1995 Directory of Latin American
Spanish Language Schools
Version 2.8
compiled by Ron Mader

Updated March 5, 1996

This is a growing list of the schools where you can learn or improve your Spanish in a Latin American country. (Sorry, I don't include info on U.S. programs.) If you have additions or corrections, please let me know! Besides this electronic version, I publish this directory every summer in the quarterly newsletter, El Planeta Platica: Eco Travels in Latin America (contact me for subscription or advertising info). Web site: http://www.planeta.com

This directory can be freely distributed for non-commercial distribution. It is regularly updated. Go ahead and copy this list for yourself or others who are planning on learning Spanish abroad.

Many thanks to Phil Crossley, Carla Felsted and to Bill Fitzgerald who shared their experiences and to all of the correspondents who asked me to list "their" favorite school.

Please note: I have visited only a fraction of these schools. The list has been collected from personal travel as well as recommendations from total strangers. If a school is no longer in business, let me know. This index is updated regularly, but I can't guarantee that all the information is 100 percent correct.

The best advice I can give you is to make sure that you're comfortable with the arrangements before you invest in a long-term study program. Request materials, solicit first-hand advice and when possible check out a couple of schools, especially if you're in a hotbed of language school activity such as Quito, Antigua, Cuernavaca or San José. Happy travels!

Ron Mader
12345 SW 18th Street #417
Miami, FL 33175
Email: ron@txinfinet.com

Web: http://www.planeta.com

South American Language Schools


Colonial Spanish School
518 Sucre and Benalcazar
PO Box 17-01-3739
Quito, Ecuador
Fax: 539-2-568664
Contact: Diego Pesantes

Andean Center for Latin American Studies (ACLAS)
P.O. Box 17-11-6203
Fax: 593-2-258-441
Contact: Fernando Mino-Garces
Email: fmino@aclas.ecx.ec

Escuela de Espanol "Simon Bolivar"
Calle Andalucia # 565 y Gnral. F. Salazar
La Floresta
Quito, Ecuador
Phone: 593-2-502640
Fax: 593-2-502640
Email: khaugan@aol.com


Centro de Idiomas
Avenida Manuel Olguin 215
Lima, Peru
Phone: 35061

Central American Language Schools

Costa Rica

Centro Cultural Costarricense-Norteamericano
Apartado 1489-1001
San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 21 1624
Phone: 33 8914
Fax: 33 8670

Academia Costarricense de Lenguaje
Location: Calle 37, Avenida 1 & 5
Mailing Address: Apartado 1489-1000
San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 25 9433
Fax: 24 1480

Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS)
Apartado 3-2070
San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 25-0508
Fax: 34-1337
Web: http://www.westnet.com/costarica/icads.html

U.S. Address: Dept. 826
Box 05216
Miami, FL 33102

Instituto Profesional de Espanol para Extanjeros
Apartado 2355-1000
San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 506 253-8693
Fax: 506 225-6870
U.S. Address: Robert Levy, Director
16057 Tampa Palms Blvd., Suite 158
Tampa, FL 33647
Phone/Fax: 813 988-3916
Email: IPEE@gate.net
Web: http://www.gate.net/~ipee/

Centro Panamericano de Idiomas (CPI)
P.O. Box 151-3007
San Joaquin De Flores, Heredia
Costa Rica
Phone: (506) 265-6866
Fax (506) 265-6213
Web: http//:www.westnet.com/costarica/cpi.html
Email: anajarro@sol.racsa.co.cr
U.S. Contact: Robert Zauner
Phone: (703) 426-0649
Email: rzauner@erols.com

Universidad Veritas
Instituto de Español para Extranjeros
Apdo. 1380-1000
San José, Costa Rica
Phone: (506) 225-5878
Fax: (506) 225-2907
Email: Veritas@sol.racsa.co.cr

Centro Linguistico Conversa
Apdo. 17
Centro Colon 1007
San José, Costa Rica
Phone 282-6922
FAX 233-2418

