UMIACS Position Announcements

UMIACS Fellowships
For graduate students applying to the following programs: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Philosophy, Linguistics, Business and Management, Mechanical Engineering .
UMIACS Post Doctoral Positions
The University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) invites applications for post doctoral positions, beginning summer/fall '96 in the following areas: Real-time Video Indexing, Natural Language Processing, and Neural Modeling. Exceptionally strong candidates from other areas will also be considered..
DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS AND UMIACS Tenure Track (open rank) position
The Department of Linguistics and UMIACS (University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies) invite applications for a position (open rank) in Computational Linguistics to begin in the Fall semester of 1996. We seek candidates with established records of research excellence who are interested in working on topics at the interface of linguistic theory and computational modeling.
Parallel Processing Lab
Permanent and student positions are available.

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