- 1978. Temple Organization in a Chinese Village. (sole author)
- 1987. Journey to the North: An Ethnohistorical analysis and annotated translation of the Chinese Folk Novel Pei-yu chi. (sole author)
- 1989. Ecology and Empire: Nomads in the Cultural Evolution of the Old World. (sole editor)
- 1991. Rulers from the Steppe: State Formation on the Inner Eurasian Periphery. (joint editor)
- 1991. The Taoist Tradition in Chinese Religion. (sole editor)
- 1992. Foundation of Empire: Archeology and Art of the Eurasian Steppes. (sole editor)
- 1993. Chinese Religion: An annotated bibliography of publications in western language, 1981 though 1990 (Compiled by Laurence G. Thompson).
- In Press. Ancient Traditions: Shamanism in Central Asia and the Americas. (joint editor with Jane Day)
- In Press. The Literati Tradition in Chinese Religion. (sole editor)
- In Press. Resources for Mulian Studies in China and the West. (joint author with Fei Peng)
- In Preparation. The Buddhist Tradition in Chinese Religion. (sole editor)
- In Preparation. The Chinese Religious Traditions Collated. Books (joint editor)
- In Preparation. Journey to the South: An Ethnohistorical analysis and annotated translation of the Chinese Folk Novel Nan-yu chi. (sole author)
- In Preparation. Chinese Shamanism: A companion ethnography to the film. Film to be distributed in videotape form along with this monograph.
- In Preparation. An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Religious Books from Taiwan.
- In Preparation. Chinese Geomancy: A Traditional Science of the Earth.
- In Preparation. Hypermedia in Ethnography: a new methodology of anthropological representation. (including a computer interactive hypermedia software program)
- CD-ROM in preparation. Mulian Dramas from Taiwan: a computer interactive analysis.
- CD-ROM in preparation. The Tiv of Nigeria: The collected works of Paul Bohannan.
Articles (sole author):
- 1976 . Ancestors, Geomancy and Mediums in Taiwan. In Ancestors (ed. William Newell). Mouton: The Hague.
- 1978. Ethnographic Film From the Field to the Classroom: Methodological and Practical Considerations in the Collection and Dissemination of Film Records of Popular Religion in China. Chinoperl Papers 7: 107-35.
- 1980. In the Presence of Authority: Hierarchial Roles in Chinese Spirit Medium Cults. In Normal and Deviant Behavior in Chinese Culture. Reidel: Dordrect.
- 1981. Blood Bowls and Black Dogs: The Sexual Politics of Karmic Retribution in a Chinese Hell. In The Anthropology of Chinese Society in Taiwan (ed. E. Martin Ahern and Hill Gates Rosenow). pp. 381-96. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- 1982. Chinese Spirit Money: An Interpretation. Journal of the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions 10:81-90.
- 1986. Only Half-Way to Godhead: The Chinese Geomancer as Alchemist and Cosmic Pivot. Asian Folklore Studies 45,1: 1-18.
- 1986 . Authorship of the Pei Yu Chi: Journey to the North. Journal of Asian Studies 45,3: 483-497.
- 1989. Mulien Dramas and Funeral Ritual in Puli, Taiwan. In The Mulien Operas of China: Their Ritual Context and Social Significance. Berkeley: University of California Press
- 1989. The Emperor of the Dark Heavens and the Han River Gateway into China. In Ecology and Empire: Nomads in the Cultural Evolution of the Old World
- 1992 . Winds, waters, seeds and souls: folk concepts of physiology and etiology in Chinese geomancy. Pp. 74-97 in Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge, Berkeley: Univ CA
- 1994 . The Emperor of the Dark Heavens: Inner Asia Origins in Chinese Shamanism. In Ancient Traditions: Shamanism in Central Asia and the Americas.
Articles (joint author):
- 1992. Hypermedia in Ethnography (Homer Williams, joint author). Pp. 300-311 in Film as Ethnography, Manchester University Press.