Forester Instituto Internacional
P.O. Box 6945
1000 San José, Costa Rica
Phone: (506) 225-3155, 225-0135 and 225-1649
Fax: (506)225-9236
Web: http://www.cool.co.cr/usr/forester/welcome.html/

Ad Astra Languages Institute
P.O Box 752-2100 Guadalupe
San José, Costa Rica
Phone/fax: (506) 236-7401
Email: adastra@sol.racsa.co.cr

Web: http://www.westnet.com/costarica/adastra/adastra.html/

El Salvador

International Solidarity Center & M.A.M. Language School
Urbanizacion Padilla Cuellar
Pasaje Los Pinos, #17
San Salvador, El Salvador
Central America
tel/fax: 011-503-225-0076
Email: cis@nicarao.apc.org
U.S. Address:
Melida Anaya Montes School
19 W. 21st St., Suite 502
New York, NY 10010
tel: (212) 229-1290
fax: (212) 645-7280
Email: cispesnatl@igc.apc.org


Eco-Escuela de Espanol
San Andres, Quatemala
U.S. Address: Conservation International/Eco-Escuela
1015 18th St., NW
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
tel: (202) 973-2264
fax: (202) 887-5188
Email: m.sister@conservation.org

The Spanish Academy "XINABAJUL"
6a Ave. 0-69
Zona 1
Phone/Fax: 064-1518
Contact: Maria Eugenia Dominguez

Proyecto Linguistico Francisco Marroquin
Apartado Postal 237
4a. Avenida Sur #4
Antigua, Sacatepequez

Chatwaligoq Language School
5a Calle 17-32, Zona 3
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Phone: (502)-9-612980
U.S. address: Box 31783
Tucson, AZ 85751

Escuela Juan Sisay
Diagonal 13 15-57, Zona 1
15 Avenida 8-38, Zona 1
Guatemala, C.A.
Phone: (502) 9-616344
Fax: (502) 9-632198
U.S. Contact: Jean Dodge
3465 Cedar Valley Ct.
Smyrma, GA 30080
Phone: 404-436-6283
Web Site: http://www.redshift.com/~pediger1/js/js.html
Email: pediger@redshift.com
- Family stay, 5 hours of instruction $100 per week

Guatemala Unlimited
- runs Centro Linguistico Maya (CLM)
U.S. address: P. O. Box 786
Berkeley, CA 94701
Phone: 415-661-5364
Email: 733-8621@MCImail.com

Proyecto Linguistico Santa Maria (PLSM)
14 Av. "A" 1-26
Apdo. 230
Zona 1
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Phone: 011-502-961-8608 or 011-502-961-2570
Fax: 011-52-961-8281
U.S. Contact: Ted Keller
Phone: 217-857-3542

La Hermandad Educativa is comprised of the following three Proyecto Linguisticos with North American Contacts:Lea McDermid
915 Cole Street, Suite 363
San Francisco, CA 94117
Edward Schmitt
1106 2060 Bellwood Ave.
Burnaby British Columbia
Canada V5B 4P2
Email: edschmit@unix.infoserve.net

Proyecto Linguistico Quezalteco de Espanol
Apdo. Postal 114
(street address 5a Calle 2-40, Zona 1)
Quezaltengo, Guatemala, CA
Tel/Fax: 011 502 963 1060
- Also offers courses in Quiche.

Proyecto Linguistico de Espanol Education Para Todos
Apdo. Postal 379
(Street address 6a Calle 7-42, Zona 1)
Quetzaltenangom Guatemala, CA
Tel/Fax: 011-502-963-0717
- These schools offer topics on national elections, natural healing and development. No registration fee. Classes cost $150.00USD per week during Hhigh season (June - August) . Low season and $120.00 USD (September - May), including 5 hours of one on one instruction and room and board.

Proyecto Linguistico de Espanol/Mam Todos Santos
Todos Santos C.
Huehuetenango, Guatemala C.A.
Telephone: 011-502-963-1061
- Classes cost $100 year round, including 5 hours of one on one instruction and room and board.

