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Ameol for CIX


Introducing Ameol

With so many conferences and topics to choose from, you are quite likely to run up a large phone bill in a very short period of time. Much of the problem is due to the diversity of CIX. People, as a rule, usually have a wide range of interests, and CIX is the ideal forum in which to explore these interests.

Ameol helps you to cut those phone bills. Ameol is an electronic autopilot: it automatically dials up CIX, logs on using your CIX name and password, captures all unread messages, then logs off again. And, because Ameol works without your intervention, you can leave it to do its job and come back when it has finished.

Ameol is also a simple database manager, it organises all the unread messages by topic and conference. You can step through each unread message one at a time, or skip ahead to another topic. You can arrange the topics in order of interest, so Ameol always displays the unread messages in your favourite topics first. And, as you go along, you can reply to messages, start new threads of discussion or even print messages for a permanent record.

Because CIX also allows you to download files, Ameol makes the task simpler. If you know the name of the file, and the topic in which it is located, you can just tell Ameol and it will go ahead and download the files automatically. Or you can ask it to download the file list, an index of all files in the topic, and you can scan the list looking for the file you want. There is no need to waste time doing this while connected to CIX; Ameol does the job for you!

And because Ameol makes using CIX so much cheaper, it also helps you to use CIX more intelligently. Because you buld up a collection of messages in each topic, when you need to refer back to a message, Ameol will help you find it. Because all the messages are stored on your local hard diosk in an organised fashion, Ameol can save you having to go back to CIX to retrieve the one you want.

Ameol makes CIX fun to use!

System Requirements

The following list describes the system requirements for running Ameol:

Customer Support

Customer Support is provided through the ameol_reg conference on CIX. If you have not yet registered a copy of Ameol, then you can obtain help with getting started from the moderators in the ameol conference. However, the moderators are only entitled to offer support as far as helping you to get up and running and to resolve any problems during the 30 day evaluation period.

Once you are satisfied that Ameol will meet your needs, you are encouraged to register the product. In the ameol_reg conference, you can download extra utilities that enhance the basic functionality of Ameol, obtain bug fixes and product upgrades, and the opportunity to participate in the development and testing of future versions of Ameol.

If you have any problems with CIX or Ameol, contact the CIX support staff in one of the following ways:

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