50 Greatest Conspiracies: Dept. of Reruns
The Discovery Channel Online 

MEETS Conspiracies 

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do not reflect those of The Discovery Channel!

And frankly, we're not surprised.

See the all-time record for most disclaimers in a single interview! Check out The Discovery Channel Online's transcribed "chat" session with 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time co-author Jonathan Vankin. Vankin appeared on DCO's Web Whirl show, Saturday, February 10. Read the entire transcript on DCO's site.

Well, maybe not quite the entire transcript. In a conversation about our chapter, "Those Christ Kids," with host The Digital Diva, the following exchange ensued:

Diva: Is there really any evidence that Jesus was not crucified?
Vankin: Is there any evidence that he was?

For some reason, that part didn't make it into the transcript.

Thanks just the same to the folks at DCO for their kind hospitality.

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