Nahual Academia de Lenguaje
Phone/Fax: (011) (502) (9) 322 713
6a. Avenida Norte No. 9
Antigua, Guatemala, 03-001
- 4 hours of class per day, one-on-one with an instructor costs $60 per week, and housing with a family costs $40 per week, with 3 meals per day included (except Sunday)

Spanish School San Jose el Viejo
5a. Avenida Sur 34
Antigua, Guatemala
Phone: 502 9 323028
Fax: 502 9 323029
(After 5.4.96; Tel.: +(502) 832-3028 Fax: + (502) 832-3029)
Email: spanish@guate.net

Centro de Estudios de Espanol "Pop Wuj"
Apdo. Postal 68
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Phone/Fax: 502-9-61-82-86
U.S. contact: Peggy Rossi or Jon Averill
P.O Box 158, Sandstone, West Virginia, 25985-0158
Phone/Fax: (304)466-2685
Email: PopWuj@aol.com


Eco-Escuela Language School
P.O. Box 797
La Ceiba Honduras
Fax: (504) 43-0700
Web: Ecoescuela Language School

Centro de Lenguas y Aprendizaje Practico
P.O. Box 2972
Tegucigalpa, D.C., Honduras
Central America
Phone: 37-3250
Fax: 32-7493

Honduran Institute of Interamerican Culture
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Phone: 37-7539

Copan Ruinas
Contact: Darla Brown de Hernandez
Phone: (011-504) 57-6215
Fax: (011-504) 57-6215
Fax: (011-504) 98-0004
- Associated with the local Go Native Tours

Centro Internacional de Idiomas
P.O. Box 71
Trujillo, Colon, Honduras
Contact: Belinda Linton
Fax: 44-4777

Conversa Language School
Colonia Palmira, Calle Brazil #2419
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Telephone 36-5170 or 36-7420

Copan Escuela de Espanol
Copan Ruins, Honduras
Contact: Fernando Gamboa
Fax 98-0004


Centro Nicaraguense de Aprendizaje Cultural (CENAC)
De los Bancos 1,5 Cuadras al Sur
(Frente a Farmacia San Sebastian)
Esteli, Nicaragua
Tel: +505 71 32025

Escuela Espanol Horizonte
Casa de las Mujeres Desempleadas
Apartado 72
Esteli, Nicaragua
Tel/Fax: +505 71 32240

Mexican Language Schools


Instituto de Comunicacion y Cultura
M. Alcala #307-12
Colonia Centro
68000 Oaxaca, Oax.
Phone/Fax: (951) 634-43
Contacts: Yolanda Garcia Caballero and Warren Lyle
Email: iccoax@antequera.antequera.com

Instituto Cultural Oaxaca
Apartado Postal 340
68000 Oaxaca
Phone: 011-52-951-5-34-04
Fax: 011-52-951-5-37-28

San Cristbal de las Casas

Centro Bilingue
Calle Real de Guadalupe 55
San Cristbal de las Casas, Chiapas
Contact: Roberto Rivas, Director
Phone and Fax: 011-52-967-8-37-23
U.S. Phone: 1-800-303-4983


Instituto de Espanol Moderno
Av. 21 No. 195 x 12 Col. Mexico Oriente
Merida, Yuc., Mex.
Tel.(99) 25-95-28 Fax. (99)26-94-17
Email: jott@iastate.edu
Email: multipro@yucatan.com.mx


Cuernavaca Spanish Institute
Av. Plan de Ayala 513-B
Col. Los Volcanes
Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico
Phone: (011) (52) (73) 16-25-83
Fax: (011) (52) (73) 15-60-19

Experiencia-Centro de Intercambio Bilingue y Cultural
Apdo. Postal C-96
Cuernavaca, Morelos
Phone: (73) 18-52-92

Centro de Artes y Lenguas (CALE)
P.O. Box 1777
062000 Cuernavaca, Morelos
Phone: (011) (73) 13-06-03 or (73) 17-31-26
Fax: (011) (73) 13-73-52
Contact: Xavier Sotel

The Mexican Immersion Center
Language School
P.O. Box 4-193
Cuernavaca, Morelos
62431 Mexico
Phone: 57 (73) 22-10-83
Fax: 57 (73) 15-79-53
Contact: Dalel Cortes A.