- 1993 Processing Visual Data in Ethnography: Fieldwork, Filework and Fieldinfo. (Homer Williams, joint author)
- Feng-shen yen-i: The Enfeoffment of the Gods
- What Everyone Should Know About Geomancy (Ti-Li Jen-Tzu Hsu-Chih). This is the standard Ming Dynasty compendium of geomancy, upon which most later works are based
- 1990 Writer/Director A Yangtze Pilgrimage A film series based on footage shot in 1980-81 in the Yangtze River basin by Japanese film crews of Sada Planning, Inc.
- 1974 Writer/Director/Editor CHINESE POPULAR RELIGION. A series of ten films dealing with varied topics of Chinese religious life and ritual.
- 1. The Rite of Cosmic Renewal (35 minutes)
- 2. The Temple of Lord Kuan (24 minutes)
- 3. Blood, Bones and Spirits (36 minutes)
- 4. Weapons (25 minutes)
- 5. Fengshui: Chinese Geomancy (16 minutes)
- 6. The Luck of the Lord of the Land (15 minutes)
- 7. Chinese Curing Seance (15 minutes)
- 8. Chinese Wedding Feast (24 minutes)
- 9. Chinese Funeral Ritual (24 minutes)
- 10. Breaking the Blood Bowl (18 minutes)
- 1977 Writer/Director/Editor
- THE CHINESE CULT OF THE DEAD. (16mm 34 minutes)
- 1977 Writer/Director/Editor
- CHINESE SHAMANISM. (16mm 34 minutes)
- 1990. Participation in 2nd International Visual Anthropology Conference at Manchester. Presented paper Processing Visual Data in Ethnography: Fieldwork, Filework and Fieldinfo. (Homer Williams, joint author).
- 1992. Participation in Eyes across the Water - 2nd Visual Anthropology Conference at Amsterdam. Chair of session and author of paper Processing Visual Data in Ethnography: Fieldwork, Filework and Fieldinfo. (Homer Williams, joint author).
- 1992. Gšttingen, Germany. Institut fŸr den wissenschaftlichen Film. Encyclopaedia Cinematographica
Jubilee Conference. Presented interactive program entitled Hypermedia off-the-shelf. (co-authors: Michael Mascha and Homer Williams)
- 1992. ETHNOLOG 1.0. Interactive logging software for visual anthropologists. (co-authors: Michael Mascha and Homer Williams)
- 1993. Virtual Chimps. Possibly the first interactive CD-ROM with full motion digital video in anthropology. Interactive frontend for multimedia archive based on the work of Jane Goodall's research among the chimpanzees at Gombe National Park, Tanzania and incorporating 40 minutes of audiovisual data. (co-authors: Michael Mascha and Homer Williams)
- 1993. Chinese China. A world of Porcelain. Proof of concept interactive kiosk/CD-ROM for the Smithsonian Museum in collaboration with the School for Cinema/TV at USC. (co-authors: Michael Mascha and Homer Williams)
- 1993. The Buddhist Monk Mulian: A Chinese Paragon of Filial Piety. Proof of concept interactive kiosk/CD-ROM. (co-authors: Michael Mascha and Homer Williams)
- 1993. Chinese China (Prototype for a computer interactive program about Chinese porcelain)
- 1993. Marseilles.
- 1993 AAA meeting Washington. Presentation at workshop: Interactive multimedia in visual anthropology. (co author: Michael Mascha
- 1993 Industrial Associates Research Review in the emerging field of MULTIMEDIA AND CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY, October 5. at USC. Paper presented: VIRTUAL CHIMPS AND CYBORG GORILLAS (co author: Michael Mascha)
- 1994. MacWorld Exposition in San Francisco. Presentation of interactive digital program Virtual Chimps at the EyeQ exhibit.
- 1994. Margret Mead Film Festival, Second Annual Los Angeles Venue. Organizer.
- Read: Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin and Taiwanese [Southern Min]), Dutch, French, Spanish, German (Old Norse, Middle High German, Old High German)
- Speak: German, some Dutch and Plattdeutsch, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin, Southern Min [Taiwanese], some Cantonese)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Association of Asian Studies
- American Anthropological Association
- Society for the Study of Chinese Religion
- Asian Folklore Scholars
- Research Associate of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History
- Council for Museum Anthropology
- Society for Visual Anthropology