Photo credit: Philip Dattilo.

Welcome to the University of Michigan!

Today At U-M
What's happening on and around campus.
Information Technology
Computing resources on campus.
Faculty and Staff Services
Resources and services for U-M faculty and staff.
Campus Information & Directories
Locators for people, places, and things at U-M.
Libraries and Museums
Admissions and Student Services
Admissions information, registrar's office and other student services.
Schools, Colleges, and Campuses
The Classroom
Information about courses, schedules, and learning support resources.
Alumni Services
Athletics, Clubs, and Organizations
Research and Technology Transfer
Beyond The U-M

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As there are many ways to organize information, and many reasons for needing it, we provide several means of access. The gateway will also provide you with information about specific services as you locate them, describing the features and limitations of each service. We also provide usage statistics for this service (only available to sites).

Copyright © 1995, The Regents of the University of Michigan

University of Michigan Information Gateway project

Last updated: Wednesday, 07-Feb-96 09:17:17 EST