VICNET Search VICNET, Australia and the Web


This is a searchable index of information indexed by Swish and linked to the web by wwwwais

You can search for whole words, eg 'environmental' or use wildcards, eg 'env*'. You can also use the normal boolean operators, 'and', 'or' and 'not', eg 'env* and vol*'. If you leave out the boolean operator the system will assume an 'and', eg 'env* vol*' is the same as 'env* and vol*'.

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Little Aussie Web Wombat

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Infoseek Search

InfoSeek is a comprehensive and accurate WWW search engine. You can type your search in plain English or just enter key words and phrases. You can also use special query operators:

Visit the Cyberspace Searcher's Short List to search for software (ftp), newsgroups, mailing lists, people and so on.

Note: It contains a link back to this page as well as another Infoseek search slot.

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