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Membership Application Form

To become a member of The ARM Club, please complete this form as

fully as possible and return it with your cheque to the Club Membership

Secretary at the address below.

Name ________________________________________________

Title __________________________

First Name(s) __________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________




Post Code ____________________   Telephone Number ______________________________

Please answer as many of the following questions as possible:

Which model(s) of Acorn Archimededs or Risc PC do you own? _____________________


What version of RISC OS do you use (eg 2.00, 3.00, 3.10, 3.50) ? _______________

Do you own any peripherals for you computer (eg printer, hard disc, PC card)?

If so, which?



What are your Archimedes or Risc PC interests? Please tick as many as you like:

Education        [   ]       Music           [   ]      Games              [   ]

Comms            [   ]       DTP             [   ]      Graphics           [   ]

PD Software      [   ]       Multimedia      [   ]      Programming        [   ]

Databases        [   ]       Spreadsheets    [   ]      Pocket Book        [   ]

Please rate your knowledge and experience of Acorn 32 bit computers:

Beginner         [   ]       Average         [   ]      Experienced        [   ]

Programmer       [   ]

How long have you been a user of Acorn computers ? ____________  years

                                                   ____________  months

Would you be interested in attending / organising local meetings?       Yes / No

May we pass your name and address on to other Club Members?             Yes / No
I enclose herewith my membership donation (minimum of £12) towards the Club, for one year's membership. I understand that the Club is non-profit making, and the donation is used to pay for administrative and running costs (such as postage, materials, correspondence etc). I agree to abide by the Constitution and Byelaws of The ARM Club.

Signed ________________________________________  Date ________________________________________

Please make cheques payable to "The ARM Club", and send to:

The ARM Club Membership Secretary, FREEPOST ND6573, LONDON, N12 0BR