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The Risc PC700 series


[Picture of Risc PC 700]

These superb, high-performance RISC-based desktop computers have been universally acclaimed by independent sources as the most innovative product to be seen for many years. Outstanding video, audio and graphics manipulation capability place it at the forefront, making it an obvious choice for the discerning user. The ability to run PC applications at 486 speeds, with the highly innovative Risc PC 486 Card connected to the Open Bus slot, means users can take advantage of virtually all applications in the PC world whilst retaining all the state-of-the-art features of the Acorn desktop environment. Acorn's Risc PC 486 Card is the lowest cost PC capability on any RISC platform in the world.

Multimedia systems exploit text, graphics, audio and video. CD-ROM is by far the most popular way of providing applications of this type and this Risc PC CD-ROM system comes with a market leading, double speed internal CD-ROM drive with combined CD and computer audio; lightning fast manipulation of still and moving images; high performance multi-channel stereo sound as standard and its expansion capabilities make it ideal for storing network resources.

	Product:			Code

	Risc PC700 5M HD425:		ACB70/AKF60 or AKF85
	Risc PC700 5M HD425 CD:		ACB71/AKF60 or AKF85
	Risc PC700 10M HD850:		ACB75/AKF60 or AKF85
	Risc PC700 10M HD850 CD:	ACB76/AKF60 or AKF85

AKF60 is a 14" SVGA Colour Monitor and the AKF85 is a 17" SVGA Colour Monitor

Please click on the product code for the specifications.

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