Centro Mexicano Internacional (CMI)
Calz. Fray. Antonio de San Miguel 173
Morelia, Mich.
Phone: 011-52-32-12-4596
Fax: 011-52-43-13-9890
US Address: Centro Mexicano Internacional A.C.
14542 Brookhollow, Suite 279
San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone: 1-800-835-8863
Email: cmi@jupiter.ccu.umich.mx
Contact: Victor Padelford, International Director


Instituto Falcon
Callejon de la Mora 158
Guanajuato, GTO 36000
Fax: (473) 2-36-94
Contact: Jorge Barroso

Academia Hispano Americana
Mesones 4
37700 San Miguel de Allende
Phone: 011-51-415-2-03-49
Fax: 011-52-415-2-23-33

U.S. Contacts

Language Studies Abroad
249 S. Hwy 101, Suite 226
Solana Beach, CA 92075 USA
Phone: (619) 943-0204
Fax: (619) 943-1201
Contact: Charlene Biddulph

Foreign Language Study Abroad Service (FLSAS)
5935 SW 64th Avenue
South Miami, FL 33142-9972 USA
Phone: (305) 662-1090
Fax: (305) 662-2907

Interamerican University Studies Institute
P.O. Box 10958
Eugene, OR 97440
Phone: 800-345-IUSI
Phone: (541) 344-8940
Fax: (541) 686-5947
Email: iusi2oregon@efn.org

The Interamerican University Studies Institute is a non-profit Oregon organization dedicated to fostering cultural and educational exchange with Latin America. IUSI's home office is in Eugene.

All participants in IUSI programs must carry valid health insurance for the duration of the program. If you do not have health insurance IUSI can assist you with referral's.

To learn more about these and other IUSI programs or more about Mexico, or for links to other WEB sites about Mexico visit IUSI's WEB site at: http://www.efn.org/~iusi.

National Register Center for Studies Abroad
823 N. Second St.
Milwaukee WI 53203
Phone: 414-278-0631
- The catalog costs $5

AmeriSpan Unlimited
P.O. Box 40513
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 215-985-4522
Email: info@amerispan.com and amerispan@aol.com

AmeriSpan Unlimited offers classes at Spanish schools throughout Latin America. They also have a web site: http://www.amerispan.com.

Other Helpful Reference Numbers:

Honduras Travel Tips
P.O. Box 531
Mountain View, CA 94042
Contact: Brad Martin
Email: Honduras1@aol.com

Brad produces a monthly update on Honduras as well as an individually designed information package.

Transitions Abroad
18 Hulst Road
PO Box 1300
Amherst, MA 01004

Transtions Abroad is a bimonthly magazine, providing "active travelers of all ages with practical, usable information on economical, purposeful international travel opportunities. Subscriptions cost $19.95 for six issues, $26 outside of the United States. The July/August issue, The Educational Travel Planner is available for $5 postpaid.

International Career Employment Opportunities
Rt. 2, Box 305
Stanardsville, VA 22973
Phone: 804-985-6444
Email: 76355.400@Compuserve.com

International Career Employment Opportunities is published bi-weekly. Subscriptions are $29 for two months, $229 for one year (hope you get a job as quickly as possible!). There are no fees to employers for listing job openings.

South American Explorer's Club (SAEC)
126 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 277-0488
Contact: Don Montague

The SAEC has numerous resources for its members as well as the most dynamic magazine for the South American traveler. If you're heading south, please contact this group! Membership in the SAEC is one of the world's best bargains.

Happy travels!

1995-1996 Copyright: ron@txinfinet.com and RonMader@aol.com, expanded from El Planeta Platica: Eco Travels in Latin America (http://www.planeta.com). Distribution welcome. Suggestions and corrections encouraged! Web site sponsorship and advertising in the print version of Planeta are available.

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