personality are encouraged to seek a town sherriff, or someone higher up the chain of command (sherriff, archwizard, god). Note the "demigods" are not in the loop to handle player. or wizard disputes, unless they choose to do so on a case-by-case basis.

It is not our wish that anyone be asked or forced to leave here, and we will attempt to reach a fair and just conclusion if the situation calls for action of that kind.

(See also Complaints).