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Last changed 6 March 1996

The Best Parent is Both Parents

That's the motto of the Children's Rights Council (CRC), a national, non-profit, tax exempt, IRS 501(c)(3) children's rights organization based in Washington, DC.


CRC works to assure a child the frequent, meaningful and continuing contact with two parents and extended family the child would normally have during a marriage. We work to strengthen families through education, favoring family formation and family preservation. Unlike many other organizations with some of the same concerns, CRC is genderless; we are not a women's group nor a men's group. Rather, we advocate what we believe to be in the best interests of children including the Children's Bill of Rights.

For the child's benefit, CRC:


CRC was formed in 1985 (as the National Council for Children's Rights) by concerned parents who have more than 40 years collective experience in divorce reform and early childhood education. We have state chapters and national affiliate organizations.

The national organization coordinates the state chapters, publishes a quarterly newsletter, testifies on behalf of our positions before the U.S. Congress, communicates with the national media, provides published materials including books, briefs, and cassettes consistent with our purpose, meets with policy makers throughout the country, and generally educates people of the plight of our children due to prevalent practices in our courts and departments of human services.

Our state chapters vary in the breadth and depth of their activities but essentially act on behalf of children in the same manner as the national organization. They coordinate formation and support of local chapters (at the region, county, or city level), publish newsletters, interact with the media, testify before state policy makers, and educate the public.

CRC National Conference

CRC's Tenth National Conference Family Values Means Valuing Families--10 Years of Kids and CRC will be held from April 24-28, 1996 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia.

2 Parents by 2000

David Levy, CRC president, announced a new CRC initiative, "2 Parents by 2000", a drive to assure that all children in America have two parents by the year 2000. CRC plans, with its chapters, to hold a series of town hall meetings to form a grass-roots effort to promote the "2 Parents by 2000" drive.


We are not, and do not have, lobbyists but we take positions on bills before the legislature and have participated in legislative hearings. We attempt to keep state and federal legislators informed of how we believe problems related to our purpose should be solved. Our legislative pages contain information on current legislation, how to find copies of the bills, and how to contact legislators.


Help us in the effort to enhance a child's chance of life with two parents and full extended family. If you or your children are in a state with a CRC state chapter, join that chapter. Membership there includes full membership in the national organization. If your state does not have a chapter, please join the national organization. Your contribution is tax deductible.

To join us, grab our membership form and run with it. For more information about national's resources of publications, cassettes, catalogs, and services, or to make a tax deductible contribution,

write to

Children's Rights Council
Suite 200
220 I (Eye) Street NE
Washington, DC 20002-4362

or call


(We agree the best alternative is electronic and missing. We're working on it.)

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Many thanks to Paul Vixie for giving us this space!
Questions about and corrections for these pages are welcomed by Bruce Kaskubar, CRC of Minnesota