Test yourself for Love addiction

How to score the following problems:

1 -- Strongly Disagree

2 -- Disagree Somewhat

3 -- Lean toward Disagreeing

4 -- Neutral/Don't Know

5 -- Lean Toward Agreeing

6 -- Agree Somewhat

7 -- Strongly Agree

  1. I do not feel happy unless I know that someone loves me.
  2. I feel an irresistible impluse to pursue a person I am attracted to.
  3. If I think someone really needs me, I am attracted to that person.
  4. I do not have resources within me to deal with emotional pain I face.
  5. When I am not in a steady loving relationship, I feel empty and needy.
  6. I sometimes feel guilty about going too far sexually.
  7. I can easily identify one person I'm attracted to above all others.
  8. My parents had addictive tendencies.
  9. I fantasize about an ideal partner who would know me and love me thoroughly.
  10. I tend to view each new person ( of opposite sex ) I meet as a potential conquest.
  11. I tend to ignore the flaws in the person I am in love with.
  12. When I think about my childhood, I have unresolved issues that still cause me pain.
  13. I think there is something wrong with me that makes me hard to love.
  14. I often feel inadequate sexually.
  15. I think I can change the flaws in the person I love.
  16. I feel that I usually give in when others want something from me.
  17. Sometimes I am treated unfairly in a relationship, but it is worth it just to be loved.
  18. I fantasize about an ideal lover who will give me great pleasure.
  19. The person I am in love with makes up for my shortcomings.
  20. My romantic relationships tend to vacillate between love and hate.
  21. When I am in a romantic relationship, I tend to let all of my other friendships drift away.
  22. I feel most loved when I am involved in sexual intimacy.
  23. I get extremely jealous when my partner shows interest in someone else.
  24. I have recently suffered an emotional trauma that brought me great pain.
  25. When I am in a loving relationship, I feel energized and powerful.
  26. I often fantasize about having sex with people I see on TV or in the movies.
  27. I feel physically ill if I have to be away from the one I love for a week or more.
  28. When I am in a relationship, it tends to control my life.

Score Sheet

1.	2.	3.	4.
5.	6.	7.	8.
9.	10.	11.	12.
13.	14.	15.	16.
17.	18.	19.	20.
21.	22.	23.	24.
25.	26.	27.	28.
(L)	(S)	(P)	(G)	<-- column sum

(L) Love addiction

49-45 : You tend to use romantic relationships to survive. You feel that you need to be in "love" in order to be somebody.

44-39 : You have a tendency to love addiction. You are vulnerable to your high expectation for love. 38-32 : You lean toward the addiction but it is not a ongoing danger for you.

31-26 : It is not a problem now but it may be brought up by a crisis.

25-0 : You are okey in this test !

(S) Sex addiction

25-0 : You are okey in this test !

(P) Addicted to a person

(G) General addictive pattern