There is a separate page about praying. How people experiment the spiritual contact with God during the recovery. Please check if you are interested in that issue. Anonymous email service is activated to protect the anonymity. 6/16/95

Please note that an293440 is the id for who@where, which means "I won't let you know !" -- Just kidding.

Feedback from visitors about Sex and Love Addiction

Recent Feedbacks

Subject: trademark infringement

We recently sent you e-mail informing you of our hot links list, The Wild
Side, and asking you to link to in return.

Unfortunately, we have been recently threatened with a lawsuit for trademark
infringement by FutureSex magazine if we do not terminate this domain
shortly.  Therefore we are required to ask you to change the link to The new title is "Sweden's Dreamsex Fantasyworld".  

We would appreciate it if you would update any links immediately and e-mail
notice of your compliance.

Thanks for your time and attention.  If this e-mail doesn't apply to you, we
apologize in advance.

new URL:  
Sweden's Dreamsex Fantasyworld

Somebody has kept sending me junky "hello" messages by the service. Please stop this malicious behavior ( if this is not from some conputer default ). If you do not identify with the message that we try to deliver here, go somewhere else and enjoy your own life. Use the search engine to find whatever you want. Do not bother me by these internet junks.
Date: 19 Feb 1996

 I am opposed to censorship in any form, and I am opposed to 
Christianity in any form.  The only thing we should censor is the 
stupid Bible.  

Comment : If you oppose censorship in this feedback, I can give you the message that I have blocked. The page promoting masturbation is at and the page that asked me to cross link is at The password the gentleman gave me I also give it to you, sexy69.
Date: 19 Feb 1996

I enjoy tastefull nude pictures of people. I don't feel 
that the nude body is disgraceful, disgusting, or evil. 
I feel that you should get a grasp on reality instead of 
letting some book that is over 1600 years old run your 
life. Secondly, Christ never set traps to try and humilate 
people into doing what he felt was right. You my friend 
are a bigger sinner than anyone who accesses this page. 
Christ was about getting people to love each other through 
total acceptance of one another.You should concentrate 
your efforts on something that is truely repulsive, 
violence and the seemingly disrespect people have when they 
try to dominate people mentally and physically. You my 
friend are no better then me or anyone else, so stop trying 
to act like you have cornered the market on morality and 
rightiousness, because in reality all you have cornered is 
your own sick perverted world where you are perfect and 
anybody who disagrees with you is sick and sexually obssesed. 

Comment : If you enjoy pornography ( just as I did and maybe I still do from time to time that we call it relapse ), then you do not belong to this recovery site. I do not behave self-righteous, I am just a human being who got lost in understanding sexuality ( as I perceived myself ). This is not a battlefield for religions, please. Give something constructive to us addicts !
Date: 19 Feb 1996

 "Demon Possession Handbook for Human Service Workers" .
Deliverance from demon possession by the power of the Holy 
Spirit. -- This is must reading for all human service 
workers.  Descriptions of causes, effects, and the Holy 
Spirit as the solution.  Also 4 primary symptoms:  violence, 
lust, greed, unnatural power of persuasion.  Glossary.  Ted 
Bundy's execution eve interview.  All resources linked to 
Home Page.  Free!

 "Bible Sex Facts" .
Frank, Bible-based discussions of all aspects of human 
sexuality, including: Remaining virgins until marriage; 
communication; foreplay; masturbation; oral sex; petting; 
pornography during foreplay; sexual fantasies; mutual 
orgasms.  Free.

Both Books Include Excerpts From Ted Bundy's Execution-Eve 
Interview With Dr. James Dobson.

All resources linked to Home Pages

Feb/3/96, 4 visitors. Feb/4/96, 4 visitors. Feb/5/96, 2 visitors.
Feb/6/96, 1 visitor. Feb/7/96, 2 visitors. Feb/8/96, 39 visitors.
Feb/9/96, 104 visitors. Feb/13/96, 4 visitors. Feb/14/96, 4 visitors.
Feb/15/96, 2 visitors. Feb/16/96, 1 visitor. Feb/17/96, 2 visitors.
Feb/18/96, 39 visitors. Feb/19/96, 104 visitors. 


Date: 11 Feb 1996
Subject: Just hope to Be Heard Is This A Start?

 Hello my name is Robert. I am a 33 yr old male with Multiple
Personalites. I come here seeking help. Understanding. An ear
to hopefully listen. I am afraid of this group but i am more
afraid of my compulsive behavior. I am a person who masturbates
alot and is dependent on porn. I am really worknig hard in 
therapy to deal with this but at times it is too much. I have
begun to write a masturbation journal, a work that I do when
I feel the compulsion to masturbate. It helps a lot but 
tonight I did it twice. My therapist feels I need not go "cold turkey" 
and I am looking at why this is so important to me. I don't 
know if this is the right place to talk but at least it's a 
start. Could you please help.


