RAIN's Community Internet Center in Santa Barbra
1691 Spinnaker Dr. suite 103, at the Ventura Harbor
The RAIN Network is a Community computer system designed to provide information and communications for the residents of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. The RAIN Network also has Internet based information access to the Marshall Islands and other countires making up the Pacif Rim, through a project, funded in part by the National Science Foundation, called the Pacific Rim Economic and Education Exchange Network (PacRim EEE). As part of the Education mission of the RAIN Network, community Internet Training Centers have been opened in Ventura and Santa Barbara. The intention behind these Community Internet Centers is two fold. First, to make as available to the entire community as possible, the significiant resources and assistance, that the Internet offers to everyone. Function much like a free Public Library, we encourage Internet / Computer literarcy and hold as many training classes as possible. Second is the Networks mission to provide a point of Technology Transfer to Small Business in both Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, making understanding and ultimatly productive use of the Internet and global marketing possibilities on the World Wide Web a reality for Small as well as large businesses. The Network is not responsible for individual users ability to user their own equipment or software, although the Network will do everything possible to help new users usderstand and use the Internet.
RAIN is not responsible for phone line service delivery problems. The Network does work closely with the local service provider to ensure efficient resolution to any line or circuit problems that might arise.
The members, not RAIN, are solely responsible for the configuration and operation of their own computer equipment, software and peripherals. RAIN will endeavor to provide technical support classes to assist users in resolving configuration and/or operation challenges they may face when using their own equipment and software, but RAIN can not be held responsible for the user's ability to use their own equipment and software.
RAIN's extends credit towards the member's future use of the Network in the event of extended downtime. RAIN rerserves the right to refuse service to users who practice abusive, threatening, illegal or vulgar behavior on the RAIN Network, or through RAIN's Network gateway to any other network. Any questions regarding this policy must be addressed in writing to the Director, RAIN Network, P.O. Box 2683, Santa Barbara 93120.