Map of the FT-hal

The research and people from three of the groups (LCR, LST and EBT) are located in this hall. it has two floors, from which a large part is used for a two floor 'laboratory' in which all the larger equipment is set up.

Clicking on any part of the map Will take you to the right place in the description file. At the moment a lot of rooms on the map still have no link to a specific point in this page. I hope to implement as much as possible in the near future.

Mijn kamer Werkstations www, tc1, en SGI Magazijn PC zaaltje LDA Lab Secretariaat Secretariaat Anniek mijn Lab AIO computer zaal Werkplaats Fotoruimte, doka Thoenes Kerkhof Ottengraf Colloquiem zaaltje Boonstra Meuldijk Hoskens Kamer 1.34 Herman de Groot