Robert With MPD 

Comment : Hang on there. We all suffer similar problems. For the issue of going cold "turkey", I suggest that you go as far as you can, but don't beat youself up if relapse. It is a process not perfection.
Date: 12 Feb 1996


I read your Dec 10th letter; I support you in your efforts for recovery. Let me know if I can be of any help...

Comment : Thank you for your compassion.
Date: 12 Feb 1996
Subject: Feedback-Prayer

The Lord has very much been a part of my recovery.  I have 
been in therapy with a Christian counselor for over 3 years.
My sex/love problem is rooted in bad boundaries while growing
up and being sexually abused (which is for sure a bad boundary)
The Lord has given me a support system which consists mostly of
caring Christian women who are not judgemental.  It is so cool
how He has taken care of me!  I am joining a Christian boundaries 
group based upon John Townsend and Henry Cloud's Boundaries book.
I am working on getting away from the porn -- especially on the internet.
I am working on my relationships, not being involved with men who
will take advantage of me or for that matter my not letting them
take advantage of me.  The interesting thing through this whole
life experience is that I am still a virgin at 29. The Lord has
taken care of me-bad boundaries and all. He is the only way to go!!!
Through this has been tremendous Christian and psychological growth.

Feb/1/96, 3 visitors. Feb/2/96, 3 visitors. Feb/3/96, 1 visitor.
Feb/6/96, 1 visitor. Feb/7/96, 1 visitor. Feb/9/96, 2 visitors.
Feb/10/96, 2 visitors. Feb/11/96, 3 visitors. Feb/12/96, 3 visitors.

Date: 1 Feb 1996
Subject: registration

Dear an,

I have a compulsive problem which fits all of your descrip-
tions for compulsive sexual behavior. 
I feel totally helpless in my ability to control it for 
more than very short periods of time.

I desperately need help but I need to be TOTALLY anonymous.
For this reason I would like to work through the internet
and not in person. If you could help me I would be eternally

Comment: But we do not have a group here !! Please see Support Group section.
Date: 3 Feb 1996

I am a mother of a 27-year old son who became 
involved in a very bad situation of alcohol 
abuse with him and his girlfriend.  My son never 
had any domestic violence problems before with 
any of his girlfriend/dates/or previous wife 
relationships; until he got hung up on this 

He married her on 8 August 1995 after the 2nd 
domestic violence charge. (With 1 assault, 
2 domestic violence, last pending in court with 
disposition  to be 5 Dec).  On early morning hours 
of 18 Nov, he had worked 7 hours, came home to a 
party, partyning all night, then he and his abusive 
wife got into a fight.  He hit her she threatened 
him with prison, he left the home about 4:30 to only 
be found about 75 miles from home about 9:30, of 

He was my only child and although he drank, she also 
drank and he was a victim of domestic violence on 
the receiving end that he would defend himself; but 
he would be charged.  Both had been drinking -- 
(There were several times 911 was not called - he
would show up at my door with black eyes, cuts, 
teeth marks, and the like).  The morning he died 
(suicide) he had black eye, teeth marks, and lacerations. 
They were only married three months and ten days.  The 
local police of any domestic violence 911 call should 
take both in on disorderly and have the courts sort it 
out --  The Ohio State laws have made it so tough for 
the males == 1st offense - a misdeamnor - 2nd offense, 
a felony could get you 18 months; 3rd offense, felony 
could get you 3 1/2 to 5 years.  If you live in OH, 
beware.  I lost my only child because he was not strong 
enough to emotionally handle the abuseive and domestic 
violence situation at home - nor could he get over this 
hangup with the girl/wife. 


Comment : The following suggested site is sexually explicit, which is assumed to be unhealthy for recovering sex addicts. I have blocked out the http address and password. If you really hunger for sex, please find it out by yourselves.
Date: 3 Feb 1996
Subject: your hot site


I thought that you'd like to know that I've added your excellent (and very
sexy) site to my list of hot links, The Wild Side, at  The Wild Side is a very popular site on
the 'net and is rated "Outstanding!" by Cyberbabes Newsletter.  It's
completely free, but it does an age verification of an FV ID (no charge at
all).  If you don't have an FV ID and want to check out the site, you can
use the backdoor password "xxxx"; just don't pass it on to anyone!

Would you please add a link in return to FutureSex at from your site?

Thanks in advance for your time and attention! :) Dream

Date: 5 Feb 1996

I strongly recommend 

Joseph R. Cruse, M.D.

This book discusses codependency with a new understanding.

He is a man in recovery and the founder of Betty Ford Clinic. 
Know of which he speaks.

It was recommended to me by a female in A.A.

Worth the time to read!

Feb/1/96, 1 visitor. Feb/2/96, 1 visitor. Feb/3/96, 3 visitors.