TELEPORT Internet Services

Teleport InterPoll

InterPoll for the week of March 12, 1996:
Should Oregonians approve a sales tax?

Oregon Taxpayers United, usually an anti-tax watchdog group, is proposing an initiative for a state sales tax to replace income and property taxes.

What do you think?
+ No (152)

+ Yes (72)

+ Don't Know/Unsure (9)

Total votes: 233, Last vote from:

InterPoll for the week of March 5, 1996:
Who are you voting for in the Oregon Republican Presidential Primary?

Read voters' comments.
Steve Forbes (128)

Bob Dole (94)

Pat Buchanan (52)

Lamar Alexander (29)

Alan Keyes (19)

Richard Lugar (7)

Robert Dornan (5)

Morry Taylor (4)

Phil Gramm (3)

Total votes: 341, Last vote from:

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