The aim of the research is a fundamental understanding that can be incorporated in process and equipment models, thus enabling firm-based design and optimization of separation processes for often complex media. In the research projects the attention is focused on the multilevel, multidistributed nature of the phenomena and processes. On all levels, ranging from micro- to macroscale, theoretical modelling is interwoven with experimental work.
Advanced research facilities have been realized and are still growing, both on laboratory and pilot scale. The group has established strong, still widening contacts with other institutions at home and abroad, and firm, mutual interests with industry and government offices.
Drying of deformable porous media: ir. B. Kroes
The aim
of the research is to arrive at an understanding of the fundamental
processes involved in drying of clays and mixtures of clays. Special
attention is paid to shrinkage, drying kinetics and stresses.
Modelling quality in spray drying: ir. F.G. Kieviet
This research aims at a better insight into the origin of the quality
of food products when dried in a spray dryer. Models are developed for
predicting histories of temperature and moisture content, retention of
aroma components and retention of thermal instable components.
Computational fluid dynamics is applied for predicting particle
trajectories within the spray dryer.
Modelling diffusion in liquids and complex media: ms ir.
I.M.J.J. v.d. Ven-Lucassen
Diffusion coefficients in binary
systems are predicted by using a molecular dynamics approach. A
Taylor-dispersion-method apparatus is being developed to measure
diffusion coefficients in binairy liquid systems. Theoretical and
experimental diffusion coefficients are compared.
Sludge dewatering: ir. A.J.M. Herwijn, drs. E.J. La Heij
A large number of techniques for sludge characterization have been
developed in the laboratory. Sludge is examined on dewatering
characteristics and the solid-water bond strength. Much attention is
paid to filtration and especially expression of sludge. The
mathematical modelling of the dewatering process including solids
deformation behaviour plays an important role in this research.
Drying of paper
The emphasis in this research is on the
physics of mass- and heat transport in the paper, which is considered as
a shrinking porous material.
Drying of textile
The goal of this project is to establish
a practical method to characterize the drying behaviour of wax coated
textile. This method must be integrated in the design of an industrial
textile dryer.
Electrostatic coalescence: ir. H.F.M. v.d. Bosch
The influence of an electrostatic field on the coalescence of droplets
in a suspension is modelled with a numerical model and verified with a
microscopic video technique.
Electrostatic gas dispersion: ing. A.J.P.M. Staring
The influence of a strong inhomogeneous electric field on the
formation of gas bubbles and gas-liquid mass transfer is examined.
Large scale electrophoresis: ir. C.A.P.M. van Nunen
Flow patterns and temperature profiles of rheological complex liquids
which flow through a electrophoresis cel are computed and determined
Adsorption from solutions onto activated carbon
kinetics of adsorption of organic components from aqueous solutions onto
activated carbon is studied. The theoretical models are based on the
Stefan-Maxwell description with emphasis on the diffusion in the
adsorbed layer.
Interaction of components near a membrane: ir. P.W.G.F.
The transport of a model component, PolyEthyleneGlycol
(PEG), through a membrane is studied in the presence of various
components added to the bulk solution. Formation of a gel layer and
change in activity due to the added components strongly influence the
transport of PEG.
Alternative sorbers and carriers: drs. P. de Wit
Alternative column packings are studied in order to find new ways for
increasing the mass transfer rate and efficiency in column adsorbers
and column reactors.